changes091206.txt 1.6 KB

  1. To Check
  2. --------
  3. den_jack unset output args
  4. sta use of : in scalar context, many places
  5. coherr change to isempty?
  6. mtspectrum_of_spectrumc : tapers input argument is lost???
  7. sta : variable sz used before set in else clause
  8. mtfftpt Fs never used...
  9. changes made
  10. ------------
  11. fitlinesc line 65 preallocate indx array.
  12. mtspectrum_of_spectrumc added parenthesis tau=(0:NF-1)/max(f); instead of brackets []
  13. nex_cont.m replace isempty and setstr
  14. nex_info.m replace isempty and setstr, preallocate types array
  15. nex_int replace isempty and setstr
  16. nex_marker replace isempty and setstr
  17. nex_ts replace isempty and setstr
  18. nex_wf replace isempty and setstr
  19. ddt replace isempty
  20. plx_ad replace isempty , brackets line 66
  21. plx_event replace isempty
  22. plx_event_ts replace isempty
  23. plx_info replace isempty
  24. plx_ts replace isempty
  25. plx_waves replace isempty
  26. change_row_to_column preallocate dtmp
  27. coherr replace isempty
  28. jackknife line 17 replace [1:c] with (1:c)
  29. fig2_3 fig 2_4 fig 2_5 no parentheses in for
  30. fig6_6 fig8_3 fig9_2 fitted added semicolons to suppress output
  31. lfmarg added semicolons
  32. plx_ad plx_event_ts plx_info plx_ts plx_waves align if/end statements
  33. lfplot locfit: put semicolons inside if statements.
  34. plotbyfactor: remove parenthesis inside for statement
  35. predict: rewrote if/else to remove unnecessary statement
  36. residuals: added semicolon in if statement
  37. openR warning call fixed
  38. Rdemo added semicolons to supress output
  39. rscb fixed plot argument
  40. plotsigdiff removed brackets [] l 80
  41. cohgrampb, pt removed semicolon
  42. binspikes, minmaxsptimes predeclared dtmp
  43. mtdspecgrampt removed semicolon
  44. locfitraw changed exist call