123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397 |
- #### FrameBetween ####
- # # Sind alle notwendigen Pakete installiert?
- # install.packages("car")
- # install.packages("ez")
- # install.packages("ggplot2")
- # install.packages("pastecs")
- # install.packages("tidyr")
- # install.packages("Hmisc")
- # install.packages("dplyr")
- # install.packages("tidyverse")
- # install.packages("gdata")
- # install.packages("lme4")
- # install.packages("psych")
- # install.packages("psychReport")
- # install.packages("rcompanion")
- # install.packages("data.table")
- # install.packages("hrbrthemes")
- # install.packages("viridis")
- library(ggplot2)
- library(psychReport)
- library(dplyr)
- library(apa)
- library(afex)
- library(dplyr)
- library(forcats)
- library(data.table)
- library(psych)
- library(doBy)
- library(rcompanion)
- library(effectsize)
- #### Read data ####
- setwd("Your Directory")
- list_of_files <- list.files(path = "Your Directory", recursive = TRUE,
- pattern = "\\.dat$",
- full.names = TRUE)
- FrameBetween <- vroom(list_of_files)
- FrameBetween <- subset(FrameBetween, FrameBetween$subjID !=2) # MEG artifacts
- # stim: 1 = anodal /excitatory 2 = Sham/Placebo
- FrameBetween$stim <- ifelse(FrameBetween$stim == 1, "Excitatory", "Sham")
- #### Check of Programming ####
- table (FrameBetween$InitRew)
- table (FrameBetween$RisktoLoose)
- table (FrameBetween$GainLossTr)
- table (FrameBetween$subjID)
- table (FrameBetween$choice)
- describe(FrameBetween$choice)
- table (FrameBetween$stim)
- kreuztabelle <- xtabs (~ FrameBetween$RisktoLoose + FrameBetween$GainLossTr)
- xtabs (~ FrameBetween$stim + FrameBetween$subjID)
- print(kreuztabelle)
- table(FrameBetween$subjID)
- # Half of the trials risky choices?
- observed_proportion <- c(10808, 12232)
- theoretical_proportion <- c(1/2, 1/2)
- chisq.test(observed_proportion, p=theoretical_proportion)
- FrameBetween = FrameBetween %>%
- dplyr::group_by(subjID) %>%
- dplyr::mutate(TrialNumber = (row_number()-1) %% 320 +1) %>%
- ungroup()
- #### Add expected value ####
- FrameBetween <- FrameBetween %>%
- mutate(expectation_valueRisk = case_when(RisktoLoose == 20 & InitRew == 100 ~ 80,
- RisktoLoose == 40 & InitRew == 100 ~ 60,
- RisktoLoose == 60 & InitRew == 100 ~ 40,
- RisktoLoose == 80 & InitRew == 100 ~ 20,
- RisktoLoose == 20 & InitRew == 75 ~ 60,
- RisktoLoose == 40 & InitRew == 75 ~ 45,
- RisktoLoose == 60 & InitRew == 75 ~ 30,
- RisktoLoose == 80 & InitRew == 75 ~ 15,
- RisktoLoose == 20 & InitRew == 50 ~ 40,
- RisktoLoose == 40 & InitRew == 50 ~ 30,
- RisktoLoose == 60 & InitRew == 50 ~ 20,
- RisktoLoose == 80 & InitRew == 50 ~ 10,
- RisktoLoose == 20 & InitRew == 25 ~ 20,
- RisktoLoose == 40 & InitRew == 25 ~ 15,
- RisktoLoose == 60 & InitRew == 25 ~ 10,
- RisktoLoose == 80 & InitRew == 25 ~ 5,
- ))
- FrameBetween <- FrameBetween %>%
- mutate(expectation_valueSafe = case_when(InitRew == 100 ~ 40,
- InitRew == 75 ~ 30,
- InitRew == 50 ~ 20,
- InitRew == 25 ~ 10,
- ))
- FrameBetween <- FrameBetween %>%
- mutate(expectation_valueChoice = case_when(choice == 1 ~ expectation_valueRisk,
- choice == 0 ~ expectation_valueSafe,
- ))
- FrameBetween <- FrameBetween %>%
- mutate(RationalDecision = case_when(choice == 1 & expectation_valueRisk >= expectation_valueSafe ~ 1,
- choice == 0 & expectation_valueSafe >= expectation_valueRisk ~ 1,
- choice == 1 & expectation_valueRisk < expectation_valueSafe ~ 0,
- choice == 0 & expectation_valueSafe < expectation_valueRisk ~ 0,
- ))
- FrameBetween <- FrameBetween %>%
- mutate(Outcome = case_when(choice == 1 & RiskFeedback == 22 | choice == 1 & RiskFeedback == 52 | choice == 1 & RiskFeedback == 72 | choice == 1 & RiskFeedback == 102 ~ 1,
- choice == 1 & RiskFeedback == 21 | choice == 1 & RiskFeedback == 51 | choice == 1 & RiskFeedback == 71 | choice == 1 & RiskFeedback == 101 ~ 0,
- choice == 0 & GainLossTr == 0 & RiskFeedback == 0 ~ 1, # 99 oder 1
- choice == 0 & GainLossTr == 1 & RiskFeedback == 0 ~ 0 # 99 oder 0
- ))
- FrameBetween$choicepercent <- FrameBetween$choice*100
- #FrameBetween <- FrameBetween %>%
- # mutate(Outcome4 = case_when(choice == 1 & RiskFeedback == 22 | choice == 1 & RiskFeedback == 52 | choice == 1 & RiskFeedback == 72 | choice == 1 & RiskFeedback == 102 ~ 4,
- # choice == 1 & RiskFeedback == 21 | choice == 1 & RiskFeedback == 51 | choice == 1 & RiskFeedback == 71 | choice == 1 & RiskFeedback == 101 ~ 1,
- # choice == 0 & GainLossTr == 0 & RiskFeedback == 0 ~ 3,
- # choice == 0 & GainLossTr == 1 & RiskFeedback == 0 ~ 2
- # ))
- FrameBetween <- data.table(FrameBetween)
- FrameBetween[ , previousTr := shift(Outcome)]
- #FrameBetween[ , previousTr4 := shift(Outcome4)]
- PrevTrial <- subset(FrameBetween, FrameBetween$previousTr !=99)
- PrevTrial <- subset(PrevTrial, PrevTrial$previousTr !="NA")
- PrevTrial <- subset(PrevTrial, PrevTrial$TrialNumber !=1)
- #PrevTrial4 <- subset(FrameBetween, FrameBetween$previousTr4 !=99)
- #PrevTrial4 <- subset(PrevTrial, PrevTrial$previousTr4 !="NA")
- PrevTrial$previousTr <- ifelse(PrevTrial$previousTr == 1, "Gain", "Loss")
- # Choice = 0 --> no risk, Choice = 1 --> risk
- # GainLossTr: 0 = GainTrial 1 = LossTrial
- FrameRat <- subset(FrameBetween, FrameBetween$RisktoLoose !=60)
- GLMRat <- glm(formula = RationalDecision ~ stim, family = binomial(logit), data = FrameRat)
- summary(GLMRat)
- GLMFrame <- glm(formula = choice ~ GainLossTr, family = binomial(logit), data = FrameBetween)
- summary(GLMFrame)
- effectsizes <- standardize_parameters(GLMFrame, exp = TRUE)
- GLMIntFrame <- glm(formula = choice ~ stim * GainLossTr, family = binomial(logit), data = FrameBetween)
- summary(GLMIntFrame)
- effectsizes <- standardize_parameters(GLMIntFrame, exp = TRUE)
- GLMALL <- glm(formula = choice ~ stim * GainLossTr * RisktoLoose, family = binomial(logit), data = FrameBetween)
- summary(GLMALL)
- effectsizes <- standardize_parameters(GLMALL, exp = TRUE)
- GLMInitRew <- glm(formula = choice ~ stim * InitRew, family = binomial(logit), data = FrameBetween)
- summary(GLMInitRew)
- Frame_Sham <- subset(FrameBetween, FrameBetween$stim !="Excitatory")
- Frame_Ano <- subset(FrameBetween, FrameBetween$stim !="Sham")
- GLMInitRew <- glm(formula = choice ~ InitRew, family = binomial(logit), data = Frame_Sham)
- summary(GLMInitRew)
- effectsizes <- standardize_parameters(GLMInitRew, exp = TRUE)
- GLMInitRew <- glm(formula = choice ~ InitRew, family = binomial(logit), data = Frame_Ano)
- summary(GLMInitRew)
- GLMprevTr <- glm(formula = choice ~ stim * previousTr, family = binomial(logit), data = PrevTrial)
- summary(GLMprevTr)
- effectsizes <- standardize_parameters(GLMprevTr, exp = TRUE)
- Frame_Sham <- subset(PrevTrial, PrevTrial$stim !="Excitatory")
- Frame_Ano <- subset(PrevTrial, PrevTrial$stim !="Sham")
- Frame_prevLoss <- subset(PrevTrial, PrevTrial$previousTr !="Gain")
- Frame_prevGain <- subset(PrevTrial, PrevTrial$previousTr !="Loss")
- GLMprevTr <- glm(formula = choice ~ previousTr, family = binomial(logit), data = Frame_Ano)
- summary(GLMprevTr)
- effectsizes <- standardize_parameters(GLMprevTr, exp = TRUE)
- GLMprevTr <- glm(formula = choice ~ previousTr, family = binomial(logit), data = Frame_Sham)
- summary(GLMprevTr)
- effectsizes <- standardize_parameters(GLMprevTr, exp = TRUE)
- GLMprevTr <- glm(formula = choice ~ stim, family = binomial(logit), data = Frame_prevLoss)
- summary(GLMprevTr)
- GLMprevTr <- glm(formula = choice ~ stim, family = binomial(logit), data = Frame_prevGain)
- summary(GLMprevTr)
- GLMNull <- glm(formula = choice ~ 1, family = binomial(logit), data = FrameBetween)
- summary(GLMNull)
- anova(GLMFrame, GLMNull, test = "Chisq")
- anova(GLMRat, GLMNull, test = "Chisq")
- anova(GLMALL, GLMNull, test = "Chisq")
- #### Post-Hocs Interaction Risk and Expected Value ####
- apa(t.test(expectation_valueChoice ~ stim, data = FrameBetween, var.equal = TRUE, paired = FALSE,
- alternative = "greater")) # two.sided
- groupwiseMean(expectation_valueChoice ~ stim,
- data = FrameBetween,
- conf = 0.95,
- digits = 3)
- FrameAgg <- aggregate(choice ~ subjID + stim + RisktoLoose,
- data = FrameBetween, FUN = mean)
- Frame20 <- subset(FrameBetween, FrameBetween$RisktoLoose !=80)
- Frame20 <- subset(Frame20, Frame20$RisktoLoose !=60)
- Frame20 <- subset(Frame20, Frame20$RisktoLoose !=40)
- apa(t.test(expectation_valueChoice ~ stim, data = Frame20, var.equal = TRUE, paired = FALSE,
- alternative = "greater")) # two.sided
- GLM20 <- glm(formula = choice ~ stim, family = binomial(logit), data = Frame20)
- summary(GLM20)
- effectsizes <- standardize_parameters(GLM20, exp = TRUE)
- xtabs (~ Frame20$choice + Frame20$stim)
- prop.test(x = c(1089, 1001), n = c(1280, 1280),alternative = "two.sided")
- Frame40 <- subset(FrameBetween, FrameBetween$RisktoLoose !=80)
- Frame40 <- subset(Frame40, Frame40$RisktoLoose !=60)
- Frame40 <- subset(Frame40, Frame40$RisktoLoose !=20)
- apa(t.test(expectation_valueChoice ~ stim, data = Frame40, var.equal = TRUE, paired = FALSE,
- alternative = "greater")) # two.sided
- xtabs (~ Frame40$choice + Frame40$stim)
- GLM40 <- glm(formula = choice ~ stim, family = binomial(logit), data = Frame40)
- summary(GLM40)
- prop.test(x = c(852, 867), n = c(1280, 1280),alternative = "two.sided")
- Frame60 <- subset(FrameBetween, FrameBetween$RisktoLoose !=80)
- Frame60 <- subset(Frame60, Frame60$RisktoLoose !=20)
- Frame60 <- subset(Frame60, Frame60$RisktoLoose !=40)
- apa(t.test(expectation_valueChoice ~ stim, data = Frame60, var.equal = TRUE, paired = FALSE,
- alternative = "greater"))
- xtabs (~ Frame60$choice + Frame60$stim)
- GLM60 <- glm(formula = choice ~ stim, family = binomial(logit), data = Frame60)
- summary(GLM60)
- effectsizes <- standardize_parameters(GLM60, exp = TRUE)
- prop.test(x = c(468, 637), n = c(1280, 1280),alternative = "two.sided")
- Frame80 <- subset(FrameBetween, FrameBetween$RisktoLoose !=60)
- Frame80 <- subset(Frame80, Frame80$RisktoLoose !=20)
- Frame80 <- subset(Frame80, Frame80$RisktoLoose !=40)
- apa(t.test(expectation_valueChoice ~ stim, data = Frame80, var.equal = TRUE, paired = FALSE,
- alternative = "greater"))
- xtabs (~ Frame80$choice + Frame80$stim)
- GLM80 <- glm(formula = choice ~ stim, family = binomial(logit), data = Frame80)
- summary(GLM80)
- effectsizes <- standardize_parameters(GLM80, exp = TRUE)
- interpret_oddsratio(1.88, rules = "cohen1988")
- prop.test(x = c(223, 361), n = c(1280, 1280),alternative = "two.sided")
- apa(t.test(expectation_valueChoice ~ stim, data = FrameRat, var.equal = TRUE, paired = FALSE,
- alternative = "greater")) # two.sided
- #### Post-hoc Tests Interaction Frame ####
- LossFrame <- subset(FrameBetween, FrameBetween$GainLossTr !="GainTr")
- GainFrame <- subset(FrameBetween, FrameBetween$GainLossTr !="LossTr")
- GainFrame$Diff <- GainFrame$choice - LossFrame$choice
- bar <- ggplot(GainFrame, aes(stim, Diff, fill = stim))
- bar +
- stat_summary(fun = mean, geom = "bar", position = "dodge") +
- stat_summary(fun.data = mean_cl_normal, geom = "errorbar", position = position_dodge(width = 0.90),width = 0.2) +
- labs (x = "Frame", y = "Risky Choice", fill = "Stim") +
- scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1")
- theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
- panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"))
- xtabs (~ GainFrame$choice + GainFrame$stim)
- prop.test(x = c(1293, 1384), n = c(2560, 2560),alternative = "two.sided")
- xtabs (~ LossFrame$choice + LossFrame$stim)
- prop.test(x = c(1339, 1482), n = c(2560, 2560),alternative = "two.sided")
- GainFrameexc <- subset(GainFrame, GainFrame$stim !="Sham")
- GainFrameSham <- subset(GainFrame, GainFrame$stim !="Excitatory")
- table(GainFrameexc$Diff)
- table(GainFrameSham$Diff)
- prop.test(x = c(640, 680), n = c(2560, 2560),alternative = "less")
- #### Post-Hoc Interaction InitRew ####
- Frame25 <- subset(FrameBetween, FrameBetween$InitRew !=50)
- Frame25 <- subset(Frame25, Frame25$InitRew !=75)
- Frame25 <- subset(Frame25, Frame25$InitRew !=100)
- xtabs (~ Frame25$choice + Frame25$stim)
- prop.test(x = c(652, 647), n = c(1280, 1280),alternative = "two.sided")
- Frame50 <- subset(FrameBetween, FrameBetween$InitRew !=25)
- Frame50 <- subset(Frame50, Frame50$InitRew !=75)
- Frame50 <- subset(Frame50, Frame50$InitRew !=100)
- xtabs (~ Frame50$choice + Frame50$stim)
- prop.test(x = c(658, 692), n = c(1280, 1280),alternative = "two.sided")
- Frame75 <- subset(FrameBetween, FrameBetween$InitRew !=50)
- Frame75 <- subset(Frame75, Frame75$InitRew !=25)
- Frame75 <- subset(Frame75, Frame75$InitRew !=100)
- xtabs (~ Frame75$choice + Frame75$stim)
- prop.test(x = c(652, 728), n = c(1280, 1280),alternative = "two.sided")
- GLM75 <- glm(formula = choice ~ stim, family = binomial(logit), data = Frame75)
- summary(GLM75)
- effectsizes <- standardize_parameters(GLM75, exp = TRUE)
- Frame100 <- subset(FrameBetween, FrameBetween$InitRew !=25)
- Frame100 <- subset(Frame100, Frame100$InitRew !=50)
- Frame100 <- subset(Frame100, Frame100$InitRew !=75)
- xtabs (~ Frame100$choice + Frame100$stim)
- prop.test(x = c(670, 799), n = c(1280, 1280),alternative = "two.sided")
- GLM100 <- glm(formula = choice ~ stim, family = binomial(logit), data = Frame100)
- summary(GLM100)
- effectsizes <- standardize_parameters(GLM100, exp = TRUE)
- #### Post-Hoc previous Trial ####
- prvLoss <- subset(PrevTrial, PrevTrial$previousTr !="Gain")
- prvGain <- subset(PrevTrial, PrevTrial$previousTr !="Loss")
- Exc <- subset(PrevTrial, PrevTrial$stim !="Sham")
- Sham <- subset(PrevTrial, PrevTrial$stim !="Excitatory")
- xtabs (~ prvLoss$choice + prvLoss$stim)
- prop.test(x = c(1126, 1262), n = c(2217, 2181),alternative = "two.sided")
- xtabs (~ prvGain$choice + prvGain$stim)
- prop.test(x = c(1454, 1495), n = c(2787, 2758),alternative = "two.sided")
- xtabs (~ Exc$choice + Exc$previousTr)
- prop.test(x = c(1454, 1126), n = c(2787, 2217),alternative = "two.sided")
- xtabs (~ Sham$choice + Sham$previousTr)
- prop.test(x = c(1496, 1260), n = c(2758, 2178),alternative = "two.sided")