SpykingCircus.params 6.8 KB

  1. [data]
  2. file_format = raw_binary # Can be raw_binary, openephys, hdf5, ... See >> spyking-circus help -i for more info
  3. data_dtype = float32
  4. nb_channels = 1
  5. sampling_rate = 16666.666666666668
  6. stream_mode = None # None by default. Can be multi-files, or anything depending to the file format
  7. mapping = mon.prb # Mapping of the electrode (see http://spyking-circus.rtfd.ord)
  8. suffix = done # Suffix to add to generated files
  9. global_tmp = True # should be False if local /tmp/ has enough space (better for clusters)
  10. overwrite = True # If you want to filter or remove artefacts on site. Data are duplicated otherwise
  11. blosc_compress = False # For clusters only, to compress data shared among nodes
  12. [detection]
  13. radius = auto # Radius [in um] (if auto, read from the prb file)
  14. N_t = 5 # Width of the templates [in ms]
  15. spike_thresh = 5 #!! AUTOMATICALLY EDITED: DO NOT MODIFY !!
  16. peaks = both # Can be negative (default), positive or both
  17. matched-filter = False # If True, we perform spike detection with matched filters
  18. matched_thresh = 5 # Threshold for detection if matched filter is True
  19. alignment = True # Realign the waveforms by oversampling
  20. isolation = False # Enforce individual snippets to be isolated [experimental]
  21. [filtering]
  22. cut_off = 300, auto # Min and Max (auto=nyquist) cut off frequencies for the band pass butterworth filter [Hz]
  23. filter = True # If True, then a low-pass filtering is performed
  24. remove_median = False # If True, median over all channels is substracted to each channels (movement artefacts)
  25. [whitening]
  26. chunk_size = 60 # Size of the data chunks [in s]
  27. safety_time = 1 # Temporal zone around which templates are isolated [in ms]
  28. temporal = False # Perform temporal whitening
  29. spatial = True # Perform spatial whitening
  30. max_elts = 50000 # Max number of events per electrode (should be compatible with nb_elts)
  31. nb_elts = 1 # Fraction of max_elts that should be obtained per electrode [0-1]
  32. output_dim = 5 # Can be in percent of variance explain, or num of dimensions for PCA on waveforms
  33. [clustering]
  34. extraction = median-raw # Can be either median-raw (default), median-pca, mean-pca, mean-raw, or quadratic
  35. safety_space = True # If True, we exclude spikes in the vicinity of a selected spikes
  36. safety_time = 1 # Temporal zone around which templates are isolated [in ms]
  37. max_elts = 50000 # Max number of events per electrode (should be compatible with nb_elts)
  38. nb_elts = 1 # Fraction of max_elts that should be obtained per electrode [0-1]
  39. nclus_min = 0.002 # Min number of elements in a cluster (given in percentage)
  40. max_clusters = 10 # Maximal number of clusters for every electrodes
  41. nb_repeats = 3 # Number of passes used for the clustering
  42. make_plots = png # Generate sanity plots of the clustering
  43. sim_same_elec = 3 # Distance within clusters under which they are re-merged
  44. cc_merge = 1 # If CC between two templates is higher, they are merged
  45. dispersion = (5, 5) # Min and Max dispersion allowed for amplitudes [in MAD]
  46. smart_search = True # Parameter to activate the smart search mode
  47. smart_select = False # Experimental: activate the smart selection of centroids (max_clusters is ignored)
  48. noise_thr = 0.8 # Minimal amplitudes are such than amp*min(templates) < noise_thr*threshold
  49. remove_mixture = True # At the end of the clustering, we remove mixtures of templates
  50. cc_mixtures = 0.75 # If CC between a sum of two templates and a template is higher, it is removed
  51. [fitting]
  52. chunk = 1 # Size of chunks used during fitting [in second]
  53. gpu_only = True # Use GPU for computation of b's AND fitting
  54. amp_limits = (0.3, 30) # Amplitudes for the templates during spike detection
  55. amp_auto = True # True if amplitudes are adjusted automatically for every templates
  56. max_chunk = inf # Fit only up to max_chunk
  57. collect_all = False # If True, one garbage template per electrode is created, to store unfitted spikes
  58. [merging]
  59. cc_overlap = 0.75 # Only templates with CC higher than cc_overlap may be merged
  60. cc_bin = 1 # Bin size for computing CC [in ms]
  61. correct_lag = False # If spikes are aligned when merging. May be better for phy usage
  62. auto_mode = 0 # If >0, merging will be automatic (see doc, 0.1 is a good value)
  63. [converting]
  64. erase_all = True # If False, a prompt will ask you to export if export has already been done
  65. sparse_export = False # If True, data for phy are exported in a sparse format. Need recent version of phy
  66. export_pcs = prompt # Can be prompt [default] or in none, all, some
  67. export_all = False # If True, unfitted spikes will be exported as the last Ne templates
  68. [extracting]
  69. safety_time = 1 # Temporal zone around which spikes are isolated [in ms]
  70. max_elts = 10000 # Max number of events per templates (should be compatible with nb_elts)
  71. nb_elts = 0.8 # Fraction of max_elts that should be obtained per electrode [0-1]
  72. output_dim = 5 # Percentage of variance explained while performing PCA
  73. cc_merge = 0.975 # If CC between two templates is higher, they are merged
  74. noise_thr = 0.8 # Minimal amplitudes are such than amp*min(templates) < noise_thr*threshold
  75. [validating]
  76. nearest_elec = auto # Validation channel (e.g. electrode closest to the ground truth cell)
  77. max_iter = 200 # Maximum number of iterations of the stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
  78. learning_rate = 1.0e-3 # Initial learning rate which controls the step-size of the SGD
  79. roc_sampling = 10 # Number of points to estimate the ROC curve of the BEER estimate
  80. test_size = 0.3 # Portion of the dataset to include in the test split
  81. radius_factor = 0.5 # Radius factor to modulate physical radius during validation
  82. juxta_dtype = uint16 # Type of the juxtacellular data
  83. juxta_thresh = 6 # Threshold for juxtacellular detection
  84. juxta_valley = False # True if juxta-cellular spikes are negative peaks
  85. juxta_spikes = # If none, spikes are automatically detected based on juxta_thresh
  86. filter = True # If the juxta channel need to be filtered or not
  87. make_plots = png # Generate sanity plots of the validation [Nothing or None if no plots]
  88. [noedits]
  89. filter_done = True #!! AUTOMATICALLY EDITED: DO NOT MODIFY !!