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  1. authors:
  2. -
  3. firstname: 'Freja Gam'
  4. lastname: 'Østergaard'
  5. affiliation: 'GELIFES, Rijkuniversiteit Groningen'
  6. id: 'ORCID:0000-0001-7113-1743'
  7. title: 'Cortical Protocadherin-9 expression regulates multimodal sensory processing by amplifying thalamo-cortico output during wakefulness'
  8. description: 'Electrophysiological data from Pcdh9-deficient mice and mice with Pch9 reinstated in layer 6 of the cortex. Local field potentials recorded over the visual and auditory cortices.'
  9. keywords:
  10. - Neuroscience
  11. - Pcdh9
  12. - Electrophysiology
  13. - Sensory processing
  14. - Autism spectrum disorder
  15. license:
  16. name: 'Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication'
  17. url: ''
  18. funding:
  19. - 'EU, Aims-2-Trials, IMI grant agreement No 777394'
  20. references:
  21. -
  22. id: "doi:tba"
  23. reftype: IsDescribedBy
  24. citation: "Østergaard: Cortical Protocadherin-9 expression regulates multimodal sensory processing by amplifying thalamo-cortico output during wakefulness"
  25. -
  26. id: "url:"
  27. reftype: IsSupplementTo
  28. citation: "EEGcode"
  29. resourcetype: 'Dataset'
  30. templateversion: 1.2