Recordings from rhesus macaque LIP during a selective attention task and iontophoretic dopaminergic drug application

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Simultaneous recordings from rhesus macaque V1 and V4 during a selective attention task. Recorded in the lab of Alexander Thiele at Newcastle University, UK.

These preprocessed data allow reproduction of the main analyses and results reported in the paper "Dopamine influences attentional rate modulation in Macaque posterior parietal cortex", van Kempen (2022) Nature Scientific Reports (URL to follow).
Code can be found here.

Data organisation & files

Data is organised by subject and recording date. The folder data/processed contains the files necessary to replicate the main results described in this article. Output from the analyses and the pooled results will be stored in data/analysed and data/population, respectively.


In each recording folder, you can find the following files:

│   LICENCE.txt
│   datacite.yml    
└─── data
     └─── processed
          └─── J
          └─── W
               └─── 2015-05-21
               │    └─── recinfo.mat
               │    └─── trialdata.mat
               │    └─── unit.mat
               └─── 2015-05-28
               │    ...
  • recinfo.mat : table (single row) with info about the recording, including date, task, drug applied, ejection current and weight
  • trialdata.mat : struct containing trial info; drug trial, stimulus condition, reaction time and for most recordings pupil traces.
  • unit.mat : spiking activity for single/multi unit


Unit activity was extracted by manaul spike sorting. This population activity is stored in unit.mat. Inside this file, you'll find the following variables:

         StimAlign: {3x312 cell}
          CueAlign: {3x312 cell}
         Dim1Align: {3x312 cell}
idx_include_trials: 3x312 (logical)
          waveform: 1x1 (struct)

The fields ...Align are variables with the data aligned to each of the events. This is a cell array of size (number of units × number of trials). Each cell contains spike times relative to the event. The variable idx_include_trials contains logical indices that indicate which trials to include for which of the units and waveform contains the spike waveform for each unit.


The file trialdata.mat contains the metadata about each trial, e.g. the condition number, the drug condition, etc.

trialdata = 

  1×312 struct array with fields:

  • block_change: number of trials since a block change
  • block_num: block number (drugs were administered in blocks of trials)
  • cond_num: the condition number (1 & 4 for attend RF, 2 & 5 for attend away 1, 3 & 6 for attend away 2)
  • drug: boolean indicating whether fixbreak occurred on this trial
  • pupil: struct containing timestamps, samples and event times.
  • RT_EPP: the reaction time


  • Wellcome trust, 093104
  • MRC, MR/P013031/1


  • Data collection: Jochem van Kempen and Christian Brandt in the lab of Alexander Thiele, Newcastle University, UK
  • Data processing: Jochem van Kempen and Alexander Thiele
Title Macaque Posterior Parietal Cortex recordings during iontophoretic dopaminergic drug application
Authors van Kempen,Jochem;Biosciences Institute, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom;ORCID:0000-0002-0211-9545
Brandt,Christian;University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark;ORCID:0000-0003-0672-9487
Thiele,Alexander;Biosciences Institute, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom;ORCID:0000-0003-4894-0213
Description Single and multi unit recordings from Macaque posterior parietal cortex combined with iontophoretic dopaminergic drug application whilst the subjects are engaged in a selective attention task.
License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (
References van Kempen J, Brandt C, Distler C, Bellgrove MA, Thiele A. 2021. Dopamine influences attentional rate modulation in Macaque posterior parietal cortex, BioRxiv. doi:10.1101/2020.05.15.097675 [doi:10.1101/2020.05.15.097675] (IsSupplementTo)
Funding Wellcome, 093104
MRC, MR/P013031/1
Keywords Neuroscience
Posterior parietal cortex
Resource Type Dataset