123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303 |
- import numpy as np
- import pandas as pd
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from data_analysis.fit_bstrp import fit_bstrp
- import scipy.stats as st
- from scipy.special import i0
- import json
- import pickle
- from lmfit import Model
- def rep_end(dat):
- """
- Duplicate the first and the last stimuli for visualization.
- """
- first = dat[dat['Hue Angle'] == dat['Hue Angle'].min()]
- first_copy = first.copy()
- first_copy['Hue Angle'] = first_copy['Hue Angle'].apply(lambda x: x + 360)
- last = dat[dat['Hue Angle'] == dat['Hue Angle'].max()]
- last_copy = last.copy()
- last_copy['Hue Angle'] = last_copy['Hue Angle'].apply(lambda x: x - 360)
- rep_dat = pd.concat([dat, first_copy, last_copy],
- ignore_index=False).sort_values('Hue Angle')
- return rep_dat
- def rect_sin(x, a, b):
- """
- Rectified sine function.
- param x: angle in degree
- param a: amplitude
- param b: offset
- """
- shift = -112 # peak at 112
- return a * abs(np.sin((x + shift) * np.pi / 180.0)) + b
- def mixed_sin(x, s1, s2, a, b):
- """
- Mixed sine function
- param x: angle in degree
- param s1, s2: shifts in degree
- param a: amplitudes
- param b: offsets
- """
- return a * (np.sin((x + s1) * np.pi / 90.0) + np.sin((x + s2) * np.pi / 180.0)) + b
- def fit_mixed_sin(x, y):
- """
- Fit mixed sine function with lmfit, return predicted values for x grids
- :param x: x values
- :param y: y values
- :return:
- """
- model = Model(mixed_sin)
- res = model.fit(y, x=x, s1=45, s2=90, a=1, b=0)
- pars = np.array(list(res.params.valuesdict().values()))
- # stds = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(res.covar))
- # lower = mixed_sin(x_grid, *(pars - stds))
- # upper = mixed_sin(x_grid, *(pars + stds))
- dely = res.eval_uncertainty(x=x_grid, sigma=.68) # 68% CI
- pred = res.eval(x=x_grid, params=res.params)
- lower = pred - dely
- upper = pred + dely
- fit = {'params': pars,
- 'bounds': [lower, upper]}
- return fit
- def vonmises_sample(t, jnd, n=100):
- """
- Sample from a customized Von Mises distribution.
- P(m|t) = exp(kappa * cos(t - m)) / (2 * pi * i0(kappa))
- # Note that
- # - The unit of jnd is degree or radian: radian
- # - The relationship between kappa and jnd: kappa = 1/var = 1/(JND**2)
- #Example usage: Test on vonmises_sample function...
- # m = 180
- # jnd = 4.
- # S = vonmises_sample(m, jnd=jnd, n=1000)
- # weights = np.ones_like(S) / len(S)
- # plt.hist(S, bins=10, weights=weights)
- # plt.show()
- :param t hue angle, in degree, center of the distribution
- :param jnd kappa = 1/var = 1/(JND**2), the concentration level of the distribution
- :param n sample size
- """
- # Convert degree to radian
- t = t / 180 * np.pi
- jnd = jnd / 180 * np.pi
- class VonMisesPDF(st.rv_continuous):
- def _pdf(self, m, t, kappa):
- return np.exp(kappa * np.cos(t - m)) / (2 * np.pi * i0(kappa))
- # Par a: Lower bound of the support of the distribution
- # Par b: Upper bound of the support of the distribution
- von_mises = VonMisesPDF(a=0, b=2 * np.pi, name='VonMisesPDF')
- # Determine the kappa value to produce JND values matching the fitted j(θ).
- profile = {'t': t,
- 'kappa': 1.0 / (jnd ** 2)}
- if i0(profile['kappa']) == np.inf:
- epsilon_values = np.repeat(t, repeats=n)
- else:
- epsilon_values = von_mises.rvs(t=profile['t'], kappa=profile['kappa'], size=n)
- # Convert the angle from rad to deg
- epsilon_values = epsilon_values / np.pi * 180
- return epsilon_values
- def build_matrix(xx, fit):
- """
- Build a matrix: values in x are histogrammed along the 1st dimension (likelihood function),
- and values in y are histogrammed along the 2nd dimension (measurement distribution).
- :param xx x gird, should be consistent in the modeling parts
- :param fit model fitting params of JND (with low- or high-noise data)
- :return: matrix: 2d array, len(xx) x len(xx)
- edges: 2d array, [x edges, y edges]
- """
- n_ss = 100
- # ss = []
- # for xi in xx:
- # # ji = rect_sin(xi, *fit['params'])
- # ji = mixed_sin(xi, *fit['params'])
- # si = vonmises_sample(t=xi, jnd=ji, n=n_ss)
- # ss.append(si)
- # ss = np.array(ss)
- ss = np.array([vonmises_sample(t=xi, jnd=mixed_sin(xi, *fit['params']), n=n_ss) for xi in xx])
- ss_2d = ss.flatten()
- xx_2d = np.repeat(xx, n_ss)
- # The bi-dimensional histogram of samples x and y.
- # Values in x are histogrammed along the 1st dimension and values in y are histogrammed along the 2nd dimension.
- matrix, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d(x=xx_2d, y=ss_2d, bins=len(xx), normed=True)
- matrix = matrix.T
- xedges = np.round(xedges, 1)
- yedges = np.round(yedges, 1)
- edges = np.array([xedges, yedges])
- return matrix, edges
- def estimate_lik(dat, estm, x_grid, n_sample, save_dir):
- """
- Compute and save all estimates before Bayesian inference, which include:
- - fit of JND
- - samples from the measurement distribution
- - matrix of measurement distribution - likelihood function
- - likelihoods
- Note the estimates are always paired for low and high noise conditions.
- :param dat: data [dataframe]
- :param estm: estimates [dataframe]
- :param x_grid: grid for generating the matrices
- :param n_sample: number of samples for each stimulus pair
- :param save_dir: data saving path (and partial name), e.g. 'data_analysis/model_estimates/s0/s0'
- :return: None
- """
- # 1. Load data
- lh_data = dat.query('condition == "LH"')
- unique_pairs = lh_data[['standard_stim', 'test_stim', 'actual_intensity']]. \
- drop_duplicates().sort_values(by=['standard_stim', 'test_stim'])
- stim_l = unique_pairs['standard_stim'].values.astype('float')
- stim_h = unique_pairs['test_stim'].values.astype('float')
- # 2. Fit JND
- d_l = rep_end(estm.query('condition == "LL"'))
- d_h = rep_end(estm.query('condition == "HH"'))
- hue_angles = d_l['Hue Angle'].values
- jnd_l = d_l['JND'].values
- jnd_h = d_h['JND'].values
- # # LL
- # fit_l = fit_bstrp(hue_angles, jnd_l, func=rect_sin, n_bs=1000, p_ci=.68) #, p0=[1., 1, -112.5])
- # jnd_stim_l = rect_sin(stim_l, *fit_l['params'])
- # # HH
- # fit_h = fit_bstrp(hue_angles, jnd_h, func=rect_sin, n_bs=1000, p_ci=.68) #, p0=[1., 1, -112.5])
- # jnd_stim_h = rect_sin(stim_h, *fit_h['params'])
- # LL
- # fit_l = fit_bstrp(hue_angles, jnd_l, func=mixed_sin, n_bs=1000, p_ci=.68, p0=[45, 90, 1, 0])
- fit_l = fit_mixed_sin(hue_angles, jnd_l)
- jnd_stim_l = mixed_sin(stim_l, *fit_l['params'])
- # HH
- # fit_h = fit_bstrp(hue_angles, jnd_h, func=mixed_sin, n_bs=1000, p_ci=.68, p0=[45, 90, 1, 0])
- fit_h = fit_mixed_sin(hue_angles, jnd_h)
- jnd_stim_h = mixed_sin(stim_h, *fit_h['params'])
- # same for LH... but not used for matrix
- d_lh = rep_end(estm.query('condition == "LH"'))
- hue_angles = d_lh['Hue Angle'].values
- jnd_lh = d_lh['JND'].values
- # fit_lh = fit_bstrp(hue_angles, jnd_lh, func=rect_sin, n_bs=1000, p_ci=.68) # , p0=[1., 1, -112.5])
- # fit_lh = fit_bstrp(hue_angles, jnd_lh, func=mixed_sin, n_bs=1000, p_ci=.68, p0=[45, 90, 1, 0])
- fit_lh = fit_mixed_sin(hue_angles, jnd_lh)
- # """
- # 3. Build matrix
- mat_l, edges_l = build_matrix(x_grid, fit_l)
- mat_h, edges_h = build_matrix(x_grid, fit_h)
- #
- # 4. Sample and estimate likelihoods
- # samples: 2d array, len(unique stimulus pairs) x n_sample
- # likelihoods: 3d array, len(unique stimulus pairs) x n_sample x len(x_grid)
- #
- samples_l = np.sort(np.array([vonmises_sample(t=s, jnd=j, n=n_sample)
- for s, j in zip(stim_l, jnd_stim_l)]), axis=1)
- samples_h = np.sort(np.array([vonmises_sample(t=s, jnd=j, n=n_sample)
- for s, j in zip(stim_h, jnd_stim_h)]), axis=1)
- samples_size = np.shape(samples_l)
- likelihoods_l = np.array([mat_l[np.abs(x_grid - sp).argmin(), :] for sp in samples_l.flatten()])
- likelihoods_l = np.reshape(likelihoods_l, (samples_size[0], samples_size[1], len(x_grid)))
- likelihoods_h = np.array([mat_h[np.abs(x_grid - sp).argmin(), :] for sp in samples_h.flatten()])
- likelihoods_h = np.reshape(likelihoods_h, (samples_size[0], samples_size[1], len(x_grid)))
- # """
- # 5. Save data
- with open(save_dir + '_jnd_fit_l.pickle', 'wb') as f_l:
- pickle.dump(fit_l, f_l)
- with open(save_dir + '_jnd_fit_h.pickle', 'wb') as f_h:
- pickle.dump(fit_h, f_h)
- with open(save_dir + '_jnd_fit_lh.pickle', 'wb') as f_lh:
- pickle.dump(fit_lh, f_lh)
- # """
- np.save(save_dir + '_mat_l.npy', mat_l)
- np.save(save_dir + '_mat_h.npy', mat_h)
- np.save(save_dir + '_mat_edges_l.npy', edges_l)
- np.save(save_dir + '_mat_edges_h.npy', edges_h)
- np.save(save_dir + '_samples_l.npy', samples_l)
- np.save(save_dir + '_samples_h.npy', samples_h)
- np.save(save_dir + '_likelihoods_l.npy', likelihoods_l)
- np.save(save_dir + '_likelihoods_h.npy', likelihoods_h)
- # """
- """
- ################# Running estimation ######################
- """
- # """
- model_path = "data_analysis/model_estimates_v2"
- # x_grid = np.arange(0.0001, 359.9999, 2.)
- x_grid = np.load(f"{model_path}/x_grid.npy")
- n_sample = 100
- # """
- """
- # For single sub
- all_data = pd.read_csv('data/all_sel_data.csv')
- all_estimates = pd.read_csv('data_analysis/pf_estimates/all_estimates.csv')
- # sub_list = ['s1', 's2', 's4', 's5', 's6']
- # for sub in sub_list:
- for sub in ['s3']:
- sub_in_data = sub[0] + '0' + sub[1] # different naming way in data
- sub_data = all_data.query('subject == @sub_in_data')
- sub_estimates = all_estimates.query('subject == @sub')
- sub_path = f"{model_path}/{sub}/{sub}"
- estimate_lik(sub_data, sub_estimates, x_grid, n_sample, sub_path)
- """
- """
- # For average sub
- all_data = pd.read_csv('data/all_sel_data.csv')
- avg_estimates = pd.read_csv('data_analysis/pf_estimates/avg_estimates.csv')
- sub_path = f"{model_path}/sAVG/sAVG"
- estimate_lik(all_data, avg_estimates, x_grid, n_sample, sub_path)
- """