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  1. authors:
  2. -
  3. firstname: David
  4. lastname: Lee
  5. affiliation: 'Boston University'
  6. id: 'ORCID:0000-0001-7532-6265'
  7. -
  8. firstname: Caroline
  9. lastname: McLachlan
  10. affiliation: 'Boston University'
  11. -
  12. firstname: Ramon
  13. lastname: Nogueira
  14. affiliation: 'Columbia University'
  15. -
  16. firstname: Osung
  17. lastname: Kwon
  18. affiliation: 'Boston University'
  19. -
  20. firstname: Alanna
  21. lastname: Carey
  22. affiliation: 'Boston University'
  23. -
  24. firstname: Garrett
  25. lastname: House
  26. affiliation: 'Boston University'
  27. -
  28. firstname: Gavin
  29. lastname: Lagani
  30. affiliation: 'Boston University'
  31. -
  32. firstname: Danielle
  33. lastname: LaMay
  34. affiliation: 'Boston University'
  35. -
  36. firstname: Stefano
  37. lastname: Fusi
  38. affiliation: 'Columbia University'
  39. -
  40. firstname: Jerry
  41. lastname: Chen
  42. affiliation: 'Boston University'
  43. title: 'Perirhinal cortex learns a predictive map of the task environment'
  44. description: 'Chronic population imaging and acetylcholine imaging reveal the formation of sensory prediction error and stimulus-outcome association activity in mouse perirhinal cortex while learning a goal-directed task.'
  45. keywords:
  46. - Neuroscience
  47. - 'Perirhinal Cortex'
  48. - 'Predictive Maps'
  49. license:
  50. name: 'Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication'
  51. url: ''
  52. funding:
  53. - 'Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation'
  54. - 'Elizabeth and Stuart Pratt Career Development Award'
  55. - 'Whitehall Foundation'
  56. - 'Harvard NeuroDiscovery Center'
  57. - 'Boston University Kilachand Fund Award'
  58. - 'NIH; R01NS109965'
  59. - 'NIH; DP2NS111134'
  60. - 'NSF; Neuronex 1707398'
  61. - 'Gatsby Charitable Foundation; GAT3708'
  62. - 'Simons Foundation'
  63. - 'Swartz Foundation'
  64. references:
  65. -
  66. id: 'doi:tba'
  67. reftype: IsSupplementTo
  68. citation: 'Lee, McLachlan et. al 2024, Perirhinal cortex learns a predictive map of the task environment, Nature Communications'
  69. resourcetype: Dataset
  70. templateversion: 1.2