datacite.yml 1019 B

  1. authors:
  2. -
  3. firstname: "Felicitas"
  4. lastname: "Ehlen"
  5. affiliation: "Charité Berlin"
  6. id: "ORCID:0000-0003-4595-1822"
  7. title: "STN_DBS_liguistic_analysis"
  8. description: |
  9. Data set containing detailed individual (de-identified) data obtained from linguistic analyses of PD patients ON vs. OFF STN DBS, including disease- and treatment-related parameters and comprehensive language parameters cited in Ehlen et al. 2020
  10. keywords:
  11. - STN DBS
  12. - Language
  13. - Electrode Localization
  14. - Cognitive Speed
  15. license:
  16. name: "Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International"
  17. url: ""
  18. funding:
  19. - "German Research Foundation (Kl-1276/5 in Clinical Research Group 247)"
  20. references:
  21. reftype: "IsSupplementTo"
  22. citation: "Felicitas Ehlen, Bassam Al-Fatly, Andrea A. Kühn, Fabian Klostermann. 2020. Impact of deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus on natural language in patients with Parkinson’s disease"
  23. resourcetype: Dataset
  24. templateversion: 1.2