ReactionTime_LED 6.7 KB

  1. #PsyScope 1.0 # Script template, Version 1.0 Experiments:: "ReactionTime" Current: 1 #> ExperimentDefinitions ReactionTime:: Format: Factor InputDevices: Key USBBBox Timer: USBBBox Flags: NO_SAVE_SCREEN DataFile: @AutoDataFile ScaleBlocks: 1 Templates: intro trial Weights:> 1 30 Cycles: 31 DataHeader: USBBBoxInitialSettings: B1 B3 #> GroupDefinitions #> BlockDefinitions main:: #> FactorDefinitions Zeiten:: IsList: True Duration: [ 1500 ] [ 1570 ] [ 1640 ] [ 1710 ] [ 1780 ] [ 1850 ] [ 1920 ] [ 1990 ] [ 2060 ] [ 2130 ] [ 2200 ] [ 2270 ] [ 2340 ] [ 2410 ] [ 2480 ] [ 2550 ] [ 2620 ] [ 2690 ] [ 2760 ] [ 2830 ] [ 2900 ] [ 2970 ] [ 3040 ] [ 3110 ] [ 3180 ] [ 3250 ] [ 3320 ] [ 3390 ] [ 3460 ] [ 3530 ] Multiple:> True Levels: 1500 1570 1640 1710 1780 1850 1920 1990 2060 2130 2200 2270 2340 2410 2480 2550 2620 2690 2760 2830 2900 2970 3040 3110 3180 3250 3320 3390 3460 3530 AccessType:> Random #> LevelDefinitions #> TemplateDefinitions intro:: Events: text trial:: Events: gosignal wait RT_Wait flash WaitForClick Factors: Zeiten Sets:> 1 Types:> List #> EventDefinitions text:: EventType: Document Duration: USBBBox[ B1_UP ] Key[ Any ] Stimulus: RT_Instructions Size: 24 gosignal:: EventType: Text Duration: Trial_End Stimulus: "DrŸcken sie SCHWARZ um den Durchgang zu starten und ORANGE sobald die LED aufleuchtet" Port: PortName("Entire Screen") Size: 18 StartRef: "0 after end of START" Position: PointName("New Position 1") wait:: EventType: Null Duration: FactorAttrib("Zeiten", "Duration") StartRef: "0 after end of WaitForClick" flash:: EventType: USBBBox Duration: 500 Stimulus: "P2[00100000]" StartRef: "0 after end of wait" RT_Wait:: EventType: Null Duration: USBBBox[ B3_DOWN ] StartRef: "0 after end of wait" EventActions: Conditions[ USBBBox[ B3_DOWN ] ] => Actions[ RT[ RT ] ] flashsub:: EventType: Text Duration: 500 StartRef: "0 after end of wait" Stimulus: FLASH Port: PortName("Entire Screen") Position: PointName("New Position 1") WaitForClick:: EventType: Null Duration: USBBBox[ B_ANY ] StartRef: "0 after end of START" #> StimulusDefinitions #> TrialManagerVariables #> PortDefinitions PortNames:: "Entire Screen" Entire Screen:: Center 100% Center 100% 0 Points: "New Position 1" #> PositionDefinitions New Position 1:: Center Port Center Center Port Center #> SubjectInfo SubjectName:: "SUBJECT NAME" SubjectNumber:: 1 Type: Integer RunAfter: AutoDataFile RunNumber:: 9 Type: Integer SubjectNumAndGroup:: TRUE Dialog: SubjectNumAndGroup SubjectCount: 8 RunCount: 9 GroupRunCount: 9 GroupSpecs: Group @"Group" SubjectNumber: 1 RunNumber: 9 Group:: Control Dialog: Buttons Msg: " " Buttons: SZ CTR Default: SZ RunAfter: AutoDataFile #> InterfaceDefinition Console:: Options:: #> MenuDefinitions Menus:: Experiment Experiment:: @StandardPsyScopeMenuItems #> DialogDefinitions #> LogFile LogRunStart:: SubjectNumber Group Dialog: LogInfo #> OtherConfiguration RunStart:: Group SubjectNumber LogRunStart AutoDatafile AutoDatafile:: "Control_1_RT_LED @ :Data:" Dialog: MakeFileName Strings: @"Group" _ @"SubjectNumber" _RT_LED Folder: ":Data:" UseDir: TRUE #> OtherEntries #> ExperimentNotes Notes:: "ReactionTime": "(There are no notes for this experiment.)" #> BuilderData # This information is used by the graphic interface - do not delete it! BuilderData:: "ReactionTime": LayoutWindow:> 595 65 624 416 Zoomed:>> False ObjectType:> Experiment LayoutPos:> 0 0 BlockDisplayData:> 635 266 AttribDisplayData:> 515 227 448 285 Zoomed:>> False GroupsInScript: BlocksInScript: main TemplatesInScript: intro trial FactorsInScript: Zeiten Zeiten LevelsInScript: EventsInScript: text gosignal wait flash RT_Wait flashsub WaitForClick StimuliInScript: Trash: main flashsub Zeiten Desk: SubjectInfo: SubjectName DataTypes Standard ; SubjectNumber DataTypes Value ; RunNumber DataTypes Value ; Group DataTypes Buttons main: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 281 172 Links:> InTrash:> True intro: ObjectType:> Template OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 12 97 Links:> ReactionTime TrialDisplayData:> 734 359 452 293 0 0 2000 90 Zoomed:>> False trial: ObjectType:> Template OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 125 94 Links:> ReactionTime TrialDisplayData:> 344 86 932 566 0 0 5061 132 Zoomed:>> False FactorListDisplay:> 566 285 307 223 Zoomed:>> False text: ObjectType:> Event Links:> intro introPosition:> 31 44 AttribDisplayData:> 744 370 431 272 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> ViewDuration:>> 500 DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 793 409 LayoutPos:> 12 137 gosignal: ObjectType:> Event Links:> trial trialPosition:> 37 24 AttribDisplayData:> 744 370 431 272 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> ViewDuration:>> 500 EventDisplayData:>> 763 258 LayoutPos:> 65 134 "Entire Screen": Display:> TRUE wait: ObjectType:> Event Links:> trial trialPosition:> 31 77 AttribDisplayData:> 407 374 773 272 Zoomed:>> False LayoutPos:> 132 134 FactorLinks:> Zeiten flash: ObjectType:> Event Links:> trial trialPosition:> 27 122 AttribDisplayData:> 744 370 431 272 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 793 409 InTrash:> False LayoutPos:> 252 134 RT_Wait: ObjectType:> Event Links:> trial trialPosition:> 20 161 Duration:> ViewDuration:>> 500 DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 553 297 AttribDisplayData:> 744 370 431 272 Zoomed:>> False EventActions:> ActionDisplayData:>> 765 368 390 275 Zoomed:>>> False Conditions:>> DurationDisplayData:>>> EventDisplayData:>>> 793 409 Actions:>> RT:>>> AttribDisplayData:>>>> 744 370 431 272 Zoomed:>>>>> False LayoutPos:> 183 134 ExecTimesDisplayData: 487 248 240 240 Zoomed:> False GroupingInfoDisplayData: "":> 731 371 flashsub: ObjectType:> Event Links:> trialPosition:> 41 111 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True "New Position 1": Display:> TRUE Zeiten: ObjectType:> Factor OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 160 192 FactorDisplayData:> 483 272 473 245 Zoomed:>> False FactorAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus CellSize:> 132 InTrash:> True Links:> trial LinkedItems:> "wait>>Duration" Zeiten: ObjectType:> Factor FactorAttribs:> Duration Event Duration Links:> trial FactorDisplayData:> 483 272 473 245 Zoomed:>> False LinkedItems:> "wait>>Duration" LayoutPos:> 176 94 Duration:> "":>> DurationDisplayData:>>> EventDisplayData:>>> 553 300 CellSize:> 132 WaitForClick: ObjectType:> Event Links:> trial trialPosition:> 4 48 Duration:> ViewDuration:>> 500 DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 473 258