
update functions

Helene Schreyer 3 年 前

+ 0 - 34
spatiotemporalWhiteNoise/code spatiotemporal white noise/doBin.m

@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-function  [bin]=doBin(NL_x,NL_y,xbin)
-%this subfunction is doing the binning for nonLinearity
-%get different bins
-%% 1. get equal amount of observation inside a bin
-%standard score:
-x=prctile(NL_x,linspace(0,100,xbin+1)); %you want equal amount of observations in each bin!And not one bin of only e.g. 10 observations.
-%I want to now where the percentil are
-%prctile gives you now where the edges of the corresponding percentile rank
-x(end)=x(end)+x(end)/100; %the last bin should be a bit bigger so that the last observation
-%can also go inside it
-%little trick so that you have 40 equal bin and not one bin at the end
-%that is empty or just has one value
-%make average in y axis
-for mm=1:length(NL_ytemp)
-    NL_ytemp{mm}=NL_y(indx==mm);
-%make average in x axis
-for mm=1:length(x_AVG)
-    x_AVG{mm}=NL_x(indx==mm);
-%get the average values per bin