123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249 |
- function results = fitnonlinearmodel_helper(opt,stimulus,tmatrix,smatrix,trainfun,testfun)
- % This is a helper function for fitnonlinearmodel.m. Not for external use!
- %
- % Notes:
- % - opt.data is always a cell vector and contains only one voxel
- % - in the nonlinear case, the seed to use has been hacked into model{1}{1} and may have multiple rows
- % calc
- islinear = isa(opt.model,'function_handle');
- if ~islinear
- ismultipleseeds = size(opt.model{1}{1},1) > 1;
- ismultiplemodels = length(opt.model) > 1;
- end
- % calc
- wantmodelfit = ~(ismember('modelfit',opt.dontsave) && ~ismember('modelfit',opt.dosave));
- if islinear
- numparams = size(stimulus{1},2);
- else
- numparams = size(opt.model{end}{2},2);
- end
- % init
- results = struct;
- results.params = zeros(length(trainfun),numparams);
- results.testdata = cell(1,length(trainfun)); % but converted to a matrix at the end
- results.modelpred = cell(1,length(trainfun)); % but converted to a matrix at the end
- results.modelfit = cell(1,length(trainfun)); % but converted to a matrix at the end
- results.trainperformance = zeros(1,length(trainfun));
- results.testperformance = zeros(1,length(trainfun));
- results.aggregatedtestperformance = [];
- if islinear
- results.numiters = [];
- results.resnorms = [];
- else
- results.numiters = zeros(length(trainfun),size(opt.model{1}{1},1),length(opt.model));
- results.resnorms = zeros(length(trainfun),size(opt.model{1}{1},1));
- end
- % loop over resampling cases
- for rr=1:length(trainfun)
- fprintf(' starting resampling case %d of %d.\n',rr,length(trainfun));
- % deal with resampling
- trainstim = feval(trainfun{rr},stimulus);
- traindata = feval(trainfun{rr},opt.data); % result is a column vector
- trainT = projectionmatrix(feval(trainfun{rr},tmatrix)); % NOTE: potentially slow step. make sparse? [or CACHE]
- trainS = projectionmatrix(feval(trainfun{rr},smatrix)); % NOTE: potentially slow step. make sparse? [or CACHE]
- teststim = feval(testfun{rr},stimulus);
- testdata = feval(testfun{rr},opt.data); % result is a column vector
- testT = projectionmatrix(feval(testfun{rr},tmatrix)); % NOTE: potentially slow step. make sparse? [or CACHE]
- testS = projectionmatrix(feval(testfun{rr},smatrix)); % NOTE: potentially slow step. make sparse? [or CACHE]
- if wantmodelfit % save on memory if user doesn't even want 'modelfit'
- allstim = catcell(1,stimulus);
- end
- % precompute
- traindataT = trainT*traindata; % remove regressors from data (fitting)
- % deal with last-minute data division
- if ~islinear
- datastd = std(traindataT);
- if datastd == 0
- datastd = 1;
- end
- traindataT = traindataT / datastd;
- end
- % deal with options
- if ~islinear
- options = opt.optimoptions;
- if ~isempty(opt.outputfcn)
- if nargin(opt.outputfcn) == 4
- options.OutputFcn = @(a,b,c) feval(opt.outputfcn,a,b,c,traindataT);
- else
- options.OutputFcn = opt.outputfcn;
- end
- end
- end
- % ok, deal with linear case
- if islinear
- % do the fitting. note that we take the mean across the third dimension
- % to deal with the case where the stimulus consists of multiple frames.
- finalparams = feval(opt.model,trainT*mean(trainstim,3),traindataT);
- % report
- fprintf(' the estimated parameters are ['); ...
- fprintf('%.3f ',finalparams); fprintf('].\n');
- % ok, deal with nonlinear case
- else
- % loop over seeds
- params = [];
- for ss=1:size(opt.model{1}{1},1)
- if ismultipleseeds
- fprintf(' trying seed %d of %d.\n',ss,size(opt.model{1}{1},1));
- end
- % loop through models
- for mm=1:length(opt.model)
- % which parameters are we actually fitting?
- ix = ~isnan(opt.model{mm}{2}(1,:));
- % calculate seed, model, and transform
- if mm==1
- seed = opt.model{mm}{1}(ss,:);
- model = opt.model{mm}{3};
- transform = opt.model{mm}{4};
- else
- seed = feval(opt.model{mm}{1},params0);
- model = feval(opt.model{mm}{3},params0);
- transform = feval(opt.model{mm}{4},params0);
- end
- % in the special case that the stimulus consists of multiple frames,
- % then we have to modify model so that it averages across the
- % predicted response associated with each frame. this is magical voodoo here.
- if size(trainstim,3) > 1
- nums = repmat(size(trainstim,3),[1 size(trainstim,1)]);
- model = @(pp,dd) chunkfun(feval(model,pp,squish(permute(dd,[3 1 2]),2)),nums,@(x) mean(x,1)).';
- end
- % figure out bounds to use
- if isequal(options.Algorithm,'levenberg-marquardt')
- lb = [];
- ub = [];
- else
- lb = opt.model{mm}{2}(1,ix);
- ub = opt.model{mm}{2}(2,ix);
- end
- % precompute
- trainstimTRANSFORM = feval(transform,trainstim);
- % define the final model function
- fun = @(pp) trainT*feval(model,copymatrix(seed,ix,pp),trainstimTRANSFORM);
- % report
- if ismultiplemodels
- fprintf(' for model %d of %d, the seed is [', ...
- mm,length(opt.model)); fprintf('%.3f ',seed); fprintf('].\n');
- else
- fprintf(' the seed is ['); fprintf('%.3f ',seed); fprintf('].\n');
- end
- if ~any(ix)
- params0 = seed; % if no parameters are to be optimized, just return the seed
- resnorm = NaN;
- output = [];
- output.iterations = NaN;
- else
- [params0,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output] = ...
- lsqcurvefit(@(x,y) double(nanreplace(feval(fun,x) / datastd,0,2)),seed(ix),[],double(traindataT),lb,ub,options);
- params0 = copymatrix(seed,ix,params0);
- end
- % report
- fprintf(' the estimated parameters are ['); ...
- fprintf('%.3f ',params0); fprintf('].\n');
- % record
- results.numiters(rr,ss,mm) = output.iterations;
- end
- % record
- results.resnorms(rr,ss) = resnorm; % final resnorm
- params(ss,:) = params0; % final parameters
- end
- % which seed produced the best results?
- [d,mnix] = min(results.resnorms(rr,:));
- finalparams = params(mnix,:);
- end
- % record the results
- results.params(rr,:) = finalparams;
- % report
- if ~islinear && ismultipleseeds
- fprintf(' seed %d was best. final estimated parameters are [',mnix); ...
- fprintf('%.3f ',finalparams); fprintf('].\n');
- end
- % prepare data and model fits
- % [NOTE: in the nonlinear case, this inherits model, transform, and trainstimTRANSFORM from above!!]
- traindatatemp = trainS*traindata;
- if islinear
- modelfittemp = trainS*(trainstim*finalparams');
- else
- modelfittemp = nanreplace(trainS*feval(model,finalparams,trainstimTRANSFORM),0,2);
- end
- if isempty(testdata) % handle this case explicitly, just to avoid problems
- results.testdata{rr} = [];
- results.modelpred{rr} = [];
- else
- results.testdata{rr} = testS*testdata;
- if islinear
- results.modelpred{rr} = testS*(teststim*finalparams');
- else
- results.modelpred{rr} = nanreplace(testS*feval(model,finalparams,feval(transform,teststim)),0,2);
- end
- end
- % prepare modelfit
- if wantmodelfit
- if islinear
- results.modelfit{rr} = (allstim*finalparams')';
- else
- results.modelfit{rr} = nanreplace(feval(model,finalparams,feval(transform,allstim)),0,2)';
- end
- else
- results.modelfit{rr} = []; % if not wanted by user, don't bother computing
- end
- % compute metrics
- results.trainperformance(rr) = feval(opt.metric,modelfittemp,traindatatemp);
- if isempty(results.testdata{rr}) % handle this case explicitly, just to avoid problems
- results.testperformance(rr) = NaN;
- else
- results.testperformance(rr) = feval(opt.metric,results.modelpred{rr},results.testdata{rr});
- end
- % report
- fprintf(' trainperformance is %.2f. testperformance is %.2f.\n', ...
- results.trainperformance(rr),results.testperformance(rr));
- end
- % compute aggregated metrics
- results.testdata = catcell(1,results.testdata);
- results.modelpred = catcell(1,results.modelpred);
- results.modelfit = catcell(1,results.modelfit);
- if isempty(results.testdata)
- results.aggregatedtestperformance = NaN;
- else
- results.aggregatedtestperformance = feval(opt.metric,results.modelpred,results.testdata);
- end
- % report
- fprintf(' aggregatedtestperformance is %.2f.\n',results.aggregatedtestperformance);