1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829 |
- function xmax=findpeaks(data,threshold)
- % Helper function to find peaks in a given continuous valued time series x
- % Usage: xmax=findpeaks(data,threshold)
- % Input:
- % data (data in time x channels/trials form or a single vector)
- % threshold (if specified returns locations of peaks at which data exceeds threshold) - optional
- % Output:
- % xmax (locations of local maxima of data in a structure array of dimensions channels/trials)
- if nargin < 1; error('Need data'); end;
- data=change_row_to_column(data);
- C=size(data,2);
- pp1=[data(1,:);data(1:end-1,:)];
- pp2=[data(2:end,:);data(end,:)];
- xmax(1:C)=struct('loc',[]);
- % for ch=1:C,
- % if nargin ==1
- % xmax(ch).loc=[xmax(ch).loc; find(data(:,ch)-pp1(:,ch)>0 & data(:,ch)-pp2(:,ch)>0)];
- % else
- % xmax(ch).loc=[xmax(ch).loc; find(data(:,ch)-pp1(:,ch)>0 & data(:,ch)-pp2(:,ch)>0 & data(:,ch)>threshold)];
- % end
- % end
- for ch=1:C,
- if nargin ==1
- xmax(ch).loc=[xmax(ch).loc; find(data(:,ch)-pp1(:,ch)>=0 & data(:,ch)-pp2(:,ch)>=0)];
- else
- xmax(ch).loc=[xmax(ch).loc; find(data(:,ch)-pp1(:,ch)>=0 & data(:,ch)-pp2(:,ch)>=0 & data(:,ch)>=threshold)];
- end
- end