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Eric D. Young 4 years ago
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-Contents of data files submitted with manuscript 
-ED Young et al  ?Resolution of subcomponents of synaptic release from
- post-synaptic currents in rat hair-cell/auditory-nerve fiber synapses?.
- Young, E.D. et al. Resolution of subcomponents of synaptic release from
-    post-synaptic currents in rat hair-cell/auditory-nerve fiber synapses.
-    BioR?iv 2020.05.13.070920; (2020).
-The data submitted consist of the following Matlab data files (.mat).
-      SW421_dD_dEN_C.mat  - a data file containing the analysis of one
-              example experiment (called experiment T in the ms).
-      Fig234data.mat  - a data file containing the data plotted in Figure
-              2D, 3D, and 4. 
-There is also a program  FigsDemo() which is a Matlab .m file. When run,
-this program plots Figures 1A, 2A, 2D, 3A, 3D, 4A, 4B, 4C, and 5A, drawing
-the data from the two datafiles. The statistical tests described in the ms 
-are repeated here.
-CONTENTS OF SW421_dD_dEN_C.mat 
-This file contains two structures, dD and dEN. Unidentified entries below
-are either unused parameters or parameters of the program used to construct
-the lasso fits.
->> dD
-dD = struct with fields:
-         DataID: 'SW421m, start 400 s, 2^25/5 samples'	Data identifier
-           ut_s: 1.0000e-04				    Time resolution of the data, s
-        filters: [0 0]
-       origdata: [1×1 struct]
-         EvThrK: -30						Theshold, pA, used to ID EPSCs
-      EvSpac_sK: 0.0100
-         DataDC: [6710887×1 double]		    RAW DATA WAVEFORM, with baseline
-                                              set to 0
-      EditsZero: []
-           timK: [201×1 double]			    Time axis for the kernel
-      AvgKernel: [201×1 double]			    Kernel, computed as the average
-                                              of monophasic EPSCs
-       SDKernel: [201×1 double]			    SD of the kernel
-           nevk: 6096					    Number of events in the average
-             N0: 2.3597						Estimate of the mean-square
-                                              baseline (mean(var(ZeroWaves))
-      ZeroWaves: [96×6096 double]			10 ms samples of baseline preceding the EPSCs used in the kernel
-      ZWaveInds: [2×6096 double]		    Index of the start of each sample (time = index*ut_s)
->>  dEN
-dEN = struct with fields:
-         DataID: 'SW421m, start 400 s, 2^25/5 samples'	   Data identifier
-           ut_s: 1.0000e-04					Time resolution of all data, s
-        filters: [0 0]
-         EvThrK: -30
-      EvSpac_sK: 0.0100
-          ClThr: -20					    Theshold, pA, used to identify
-                                              EPSCs after baseline zeroing
-  ClusterParams: [5.0000e-04 0.0200 0.0100]
-         iClust: [11849×3 double]			Times of EPSCs, one row/EPSC, 
-                                      contains [time-of-peak  time-of-start  
-                                      time of end] in indices = time/ut_s
-        cluspks: [11849×1 double]		    Peak value (pA) of each EPSC
-       clusArea: [11849×1 double]			Area of each EPSC. Multiply by
-                                              ut_s to obtain charge (pC)
-      deletedCl: [4×2 double]
-        addedCl: [85 78 101]
-    LassoParams: [20 5 0.0300 1 0.0300]
-          xsigL: [6710887×1 double]			Deconvolved waveform (green 
-                                              signals in Figs 1, 5)
-        dataOIL: [6710887×1 double]			Fit waveform = xsigL convolved
-                                              with kernel
-          RMSEL: [11849×1 double]			Relative MS error of each EPSC
-   RootDCEnergy: [11849×1 double]			DC baseline offset energy as a
-                                              fraction of fit energy
-        nsigpks: [11849×1 double]			Number of events in each EPSC
-          yOffL: [11849×1 double]			DC baseline offset (pA) of the fit
-                                              to each EPSC (should be small)
-      iEvClustL: {11849×1 cell}			    Cell array, one cell for each EPSC, contains timimg information
-										      for events in same format as iClust
-      PeakAreas: {11849×1 cell}             Area (pA) of each event
-     iClRemoved: {5×1 cell}
-    OverlapElim: {55×1 cell}
-CONTENTS Fig234data.mat, containing the structure Figure234data
->> Figure234data
-Figure234data = struct with fields:
-     ReadMe: 'Data for Figs. 2CD, 3D, 4.'	File identifier
-     colmns: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]	X-axis for Figs 2C, 2D, 3D
-    rowname: {1×8 cell}						Brief identifiers for the expts
-    Nevents: [8×12 double]					Data for Figs. 2C, 2D, 3D.
-      Mampl: [8×12 double]					Event count/EPSC varies down the
-      Marea: [8×12 double]					rows, columns are y-axis (number
-                                              of events, EPSC amplitude, 
-                                              EPSC area).
-      intNN: [583×2 double]					Data for Fig 4B. Column 1 is 
-                                              interval to preceding EPSC, 
-										      column 2 is number of events
-                                              in this EPSC.
-intNNsmooth: 33                             (not used)
-     cmNsig: [10×8 double]					Data for Fig 4A. Event count
-                                              varies down the rows, one column
-										      for each experiment. Data are
-                                              the mean number of of events.
-     normcm: [1.9756 1.3290 1.3256 1.7276 2.6006 2.4915 1.9579 2.3707]
-                                            Normalizing factors, means of 
-                                              the columns of cmNsig
-    intArea: [2437×2 double]			    Data for Fig 4C. same format as
-                                              intNN, except data are EPSC area
-    intAmpl: [2437×2 double]			    As for intArea, except data are
-                                              EPSC peak amplitude. No plot, 
-										      only statistics