CBinding_Machine_700ms 36 KB

  1. #PsyScope 1.0 # Script template, Version 1.0 Experiments:: CBinding_Machine_700ms Current: 1 #> ExperimentDefinitions CBinding_Machine_700ms:: Format: Factor InputDevices: Key USBBBox Timer: USBBBox Flags: NO_SAVE_SCREEN DataFile: @AutoDataFile ScaleBlocks: 1 USBBBoxInitialSettings: B1 B2 B3 B8 DataHeader: SubjectNumber Group Blocks: "pingu-super" AccessType:> Random DataFields: EVENT_TAG RESPONSE_LABEL Instructions: Instructions Debrief: Debrief Font: Helvetica Size: 24 #> GroupDefinitions #> BlockDefinitions basic500:: Templates: Weights:> AccessType:> Random Delay: 500 ConditionName: 500ms Cycles: 45 basic700:: Templates: "basic trial" "basic trial catch" Weights:> 30 15 AccessType:> Random Delay: 700 ConditionName: 700ms Cycles: 45 pingu500:: Templates: "pingu trial" "pingu trial catch" Weights:> 30 15 AccessType:> Random Delay: 500 ConditionName: 500ms Cycles: 45 pingu700:: Templates: "pingu trial" "pingu trial catch" Weights:> 35 15 AccessType:> Random Delay: 700 ConditionName: 700ms Cycles: 45 obs500:: Templates: "obs trial" "obs trial catch" Weights:> 30 15 AccessType:> Random Delay: 500 ConditionName: 500ms Cycles: 45 obs700:: Templates: Weights:> AccessType:> Random Delay: 700 ConditionName: 700ms Cycles: 45 basic:: Blocks: b500 b700 AccessType:> Random pingu:: Blocks: p700 AccessType:> Random obs:: Blocks: o500 o700 AccessType:> Random basic-super:: Blocks: "basic-intro" basic pingu-super:: Blocks: "pingu-intro" pingu obs-super:: Blocks: "obs-intro" basic-intro:: Templates: intro File: "basic-intro" pingu-intro:: Templates: intro File: "machine-intro" obs-intro:: Templates: intro File: "obs-intro" endofblock:: Templates: blockend b500:: Blocks: endofblock b700:: Blocks: basic_adapt700 basic700 endofblock p500:: Blocks: pingu_adapt500 endofblock p700:: Blocks: pingu_adapt700 pingu700 endofblock o500:: Blocks: obs_adapt500 obs500 endofblock o700:: Blocks: obs_adapt700 endofblock basic_adapt500:: Templates: Weights:> Cycles: 15 Delay: 500 ConditionName: 500ms basic_adapt700:: Templates: "basic trial" Weights:> 15 Delay: 700 Cycles: 15 ConditionName: 700ms pingu_adapt500:: Templates: "pingu trial" Weights:> 15 Cycles: 15 Delay: 500 ConditionName: 500ms pingu_adapt700:: Templates: "pingu trial" Weights:> 15 Cycles: 15 Delay: 700 ConditionName: 700ms obs_adapt500:: Templates: Weights:> Cycles: 15 Delay: 500 ConditionName: 500ms obs_adapt700:: Templates: Weights:> Cycles: 15 Delay: 700 ConditionName: 700ms #> FactorDefinitions #> LevelDefinitions #> TemplateDefinitions basic trial:: Events: prompt blink delay "basic-record" Start1 "action-blink" "random delay" "WaitForClick 1" pingu trial:: Events: "pingu prompt" "blink Copy" "delay Copy" "pingu record" "pingu blink" "WaitForClick 3" obs trial:: Events: "obs prompt" "blink Copy 2" "delay Copy 2" redblinkclick "obs record" start2 redblink "random delay3" intro:: Events: introtext blockend:: Events: Event1 basic trial catch:: Events: "prompt Copy" "blink Copy 3" "delay Copy 3" "basic-record Copy" "Start1 Copy" catchphrase "action-blink Copy" "random delay2" "WaitForClick 2" pingu trial catch:: Events: "blink Copy Copy" "delay Copy Copy" "pingu record Copy" catchphrase "pingu blink Copy" "pingu prompt 2" "WaitForClick 4" obs trial catch:: Events: "obs prompt Copy" "blink Copy 2 Copy" "delay Copy 2 Copy" "redblinkclick Copy" "obs record Copy" "start2 Copy" catchphrase "redblink Copy" "random delay4" #> EventDefinitions prompt:: EventType: Text Duration: Trial_End Stimulus: "Bitte drŸcken Sie R O T sobald sie bereit sind" Port: PortName("Entire Screen") Position: PointName("New Position 1") Size: 24 EventActions: Conditions[ USBBBox[ B2_DOWN ] ] => Actions[ RT[ red_press ] ] ClearType: FORCE_CLEAR StartRef: "0 after end of random delay" EventTag: Action blink:: EventType: USBBBox Duration: 250 Stimulus: "P2[00100000]" StartRef: "0 after end of delay" delay:: EventType: Null Duration: BlockAttrib("Delay") StartRef: "0 after end of WaitForClick 1" pingu prompt:: EventType: Text Duration: Trial_End Stimulus: "Bitte initialisieren Sie die Maschine" Port: PortName("Entire Screen") Position: PointName("New Position 1") Size: 24 EventActions: Conditions[ USBBBox[ B2_DOWN ] ] => Actions[ RT[ Pingu_press ] ] ClearType: FORCE_CLEAR StartRef: "0 after end of START" EventTag: Machine blink Copy:: EventType: USBBBox Duration: 250 Stimulus: "P2[00100000]" StartRef: "0 after end of delay Copy" delay Copy:: EventType: Null Duration: BlockAttrib("Delay") StartRef: "0 after end of WaitForClick 3" obs prompt:: EventType: Text Duration: Trial_End Stimulus: "Bitte achten sie auf die LED!" Port: PortName("Entire Screen") Position: PointName("New Position 1") Size: 24 EventActions: ClearType: FORCE_CLEAR StartRef: "0 after end of start2" EventTag: Obs blink Copy 2:: EventType: USBBBox Duration: 250 Stimulus: "P2[00100000]" StartRef: "0 after end of delay Copy 2" delay Copy 2:: EventType: Null Duration: BlockAttrib("Delay") StartRef: "0 after start of redblink" redblinkclick:: EventType: SoundLabel Duration: Self_Terminate StartRef: "0 after end of random delay3" SoundFile: "Clickloud.aiff" basic-record:: EventType: Null Duration: USBBBox[ B3_DOWN ] StartRef: "0 after end of WaitForClick 1" EventActions: Conditions[ USBBBox[ B3_DOWN ] ] => Actions[ RT[ "Action-anticip" NULL ] ] EventTag: Action pingu record:: EventType: Null Duration: USBBBox[ B3_DOWN ] StartRef: "0 after end of WaitForClick 3" EventActions: Conditions[ USBBBox[ B3_DOWN ] ] => Actions[ RT[ "pingu-anticip" NULL ] ] EventTag: Machine obs record:: EventType: Null Duration: USBBBox[ B3_DOWN ] StartRef: "0 after start of redblink" EventActions: Conditions[ USBBBox[ B3_DOWN ] ] => Actions[ RT[ "Obs-anticip" ] ] EventTag: Obs introtext:: EventType: Document Duration: USBBBox[ B8_UP ] Stimulus: BlockAttrib("File") Size: 18 EventActions: ClearType: FORCE_CLEAR Event1:: EventType: Text Duration: USBBBox[ B8_UP ] Stimulus: "Sehr gut! Sie haben das Ende eines Blocks erreicht. Sie werden nun mit einem neuem Intervall arbeiten." Port: PortName("Entire Screen") Position: PointName("New Position 1") Size: 18 Start1:: EventType: Text Duration: USBBBox[ B1_UP ] StartRef: "0 after end of START" Stimulus: "Bitte drŸcken Sie S C H W A R Z um diesen Durchgang zu starten." Port: PortName("Entire Screen") Position: PointName("New Position 1") Size: 24 ClearType: FORCE_CLEAR start2:: EventType: Text Duration: USBBBox[ B1_UP ] StartRef: "0 after end of START" Stimulus: "Bitte drŸcken Sie S C H W A R Z um diesen Durchgang zu starten." Port: PortName("Entire Screen") Position: Size: 24 prompt Copy:: EventType: Text Duration: Trial_End Stimulus: "Bitte drŸcken Sie R O T sobald sie bereit sind" Port: PortName("Entire Screen") Position: PointName("New Position 2") Size: 24 EventActions: Conditions[ USBBBox[ B2_DOWN ] ] => Actions[ RT[ red_press ] ] ClearType: FORCE_CLEAR StartRef: "0 after end of random delay2" EventTag: Action_CATCH blink Copy 3:: EventType: USBBBox Duration: 250 Stimulus: "P2[00100000]" StartRef: "0 after end of delay Copy 3" delay Copy 3:: EventType: Null Duration: BlockAttrib("Delay") StartRef: "0 after end of WaitForClick 2" basic-record Copy:: EventType: Null Duration: USBBBox[ B3_DOWN ] StartRef: "0 after end of WaitForClick 2" EventActions: Conditions[ USBBBox[ B3_DOWN ] ] => Actions[ RT[ "Action-anticip" NULL ] ] EventTag: Action_CATCH Start1 Copy:: EventType: Text Duration: USBBBox[ B1_DOWN ] StartRef: "0 after end of START" Stimulus: "Bitte drŸcken Sie S C H W A R Z um diesen Durchgang zu starten." Port: PortName("Entire Screen") Position: PointName("New Position 2") Size: 24 ClearType: FORCE_CLEAR catchphrase:: EventType: Paragraph Duration: Trial_End StartRef: "0 after end of START" Stimulus: "Dies ist ein verdeckter Durchgang: Die Ziel- LED wird abgedeckt werden. Bitte versuchen Sie dennoch vorherzusagen wann die LED aufleuchten wŸrde, und drŸcken die sie ORANGENE Taste (wie zuvor) um anzugeben wann Sie die Ziel LED erwarten." Port: PortName("Entire Screen") Style: Chicago 18 pingu prompt Copy:: pingu prompt Copy:: EventType: Text Duration: USBBBox[ B2_DOWN ] Stimulus: "Bitte initialisieren Sie die Maschine" Port: PortName("Entire Screen") Position: PointName("New Position 2") Size: 24 EventActions: Conditions[ USBBBox[ B2_DOWN B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 ] ] => Actions[ RT[ Pingu_press ] ] ClearType: FORCE_CLEAR StartRef: "0 after end of START" EventTag: Machine_CATCH blink Copy Copy:: EventType: USBBBox Duration: 250 Stimulus: "P2[00100000]" StartRef: "0 after end of delay Copy Copy" delay Copy Copy:: EventType: Null Duration: BlockAttrib("Delay") StartRef: "0 after end of WaitForClick 4" pingu record Copy:: EventType: Null Duration: USBBBox[ B3_DOWN ] StartRef: "0 after end of WaitForClick 4" EventActions: Conditions[ USBBBox[ B3_DOWN ] ] => Actions[ RT[ "pingu-anticip" NULL ] ] EventTag: Machine_CATCH obs prompt Copy:: EventType: Text Duration: Trial_End Stimulus: "Bitte achten sie auf die LED!" Port: PortName("Entire Screen") Position: PointName("New Position 2") Size: 24 EventActions: ClearType: FORCE_CLEAR StartRef: "0 after end of start2 Copy" EventTag: Obs blink Copy 2 Copy:: EventType: USBBBox Duration: 250 Stimulus: "P2[00100000]" StartRef: "0 after end of delay Copy 2 Copy" delay Copy 2 Copy:: EventType: Null Duration: BlockAttrib("Delay") StartRef: "0 after start of redblink Copy" redblinkclick Copy:: EventType: SoundLabel Duration: Self_Terminate StartRef: "0 after end of random delay4" SoundFile: "Clickloud.aiff" obs record Copy:: EventType: Null Duration: USBBBox[ B3_DOWN ] StartRef: "0 after start of redblink Copy" EventActions: Conditions[ USBBBox[ B3_DOWN ] ] => Actions[ RT[ "Obs-anticip" ] ] EventTag: Obs_CATCH start2 Copy:: EventType: Text Duration: USBBBox[ B1_UP ] StartRef: "0 after end of START" Stimulus: "Bitte drŸcken Sie S C H W A R Z um diesen Durchgang zu starten." Port: PortName("Entire Screen") Position: Size: 24 action-blink:: EventType: USBBBox Duration: 250 Stimulus: "P2[01000000]" StartRef: "0 after end of WaitForClick 1" pingu blink:: EventType: USBBBox Duration: 250 StartRef: "0 after end of WaitForClick 3" Stimulus: "P2[01000000]" pingu blink Copy:: EventType: USBBBox Duration: 250 StartRef: "0 after end of WaitForClick 4" Stimulus: "P2[01000000]" redblink:: EventType: USBBBox Duration: 250 Stimulus: "P2[01000000]" StartRef: "60 after start of redblinkclick" redblink Copy:: EventType: USBBBox Duration: 250 Stimulus: "P2[01000000]" StartRef: "60 after start of redblinkclick Copy" action-blink Copy:: EventType: USBBBox Duration: 250 Stimulus: "P2[01000000]" StartRef: "0 after end of WaitForClick 2" random delay:: EventType: Null Duration: 2500 + random(250) StartRef: "0 after end of Start1" random delay2:: EventType: Null Duration: 2500 + random(250) StartRef: "0 after end of Start1 Copy" random delay3:: EventType: Null Duration: 2500 + random(250) StartRef: "0 after end of start2" random delay4:: EventType: Null Duration: 2500 + random(250) StartRef: "0 after end of start2 Copy" pingu prompt 2:: EventType: Text Duration: Trial_End Stimulus: "Bitte initialisieren Sie die Maschine" Port: PortName("Entire Screen") Position: PointName("New Position 1") Size: 24 EventActions: Conditions[ USBBBox[ B2_DOWN ] ] => Actions[ RT[ Pingu_press ] ] ClearType: FORCE_CLEAR StartRef: "0 after end of START" EventTag: Machine WaitForClick 1:: EventType: Null Duration: USBBBox[ B2_DOWN ] WaitForClick 2:: EventType: Null Duration: USBBBox[ B2_DOWN ] WaitForClick 3:: EventType: Null Duration: USBBBox[ B2_DOWN ] StartRef: "0 after end of START" WaitForClick 4:: EventType: Null Duration: USBBBox[ B2_DOWN ] StartRef: "0 after end of START" #> StimulusDefinitions #> TrialManagerVariables #> PortDefinitions PortNames:: "Entire Screen" Entire Screen:: Center 100% Center 100% 0 Points: "New Position 1" "New Position 2" #> PositionDefinitions New Position 1:: Center Port Center Center Port Center New Position 2:: Center Port Center Center Port Center #> SubjectInfo SubjectNumber:: 1 Type: Int RunAfter: AutoDataFile SubjectNumAndGroup:: TRUE Dialog: SubjectNumAndGroup SubjectCount: 1 RunCount: 13 GroupRunCount: 13 GroupSpecs: Group @"Group" SubjectNumber: 4 RunNumber: 1 Group:: CTR Dialog: Buttons Msg: " " Buttons: SZ CTR Default: SZ RunAfter: AutoDataFile #> InterfaceDefinition Console:: Options:: #> MenuDefinitions Menus:: Experiment Experiment:: @StandardPsyScopeMenuItems #> DialogDefinitions #> LogFile LogRunStart:: SubjectNumber Group Dialog: LogInfo #> OtherConfiguration RunStart:: SubjectNumber Group LogRunStart AutoDatafile AutoDatafile:: "CTR_1_CBinding_LED @ :Data:" Dialog: MakeFileName Strings: @"Group" _ @"SubjectNumber" _CBinding_LED Folder: ":Data:" UseDir: TRUE #> OtherEntries #> ExperimentNotes Notes:: "CBinding_Machine_700ms": "(There are no notes for this experiment.)" #> BuilderData # This information is used by the graphic interface - do not delete it! BuilderData:: "CBinding_Machine_700ms": LayoutWindow:> 117 99 951 639 Zoomed:>> False ObjectType:> Experiment LayoutPos:> 307 2 BlockDisplayData:> 1144 618 ExpAttribs:> AttribDisplayData:> 407 165 654 312 Zoomed:>> False GroupsInScript: BlocksInScript: basic500 basic700 pingu500 pingu700 obs700 basic pingu obs500 obs "basic-super" "pingu-super" "obs-super" "basic-intro" "pingu-intro" "obs-intro" endofblock b500 b700 p500 p700 o500 o700 basic_adapt500 basic_adapt700 pingu_adapt500 pingu_adapt700 obs_adapt500 obs_adapt700 TemplatesInScript: "basic trial" "pingu trial" "obs trial" intro blockend "basic trial catch" "pingu trial catch" "obs trial catch" FactorsInScript: LevelsInScript: EventsInScript: prompt blink delay "pingu prompt" "blink Copy" "delay Copy" "obs prompt" "blink Copy 2" "delay Copy 2" redblinkclick "basic-record" "pingu record" "obs record" introtext Event1 Start1 start2 "prompt Copy" "blink Copy 3" "delay Copy 3" "basic-record Copy" "Start1 Copy" catchphrase "pingu prompt Copy" "blink Copy Copy" "delay Copy Copy" "pingu record Copy" "obs prompt Copy" "blink Copy 2 Copy" "delay Copy 2 Copy" "redblinkclick Copy" "obs record Copy" "start2 Copy" "action-blink" "pingu blink" "pingu blink Copy" redblink "redblink Copy" "action-blink Copy" "random delay" "random delay2" "random delay3" "random delay4" "pingu prompt 2" "WaitForClick 1" "WaitForClick 2" "WaitForClick 3" "WaitForClick 4" StimuliInScript: Trash: "pingu prompt Copy" "basic-super" basic "basic-intro" b700 basic700 basic_adapt700 "basic trial catch" "basic trial" basic500 basic_adapt500 b500 pingu500 p500 pingu_adapt500 obs "obs-super" "obs-intro" o500 obs500 "obs trial" "obs trial catch" obs700 obs_adapt500 o700 obs_adapt700 Desk: "prompt Copy" "blink Copy 3" "delay Copy 3" "basic-record Copy" "Start1 Copy" "action-blink Copy" "random delay2" "WaitForClick 2" prompt blink delay "basic-record" Start1 "action-blink" "random delay" "WaitForClick 1" "obs prompt" "blink Copy 2" "delay Copy 2" redblinkclick "obs record" start2 redblink "random delay3" "obs prompt Copy" "blink Copy 2 Copy" "delay Copy 2 Copy" "redblinkclick Copy" "obs record Copy" "start2 Copy" "redblink Copy" "random delay4" SubjectInfo: SubjectNumber DataTypes Value ; Group DataTypes Buttons ; "basic trial": ObjectType:> Template OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 51 408 Links:> TrialDisplayData:> 123 102 663 453 "-20" 0 9987 110 Zoomed:>> False TrialAttribs:> AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True prompt: ObjectType:> Event Links:> basic_trialPosition:> 9 46 AttribDisplayData:> 686 370 618 395 Zoomed:>> False EventActions:> ActionDisplayData:>> 1085 623 390 275 Zoomed:>>> False Conditions:>> DurationDisplayData:>>> EventDisplayData:>>> 1113 663 Actions:>> RT:>>> AttribDisplayData:>>>> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>>>>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> ViewDuration:>> 500 EventDisplayData:>> 1113 663 OnDesk:> True "Entire Screen": Display:> TRUE "New Position 1": Display:> TRUE PosWindowPos:> 578 252 blink: ObjectType:> Event Links:> basic_trialPosition:> 17 176 AttribDisplayData:> 228 108 431 272 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 553 300 OnDesk:> True delay: ObjectType:> Event Links:> basic_trialPosition:> 13 143 AttribDisplayData:> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>> False OnDesk:> True "pingu prompt": ObjectType:> Event Links:> "pingu trial" Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 1113 663 ViewDuration:>> 500 basic_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 7 obs_trialPosition:> 5 7 pingu_trialPosition:> 5 7 AttribDisplayData:> 243 217 602 308 Zoomed:>> False EventActions:> ActionDisplayData:>> 1085 623 390 275 Zoomed:>>> False Conditions:>> Actions:>> RT:>>> AttribDisplayData:>>>> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>>>>> False "blink Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> "pingu trial" basic_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 44 obs_trialPosition:> 5 44 pingu_trialPosition:> 4 129 "delay Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> "pingu trial" basic_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 81 obs_trialPosition:> 5 81 pingu_trialPosition:> 4 85 AttribDisplayData:> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>> False "pingu trial": ObjectType:> Template OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 283 392 Links:> pingu700 pingu_adapt700 TrialDisplayData:> 33 159 565 413 0 0 2745 96 Zoomed:>> False "obs prompt": ObjectType:> Event Links:> Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 799 436 ViewDuration:>> 4388 basic_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 7 AttribDisplayData:> 794 279 431 272 Zoomed:>> False obs_trialPosition:> 7 16 EventActions:> ActionDisplayData:>> 1085 623 390 275 Zoomed:>>> False Conditions:>> DurationDisplayData:>>> EventDisplayData:>>> 1113 663 Actions:>> RT:>>> AttribDisplayData:>>>> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>>>>> False OnDesk:> True "blink Copy 2": ObjectType:> Event Links:> basic_trial_CopyPosition:> 6 85 AttribDisplayData:> 190 451 548 334 Zoomed:>> False obs_trialPosition:> 11 204 OnDesk:> True "delay Copy 2": ObjectType:> Event Links:> basic_trial_CopyPosition:> 14 126 obs_trialPosition:> 8 158 AttribDisplayData:> 615 286 431 272 Zoomed:>> False OnDesk:> True "obs trial": ObjectType:> Template OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 490 377 Links:> TrialDisplayData:> 364 144 689 545 "-20" 0 7358 108 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True redblinkclick: ObjectType:> Event Links:> basic_trial_CopyPosition:> 28 58 AttribDisplayData:> 480 290 431 272 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 793 409 ViewDuration:>> 500 obs_trialPosition:> 6 73 OnDesk:> True "basic-record": ObjectType:> Event Links:> basic_trialPosition:> 13 209 AttribDisplayData:> 470 254 680 289 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> ViewDuration:>> 100 EventDisplayData:>> 553 300 EventActions:> ActionDisplayData:>> 769 362 390 275 Zoomed:>>> False Conditions:>> DurationDisplayData:>>> EventDisplayData:>>> 1113 663 Actions:>> RT:>>> AttribDisplayData:>>>> 831 396 431 272 Zoomed:>>>>> False OnDesk:> True ExecTimesDisplayData: 563 170 362 427 Zoomed:> False "pingu record": ObjectType:> Event Links:> "pingu trial" pingu_trialPosition:> 4 184 AttribDisplayData:> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> ViewDuration:>> 500 EventDisplayData:>> 553 340 EventActions:> ActionDisplayData:>> 1085 623 390 275 Zoomed:>>> False Conditions:>> DurationDisplayData:>>> EventDisplayData:>>> 1113 663 Actions:>> RT:>>> AttribDisplayData:>>>> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>>>>> False "obs record": ObjectType:> Event Links:> obs_trialPosition:> 5 252 AttribDisplayData:> 452 348 431 272 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> ViewDuration:>> 500 EventDisplayData:>> 553 300 EventActions:> ActionDisplayData:>> 869 297 390 275 Zoomed:>>> False Conditions:>> DurationDisplayData:>>> EventDisplayData:>>> 1113 663 Actions:>> RT:>>> AttribDisplayData:>>>> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>>>>> False OnDesk:> True basic500: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 33 296 Links:> BlockDisplayData:> 794 325 BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File AttribDisplayData:> 805 400 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True "basic 900": ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 105 296 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 1144 618 AttribDisplayData:> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True basic700: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 180 297 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 801 125 AttribDisplayData:> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>> False FactorListDisplay:> 566 308 307 223 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True pingu500: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 246 257 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 784 146 AttribDisplayData:> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True pingu900: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 321 292 Links:> pingu BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 1144 618 AttribDisplayData:> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>> False pingu700: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 402 296 Links:> p700 BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 754 258 AttribDisplayData:> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>> False obs900: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 544 296 Links:> obs BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 1144 618 AttribDisplayData:> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>> False obs700: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 608 296 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 700 226 AttribDisplayData:> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True basic: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 96 157 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True pingu: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 320 157 Links:> "pingu-super" BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File obs500: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 475 290 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 1002 397 AttribDisplayData:> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 1113 663 InTrash:> True obs: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 534 157 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File InTrash:> True ExperimentsInScript: CBinding_Machine_700ms "basic-super": ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 60 48 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File InTrash:> True "pingu-super": ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 331 63 Links:> CBinding_Machine_700ms BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File "obs-super": ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 619 74 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File InTrash:> True "basic-intro": ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 151 91 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 895 236 AttribDisplayData:> 685 463 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True "pingu-intro": ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 396 101 Links:> "pingu-super" BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 823 439 AttribDisplayData:> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>> False "obs-intro": ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 653 117 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 1144 618 AttribDisplayData:> 1064 624 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True intro: ObjectType:> Template OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 264 133 Links:> "pingu-intro" TrialDisplayData:> 503 369 452 293 0 0 2000 90 Zoomed:>> False introtext: ObjectType:> Event Links:> intro introPosition:> 23 45 AttribDisplayData:> 497 325 431 272 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> ViewDuration:>> 500 EventDisplayData:>> 553 322 EventActions:> ActionDisplayData:>> 525 282 390 275 Zoomed:>>> False Conditions:>> DurationDisplayData:>>> EventDisplayData:>>> 553 322 endofblock: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 279 448 Links:> p700 BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File b500: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 42 223 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True b900: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 122 224 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File InTrash:> True b700: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 185 223 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File FactorListDisplay:> 566 308 307 223 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True p500: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 243 185 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True p900: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 342 220 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File InTrash:> True p700: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 418 178 Links:> pingu BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File o500: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 504 216 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File InTrash:> True o900: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 558 213 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File InTrash:> True o700: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 627 219 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File InTrash:> True blockend: ObjectType:> Template OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 411 446 Links:> endofblock TrialDisplayData:> 1054 614 452 293 0 0 2000 90 Zoomed:>> False Event1: ObjectType:> Event Links:> blockend blockendPosition:> 29 33 AttribDisplayData:> 619 365 431 272 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> ViewDuration:>> 500 EventDisplayData:>> 553 322 Start1: ObjectType:> Event Links:> basic_trialPosition:> 13 "-7" AttribDisplayData:> 452 44 733 518 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> ViewDuration:>> 500 EventDisplayData:>> 553 322 OnDesk:> True start2: ObjectType:> Event Links:> obs_trialPosition:> 28 "-5" AttribDisplayData:> 744 370 431 272 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> ViewDuration:>> 500 EventDisplayData:>> 553 264 OnDesk:> True GroupingInfoDisplayData: "":> 491 284 "prompt Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 553 322 ViewDuration:>> 500 basic_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 7 basic_trial_catchPosition:> 8 60 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 425 Zoomed:>> False EventActions:> ActionDisplayData:>> 525 282 390 275 Zoomed:>>> False Conditions:>> DurationDisplayData:>>> EventDisplayData:>>> 553 322 OnDesk:> True "blink Copy 3": ObjectType:> Event Links:> basic_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 44 basic_trial_catchPosition:> 5 169 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False OnDesk:> True "delay Copy 3": ObjectType:> Event Links:> basic_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 81 basic_trial_catchPosition:> 5 138 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False OnDesk:> True "basic-record Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 553 322 basic_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 118 basic_trial_catchPosition:> 5 204 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 591 380 Zoomed:>> False EventActions:> ActionDisplayData:>> 525 282 390 275 Zoomed:>>> False Conditions:>> DurationDisplayData:>>> EventDisplayData:>>> 553 322 OnDesk:> True "Start1 Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 553 322 basic_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 155 basic_trial_catchPosition:> 13 17 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False OnDesk:> True "basic trial catch": ObjectType:> Template OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 109 426 TrialDisplayData:> 132 76 685 502 "-20" 0 6374 153 Zoomed:>> False Links:> TrialAttribs:> AttribDisplayData:> 504 261 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True catchphrase: ObjectType:> Event Links:> "pingu trial catch" basic_trial_catchPosition:> 9 "-9" Duration:> ViewDuration:>> 500 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False pingu_trial_catchPosition:> 5 6 obs_trial_catchPosition:> 2 "-22" "New Position 2": Display:> TRUE "pingu prompt Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> Duration:> pingu_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 7 pingu_trial_catchPosition:> 5 7 AttribDisplayData:> 539 174 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True "blink Copy Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> "pingu trial catch" pingu_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 44 pingu_trial_catchPosition:> 6 198 "delay Copy Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> "pingu trial catch" pingu_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 81 pingu_trial_catchPosition:> 1 157 "pingu record Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> "pingu trial catch" Duration:> pingu_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 118 pingu_trial_catchPosition:> 9 257 AttribDisplayData:> 687 208 431 272 Zoomed:>> False EventActions:> ActionDisplayData:>> 354 360 390 275 Zoomed:>>> False Conditions:>> "pingu trial catch": ObjectType:> Template OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 403 408 Links:> pingu700 TrialDisplayData:> 357 95 698 550 0 0 3466 126 Zoomed:>> False "obs prompt Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> obs_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 7 obs_trial_catchPosition:> 4 29 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> ViewDuration:>> 2609 OnDesk:> True "blink Copy 2 Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> obs_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 44 obs_trial_catchPosition:> 1 166 OnDesk:> True "delay Copy 2 Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> obs_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 81 obs_trial_catchPosition:> 6 137 OnDesk:> True "redblinkclick Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> Duration:> obs_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 118 obs_trial_catchPosition:> 2 85 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False OnDesk:> True "obs record Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> Duration:> obs_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 155 obs_trial_catchPosition:> 3 206 AttribDisplayData:> 220 224 431 272 Zoomed:>> False EventActions:> ActionDisplayData:>> 525 259 390 275 Zoomed:>>> False Conditions:>> DurationDisplayData:>>> EventDisplayData:>>> 553 300 OnDesk:> True "start2 Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> Duration:> obs_trial_CopyPosition:> 5 192 obs_trial_catchPosition:> 2 4 AttribDisplayData:> 504 261 431 272 Zoomed:>> False OnDesk:> True "obs trial catch": ObjectType:> Template OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 598 371 Links:> TrialDisplayData:> 412 143 676 424 "-20" 0 6572 130 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True "action-blink": ObjectType:> Event Links:> basic_trialPosition:> 12 110 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 553 300 basic_trial_catchPosition:> 9 86 OnDesk:> True "pingu blink": ObjectType:> Event Links:> "pingu trial" pingu_trialPosition:> 6 56 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 553 322 "pingu blink Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> "pingu trial catch" pingu_trial_catchPosition:> 3 122 AttribDisplayData:> 744 370 431 272 Zoomed:>> False redblink: ObjectType:> Event Links:> obs_trialPosition:> 13 109 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 553 322 OnDesk:> True "redblink Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> obs_trial_catchPosition:> 4 107 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False OnDesk:> True basic_adapt500: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 75 309 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 584 277 FactorListDisplay:> 566 308 307 223 Zoomed:>> False AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True basic_adapt700: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 211 328 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 584 277 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True pingu_adapt500: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 292 276 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 584 277 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True pingu_adapt700: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 348 232 Links:> p700 BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 584 277 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False obs_adapt500: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 531 258 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 584 277 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True obs_adapt700: ObjectType:> Block OnDesk:> False LayoutPos:> 741 301 Links:> BlockAttribs:> Delay Text Stimulus ; File Document File BlockDisplayData:> 584 277 AttribDisplayData:> 504 283 431 272 Zoomed:>> False InTrash:> True "action-blink Copy": ObjectType:> Event Links:> basic_trial_catchPosition:> 5 105 AttribDisplayData:> 744 370 431 272 Zoomed:>> False Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 793 409 OnDesk:> True "random delay": ObjectType:> Event Links:> basic_trialPosition:> 7 17 Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 553 300 OnDesk:> True "random delay2": ObjectType:> Event Links:> basic_trial_catchPosition:> 9 37 OnDesk:> True "random delay3": ObjectType:> Event Links:> obs_trialPosition:> 5 41 AttribDisplayData:> 714 120 431 272 Zoomed:>> False OnDesk:> True "random delay4": ObjectType:> Event Links:> obs_trial_catchPosition:> 4 53 OnDesk:> True "pingu prompt 2": ObjectType:> Event Links:> "pingu trial catch" Duration:> ViewDuration:>> 500 pingu_trial_catchPosition:> 3 41 AttribDisplayData:> 504 261 431 272 Zoomed:>> False "WaitForClick 1": ObjectType:> Event Links:> basic_trialPosition:> 11 78 Duration:> ViewDuration:>> 500 DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 473 258 OnDesk:> True "WaitForClick 2": ObjectType:> Event Links:> Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 473 258 basic_trial_catchPosition:> 8 81 AttribDisplayData:> 424 219 431 272 Zoomed:>> False OnDesk:> True "WaitForClick 3": ObjectType:> Event Links:> "pingu trial" Duration:> DurationDisplayData:>> EventDisplayData:>> 473 258 pingu_trialPosition:> 1 30 AttribDisplayData:> 424 219 431 272 Zoomed:>> False "WaitForClick 4": ObjectType:> Event Links:> "pingu trial catch" Duration:> pingu_trial_catchPosition:> 4 82 AttribDisplayData:> 424 219 431 272 Zoomed:>> False