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- function f = strsplit(str,pattern)
- % function f = strsplit(str,pattern)
- %
- % <str> is a string
- % <pattern> (optional) is a string. default: sprintf('\n').
- %
- % split <str> using <pattern>. return a cell vector of string fragments.
- % note that we generate beginning and ending fragments.
- %
- % example:
- % isequal(strsplit('test','e'),{'t' 'st'})
- % isequal(strsplit('test','t'),{'' 'es' ''})
- % input
- if ~exist('pattern','var') || isempty(pattern)
- pattern = sprintf('\n');
- end
- % find indices of matches
- indices = strfind(str,pattern);
- % do it
- cnt = 1;
- f = {};
- for p=1:length(indices)
- temp = str(cnt:indices(p)-1);
- f = [f {choose(isempty(temp),'',temp)}];
- cnt = indices(p)+length(pattern);
- end
- temp = str(cnt:end);
- f = [f {choose(isempty(temp),'',temp)}];