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Susanne Radtke-Schuller 4 år sedan
1 ändrade filer med 7 tillägg och 8 borttagningar
  1. 7 8

+ 7 - 8

@@ -35,14 +35,13 @@ title: "Plates of Cyto- and Myeloarchitectural Brain Atlas of the Pale Spear-Nos
 # Additional information about the resource, e.g., a brief abstract.
 description: |
     This repository accompanies the manuscript Radtke-Schuller et al. Brain, Structure and Function 2020, and contains
-    •	the plates of a new brain atlas of the pale spear-nosed bat Phyllostomus discolor, that 
-        provides high-quality histological material for identification of brain structures in 
-        stereotaxic coordinates derived from a CT scan
-    •   a version of the atlas plates at reduced resolution 
-    •	an index of abbreviations and
-    •	an index of structures  
-    •	high-resolution images of a series of Phyllostomus discolor brain sections stained for 
-        NADPH-diaphorase, Acetylcholine-esterase and Nissl
+    the plates of a new brain atlas of the pale spear-nosed bat Phyllostomus discolor, that 
+    provides high-quality histological material for identification of brain structures in 
+    stereotaxic coordinates derived from a CT scan,
+    a version of the atlas plates at reduced resolution, 
+    an index of abbreviations and an index of structures and in addition 
+    high-resolution images of a series of Phyllostomus discolor brain sections stained for 
+    NADPH-diaphorase, Acetylcholine-esterase and Nissl
     Each atlas plate combines high-resolution images of frontal sections alternately stained for 
     cells (Nissl) and myelinated fibers (Gallyas) at 49 rostrocaudal levels, at intervals of 350 µm.