Scheduled service maintenance on November 22

On Friday, November 22, 2024, between 06:00 CET and 18:00 CET, GIN services will undergo planned maintenance. Extended service interruptions should be expected. We will try to keep downtimes to a minimum, but recommend that users avoid critical tasks, large data uploads, or DOI requests during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

PoseExtractionSingle.m 6.4 KB

  1. function PoseExtractionSingle(pathdir, Mouse)
  2. import tools.GetCSVs;
  3. import tools.LoadCSVsAsMatrix;
  4. set(0, 'DefaultFigureVisible', 'off');
  5. % Import data from CSV file. Copy full path and file name
  6. meanDistancesPathdir = [pathdir '/Mean Distances/'];
  7. pathdir = [pathdir '/' Mouse];
  8. [labels, csvs] = GetCSVs(pathdir, Mouse);
  9. matrix = LoadCSVsAsMatrix(pathdir, csvs);
  10. mkdir meanDistancesPathdir;
  11. [nSubjs, frames, cols] = size(matrix);
  12. % Take all subjects and concat them in our matrix.
  13. % The reason this looks ugly is that:
  14. % - cat cannot concatenate a *single* matrix along an axis
  15. % - reshape does not work as it will first pick the ith row of each subject
  16. % before going to the next row, rather than iterating by subject first,
  17. % and rows seconds.
  18. % The latter is due to the fact matlab is column-major rather than row-major,
  19. % thus values are spilled by the first dimension (subjects) rather than
  20. % the one-but-last (frames);
  21. % This wouldn't be a problem hadn't it been that COLUMN MAJOR MAKES NO
  23. ThisMouse = zeros(nSubjs*frames, cols);
  24. for i=0:nSubjs-1
  25. ThisMouse(frames*i+1:frames*(i+1), :) = matrix(i+1, :, :);
  26. end
  27. % Replace the gaps (NaN cells) with closest value in the column
  28. ThisMouseY = fillmissing(ThisMouse(:, 3:3:end), 'previous');
  29. FramesThisMouse = repmat((1:frames)', nSubjs, 1);
  30. % Makes each id start from 1 for our convenience
  31. ThisMouse(:, 1) = ThisMouse(:, 1) + 1;
  32. % Calculate Body-parts distances for the Y coordinates
  33. % by enumerating all body-part pairs
  34. DistMatrix = [];
  35. [yframes, bodyparts] = size(ThisMouseY);
  36. for i=(1:bodyparts)
  37. for j=(i+1:bodyparts)
  38. DistMatrix(end+1, :) = ThisMouseY(:, i) - ThisMouseY(:, j);
  39. end
  40. end
  41. DistMatrix = DistMatrix.';
  43. % FIXME the number of clusters should/could be fixed
  44. Elbow=kmeans_opt(DistMatrix); %K-mean clustering using Elbow method to determine optilan number (UNSUPERVISED)
  45. Clusters=unique(Elbow);
  46. for i=1:length(Clusters)
  47. counts(i)=sum(Elbow==Clusters(i));
  48. end
  49. clear i
  51. %Now that the clustering is done, assign each original observation to a
  52. %cluster
  53. ClusterSummary=[Clusters, counts']; %Recall number of Frames per Cluster
  54. ClusteredDist=[FramesThisMouse,DistMatrix,Elbow]; %Distance matrix with Frames and Clusters
  55. ClusteredYData=[FramesThisMouse,ThisMouseY,Elbow]; %Original Coordinates with Clusters assigned
  56. ThisMouseClustered=[ThisMouse,Elbow]; %Original DLC output with Clusters assigned
  57. for subjId=0:nSubjs-1
  58. label = labels{subjId+1};
  59. clustered = ClusteredYData(frames*subjId+1:frames*(subjId+1), :);
  60. title = [label ' poses overtime'];
  61. fig = figure ('Name', title);
  62. scatter(clustered(:, 1), clustered(:, 8));
  63. saveas(fig, [pathdir '/' label '_over_time.png']);
  64. end
  65. % clear counts FramesThisMouse i SHAMy T1y T2y T3y DistMatrix FindSHAM FindT1 FindT2 FindT3
  66. %Starting From the ClusteredData matrix extract each single cluster and plot
  67. %the corresponding posture on a scatter plot
  68. disp(pathdir)
  69. mkdir([pathdir '/Clusters/']);
  70. for Cluster2Explore=1:length(ClusterSummary)
  71. num=length(ClusteredYData);
  72. ClusterIndex=0;
  73. for ind=1:num
  74. if ClusteredYData(ind,8)==Cluster2Explore
  75. ClusterIndex=(ClusterIndex+1);
  76. Cluster(ClusterIndex,1:8)=ClusteredYData(ind,1:8);
  77. end
  78. end
  79. NameCluster=num2str(Cluster2Explore);
  80. %assignin('base',NameCluster,Cluster);
  81. writematrix(Cluster, [pathdir '/Clusters/C' num2str(Cluster2Explore) '.csv']);
  82. ClusterMean=[mean(Cluster(:,2:7))];
  83. %Create a Representative Scatter Plot for the Cluster just analyzed
  84. fig = figure('Name',NameCluster);
  85. Ycoord=[ClusterMean/-1];
  86. Xcoord=[1:6];
  87. plot(Xcoord,Ycoord,'-x');
  88. saveas(fig, [pathdir '/Clusters/C' label '_rep.png']);
  89. ClusterIndex=(ClusterIndex+1);
  90. saveas(gcf, [pathdir '/Clusters/' num2str(ind) '-' num2str(Cluster2Explore) '.png']);
  91. AllClustersMean(Cluster2Explore,:)=mean(Cluster(:,2:end));
  92. clear Cluster
  93. end
  94. %Average the ClusteredDist Matrix for future analysis
  95. for DistIndex=1:length(ClusterSummary)
  96. [Dist2Avg]=find(ClusteredDist(:,17)==DistIndex);
  97. toAVG=[ClusteredDist(Dist2Avg,2:16)];
  98. ClusteredDistMeans(DistIndex,:)=[mean(toAVG),DistIndex];
  99. end
  100. %Create a string vetor with the Animal Code to include with the Cluster
  101. %Mean Summary
  102. code=strings(length(ClusterSummary), 1);
  103. code(:)=Mouse;
  104. %Generate Cluster Mean Summary for both Ycoordinates and Distances
  105. AllClustersMean=[code,AllClustersMean,ClusterSummary(:,2:end)];
  106. ClusteredDistMeans=[code,ClusteredDistMeans];
  107. AllClustersMean(1:end,1:1)=Mouse; %Assign the Mouse Identity to the first column of the matrix
  108. ClusteredDistMeans(1:end,1:1)=Mouse;
  109. ClusterDir = [pathdir '/Clusters/'];
  110. SummaryDir = [pathdir '/Summary/'];
  111. mkdir(ClusterDir);
  112. mkdir(SummaryDir);
  113. %Print Outcome and cluster in CSV files
  114. writematrix(AllClustersMean, [SummaryDir 'Mouse' Mouse 'CoordMeans.csv']);
  115. writematrix(ClusteredDistMeans, [meanDistancesPathdir 'Mouse' Mouse 'DistMeans.csv']);
  116. writematrix(ClusteredYData, [SummaryDir 'Clustered' Mouse 'Data.csv']);
  117. writematrix(ClusteredDist, [SummaryDir 'Clustered' Mouse 'Dist.csv']);
  118. writematrix(ThisMouseClustered, [SummaryDir 'Mouse' Mouse 'Clustered.csv']);
  119. for subjId=0:nSubjs-1
  120. label = labels{subjId+1};
  121. clustered = [ClusteredYData(frames*subjId+1:frames*(subjId+1), :)];
  122. writematrix(clustered, [ClusterDir 'Clustered' label '.csv']);
  123. end
  124. set(0, 'DefaultFigureVisible', 'on');
  125. end
  126. function [labels, fileList]=GetCSVs(pathdir, mouse)
  127. % Detect all CSVs in our file
  128. files = dir(pathdir);
  129. nfiles = size(files);
  130. fileList = {};
  131. labels = {};
  132. for i = 1:nfiles
  133. filename = files(i).name;
  134. if endsWith(filename, ".csv")
  135. suffixToStrip = '_DLC_3D.csv'; % FIXME
  136. stripped = filename(length(mouse)+2:end-length(suffixToStrip));
  137. labels{end+1} = stripped;
  138. fileList{end+1} = filename;
  139. end
  140. end
  141. end