123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689 |
- function results = fitnonlinearmodel(opt,chunksize,chunknum)
- % function results = fitnonlinearmodel(opt,chunksize,chunknum)
- %
- % <opt> is a struct with the following fields (or a .mat file with 'opt'):
- %
- % <outputdir> (optional) is the directory to save results to
- %
- % *** STIMULUS ***
- % <stimulus> is:
- % (1) a matrix with time points x components
- % (2) a cell vector of (1) indicating different runs
- % (3) a function that returns (1) or (2)
- %
- % *** DATA ***
- % <data> is:
- % (1) a matrix with time points x voxels
- % (2) a cell vector of (1) indicating different runs
- % (3) a function that returns (1) or (2)
- % (4) a function that accepts a vector of voxel indices and returns (1) or (2)
- % corresponding to those voxels. in this case, <vxs> must be supplied.
- % <vxs> (optional) is:
- % (1) a vector of all voxel indices that you wish to analyze. (If you use
- % the chunking mechanism (<chunksize>, <chunknum>), then a subset of these
- % voxels are analyzed in any given function call.) Note that we automatically
- % sort the voxel indices and ensure uniqueness.
- % (2) a .mat file with 'vxs' as (1)
- % this input matters only if <data> is of case (4).
- %
- % *** MODEL ***
- % <model> is:
- % {X Y Z W} where
- % X is the initial seed (1 x P).
- % Y are the bounds (2 x P). NaNs in the first row indicate parameters to fix.
- % Z is a function that accepts two arguments, parameters (1 x P) and
- % stimuli (N x C), and outputs predicted responses (N x 1).
- % W (optional) is a function that transforms stimuli into a new form prior
- % to model evaluation.
- % OR
- % {M1 M2 M3 ...} where M1 is of the form {X Y Z W} described above,
- % and the remaining Mi are of the form {F G H I} where
- % F is a function that takes fitted parameters (1 x P) from the previous model
- % and outputs an initial seed (1 x Pnew) for the current model
- % G are the bounds (2 x Pnew). NaNs in the first row indicate parameters to fix.
- % H is a function that takes fitted parameters (1 x P) from the previous model
- % and outputs a function that accepts two arguments, parameters (1 x Pnew) and
- % stimuli (N x C), and outputs predicted responses (N x 1).
- % I (optional) is a function that takes fitted parameters (1 x P) from the
- % previous model and outputs a function that transforms stimuli into a
- % new form prior to model evaluation.
- % OR
- % M where M is a function that takes stimuli (N x C) and responses (N x 1) and
- % outputs an estimate of the linear weights (1 x C). For example, simple
- % OLS regression is the case where M is @(X,y) (inv(X'*X)*X'*y)'.
- % This case is referred to as the linear-model case.
- %
- % *** SEED ***
- % <seed> (optional) is:
- % (1) the initial seed (1 x P)
- % (2) several initial seeds to try (Q x P) in order to find the one that
- % produces the least error
- % (3) a function that accepts a single voxel index and returns (1) or (2).
- % in this case, <vxs> must be supplied.
- % If supplied, <seed> overrides the contents of X in <model>.
- % In the linear-model case, <seed> is not applicable and should be [].
- %
- % <optimoptions> (optional) are optimization options in the form used by optimset.m.
- % Can also be a cell vector with option/value pairs, in which these are applied
- % after the default optimization options. The default options are:
- % optimset('Display','iter','FunValCheck','on', ...
- % 'MaxFunEvals',Inf,'MaxIter',Inf, ...
- % 'TolFun',1e-6,'TolX',1e-6, ...
- % 'OutputFcn',@(a,b,c) outputfcnsanitycheck(a,b,c,1e-6,10))
- % In particular, it may be useful to specify a specific optimization algorithm to use.
- % In the linear-model case, <optimoptions> is ignored.
- % <outputfcn> (optional) is a function suitable for use as an 'OutputFcn'. If you
- % supply <outputfcn>, it will take precedence over any 'OutputFcn' in <optimoptions>.
- % The reason for <outputfcn> is that the data points being fitted will be passed as a
- % fourth argument to <outputfcn> (if <outputfcn> accepts four arguments). This
- % enables some useful functionality such as being able to visualize the model and
- % the data during the optimization.
- % In the linear-model case, <outputfcn> is ignored.
- %
- % <wantresampleruns> (optional) is whether to resample at the level of runs (as opposed
- % to the level of individual data points). If only one run of data is supplied, the
- % default is 0 (resample data points). If more than one run of data is supplied, the
- % default is 1 (resample runs).
- % <resampling> (optional) is:
- % 0 means fit fully (no bootstrapping nor cross-validation)
- % B or {B SEED GROUP} indicates to perform B bootstraps, using SEED as the random
- % number seed, and GROUP as the grouping to use. GROUP should be a vector of
- % positive integers. For example, [1 1 1 2 2 2] means to draw six bootstrap
- % samples in total, with three bootstrap samples from the first three cases and
- % three bootstrap samples from the second three cases. If SEED is not provided,
- % the default is sum(100*clock). If GROUP is not provided, the default is ones(1,D)
- % where D is the total number of runs or data points.
- % V where V is a matrix of dimensions (cross-validation schemes) x (runs or data
- % points). Each row indicates a distinct cross-validation scheme, where 1 indicates
- % training, -1 indicates testing, and 0 indicates to not use. For example,
- % [1 1 -1 -1 0] specifies a scheme where the first two runs (or data points) are
- % used for training and the second two runs (or data points) are used for testing.
- % Default: 0.
- %
- % *** METRIC ***
- % <metric> (optional) determine how model performance is quantified. <metric> should
- % be a function that accepts two column vectors (the first is the model; the second
- % is the data) and outputs a number. Default: @calccorrelation.
- %
- % <maxpolydeg> (optional) is a non-negative integer with the maximum polynomial degree
- % to use for polynomial nuisance functions. The polynomial nuisance functions are
- % constructed on a per-run basis. <maxpolydeg> can be a vector to indicate different
- % degrees for different runs. A special case is NaN which means to omit polynomials.
- % Default: NaN.
- % <wantremovepoly> (optional) is whether to project the polynomials out from both the
- % model and the data before computing <metric>. Default: 1.
- % <extraregressors> (optional) is:
- % (1) a matrix with time points x regressors
- % (2) a cell vector of (1) indicating different runs
- % (3) a function that returns (1) or (2)
- % Note that a separate set of regressors must be supplied for each run. The number
- % of regressors does not have to be the same across runs.
- % <wantremoveextra> (optional) is whether to project the extraregressors out from
- % both the model and the data before computing <metric>. Default: 1.
- %
- % *** OUTPUT-RELATED ***
- % <dontsave> (optional) is a string or a cell vector of strings indicating outputs
- % to omit when returning. For example, you may want to omit 'testdata', 'modelpred',
- % 'modelfit', 'numiters', and 'resnorms' since they may use a lot of memory.
- % If [] or not supplied, then we use the default of {'modelfit' 'numiters' 'resnorms'}.
- % If {}, then we will return all outputs. Note: <dontsave> can also refer to
- % auxiliary variables that are saved to the .mat files when <outputdir> is used.
- % <dosave> (optional) is just like 'dontsave' except that the outputs specified here
- % are guaranteed to be returned. (<dosave> takes precedence over <dontsave>.)
- % Default is {}.
- %
- % <chunksize> (optional) is the number of voxels to process in a single function call.
- % The default is to process all voxels.
- % <chunknum> (optional) is the chunk number to process. Default: 1.
- %
- % This function, fitnonlinearmodel.m, is essentially a wrapper around MATLAB's
- % lsqcurvefit.m function for the purposes of fitting nonlinear (and linear) models
- % to data.
- %
- % This function provides the following key benefits:
- % - Deals with input and output issues (making it easy to process many individual
- % voxels and evaluate different models)
- % - Deals with resampling (cross-validation and bootstrapping)
- % - In the case of nonlinear models, makes it easy to evaluate multiple initial
- % seeds (to avoid local minima)
- % - In the case of nonlinear models, makes it easy to perform stepwise fitting of models
- %
- % Outputs:
- % - 'params' is resampling cases x parameters x voxels.
- % These are the estimated parameters from each resampling scheme for each voxel.
- % - 'trainperformance' is resampling cases x voxels.
- % This is the performance of the model on the training data under each resampling
- % scheme for each voxel.
- % - 'testperformance' is resampling cases x voxels.
- % This is the performance of the model on the testing data under each resampling
- % scheme for each voxel.
- % - 'aggregatedtestperformance' is 1 x voxels.
- % This is the performance of the model on the testing data, after aggregating
- % the data and model predictions across the resampling schemes.
- % - 'testdata' is time points x voxels.
- % This is the aggregated testing data across the resampling schemes.
- % - 'modelpred' is time points x voxels.
- % This is the aggregated model predictions across the resampling schemes.
- % - 'modelfit' is resampling cases x time points x voxels.
- % This is the model fit for each resampling scheme. Here, by "model fit"
- % we mean the fit for each of the original stimuli based on the parameters
- % estimated in a given resampling case; we do not mean the fit for each of the
- % stimuli involved in the fitting. (For example, if there are 100 stimuli and
- % we are performing cross-validation, there will nevertheless be 100 time points
- % in 'modelfit'.) Also, note that 'modelfit' is the raw fit; it is not adjusted
- % for <wantremovepoly> and <wantremoveextra>.
- % - 'numiters' is a cell vector of dimensions 1 x voxels. Each element is
- % is resampling cases x seeds x models. These are the numbers of iterations
- % used in the optimizations. Note that 'numiters' is [] in the linear-model case.
- % - 'resnorms' is a cell vector of dimensions 1 x voxels. Each element is
- % is resampling cases x seeds. These are the residual norms obtained
- % in the optimizations. This is useful for diagnosing multiple-seed issues.
- % Note that 'resnorms' is [] in the linear-model case.
- %
- % Notes:
- % - Since we use %06d.mat to name output files, you should use no more than 999,999 chunks.
- % - <chunksize> and <chunknum> can be strings (if so, they will be passed to str2double).
- % - <stimulus> can actually have multiple frames in the third dimension. This is handled
- % by making it such that the prediction for a given data point is calculated as the
- % average of the predicted responses for the individual stimulus frames associated with
- % that data point.
- % - In the case of nonlinear models, to control the scale of the computations, in the
- % optimization call we divide the data by its standard deviation and apply the exact
- % same scaling to the model. This has the effect of controlling the scale of the
- % residuals. This last-minute scaling should have no effect on the final parameter estimates.
- %
- % History:
- % - 2014/05/01 - change the main loop to parfor; some cosmetic tweaks;
- % now, if no parameters are to be optimized, just return the initial seed
- % - 2013/10/02 - implement the linear-model case
- % - 2013/09/07 - fix bug (if polynomials or extra regressors were used in multiple runs,
- % then they were not getting fit properly).
- % - 2013/09/07 - in fitnonlinearmodel_helper.m, convert to double in the call to lsqcurvefit;
- % and perform a speed-up (don't compute modelfit if unwanted)
- % - 2013/09/04 - add totalnumvxs variable
- % - 2013/09/03 - allow <dontsave> to refer to the auxiliary variables
- % - 2013/09/02 - add 'modelfit' and adjust default for 'dontsave'; add 'dosave'
- % - 2013/08/28 - new outputs 'resnorms' and 'numiters'; last-minute data scaling;
- % tweak default handling of 'dontsave'
- % - 2013/08/18 - Initial version.
- %
- % Example 1:
- %
- % % first, a simple example
- % x = randn(100,1);
- % y = 2*x + 3 + randn(100,1);
- % opt = struct( ...
- % 'stimulus',[x ones(100,1)], ...
- % 'data',y, ...
- % 'model',{{[1 1] [-Inf -Inf; Inf Inf] @(pp,dd) dd*pp'}});
- % results = fitnonlinearmodel(opt);
- %
- % % now, try 100 bootstraps
- % opt.resampling = 100;
- % opt.optimoptions = {'Display' 'off'}; % turn off reporting
- % results = fitnonlinearmodel(opt);
- %
- % % now, try leave-one-out cross-validation
- % opt.resampling = -(2*(eye(100) - 0.5));
- % results = fitnonlinearmodel(opt);
- %
- % Example 2:
- %
- % % try a more complicated example. we use 'outputfcn' to
- % % visualize the data and model during the optimization.
- % x = (1:.1:10)';
- % y = evalgaussian1d([5 1 4 0],x);
- % y = y + randn(size(y));
- % opt = struct( ...
- % 'stimulus',x, ...
- % 'data',y, ...
- % 'model',{{[1 2 1 0] [repmat(-Inf,[1 4]); repmat(Inf,[1 4])] ...
- % @(pp,dd) evalgaussian1d(pp,dd)}}, ...
- % 'outputfcn',@(a,b,c,d) pause2(.1) | outputfcnsanitycheck(a,b,c,1e-6,10) | outputfcnplot(a,b,c,1,d));
- % results = fitnonlinearmodel(opt);
- %
- % Example 3:
- %
- % % same as the first example in Example 1, but now we use the
- % % linear-model functionality
- % x = randn(100,1);
- % y = 2*x + 3 + randn(100,1);
- % opt = struct( ...
- % 'stimulus',[x ones(100,1)], ...
- % 'data',y, ...
- % 'model',@(X,y) (inv(X'*X)*X'*y)');
- % results = fitnonlinearmodel(opt);
- % internal notes:
- % - replaces fitprf.m, fitprfstatic.m, fitprfmulti.m, and fitprfstaticmulti.m
- % - some of the new features: opt struct format, fix projection matrix bug (must
- % compute projection matrix based on concatenated regressors), multiple initial
- % seeds are handled internally!, user must deal with model specifics like
- % the HRF and positive rectification, massive clean up of the logic (e.g.
- % runs and data points are treated as a single case), consolidation of
- % the different functions, drop support for data trials (not worth the
- % implementation cost), drop support for NaN stimulus frames, hide the
- % myriad optimization options from the input level, drop run-separated metrics,
- % drop the stimulus transformation speed-up (it was getting implemented in a
- % non-general way)
- % - regularization is its own thing? own code module?
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REPORT
- fprintf('*** fitnonlinearmodel: started at %s. ***\n',datestr(now));
- stime = clock; % start time
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SETUP
- % deal with opt
- if ischar(opt)
- opt = loadmulti(opt,'opt');
- end
- % is <data> of case (4)?
- isvxscase = isa(opt.data,'function_handle') && nargin(opt.data) > 0;
- % deal with outputdir
- if ~isfield(opt,'outputdir') || isempty(opt.outputdir)
- opt.outputdir = [];
- end
- wantsave = ~isempty(opt.outputdir); % should we save results to disk?
- % deal with vxs
- if isfield(opt,'vxs')
- if ischar(opt.vxs)
- vxsfull = loadmulti(opt.vxs,'vxs');
- else
- vxsfull = opt.vxs;
- end
- vxsfull = sort(union([],flatten(vxsfull)));
- totalnumvxs = length(vxsfull);
- end
- % deal with chunksize and chunknum
- if ~exist('chunksize','var') || isempty(chunksize)
- chunksize = []; % deal with this later
- end
- if ~exist('chunknum','var') || isempty(chunknum)
- chunknum = 1;
- end
- if ischar(chunksize)
- chunksize = str2double(chunksize);
- end
- if ischar(chunknum)
- chunknum = str2double(chunknum);
- end
- % deal with data (including load the data)
- if isa(opt.data,'function_handle')
- fprintf('*** fitnonlinearmodel: loading data. ***\n');
- if nargin(opt.data) == 0
- data = feval(opt.data);
- if iscell(data)
- totalnumvxs = size(data{1},2);
- else
- totalnumvxs = size(data,2);
- end
- else % note that in this case, vxs should have been specified,
- % so totalnumvxs should have already been calculated above.
- if isempty(chunksize)
- chunksize = length(vxsfull);
- end
- vxs = chunking(vxsfull,chunksize,chunknum);
- data = feval(opt.data,vxs);
- end
- else
- data = opt.data;
- if iscell(data)
- totalnumvxs = size(data{1},2);
- else
- totalnumvxs = size(data,2);
- end
- end
- if ~iscell(data)
- data = {data};
- end
- % deal with chunksize
- if isempty(chunksize)
- chunksize = totalnumvxs; % default is all voxels
- end
- % if not isvxscase, then we may still need to do chunking
- if ~isvxscase
- vxs = chunking(1:totalnumvxs,chunksize,chunknum);
- if ~isequal(vxs,1:totalnumvxs)
- for p=1:length(data)
- data{p} = data{p}(:,vxs);
- end
- end
- end
- % calculate the number of voxels to analyze in this function call
- vnum = length(vxs);
- % finally, since we have dealt with chunksize and chunknum, we can do some reporting
- fprintf(['*** fitnonlinearmodel: outputdir = %s, chunksize = %d, chunknum = %d\n'], ...
- opt.outputdir,chunksize,chunknum);
- % deal with model
- if ~isa(opt.model,'function_handle') && ~iscell(opt.model{1})
- opt.model = {opt.model};
- end
- if ~isa(opt.model,'function_handle')
- for p=1:length(opt.model)
- if length(opt.model{p}) < 4 || isempty(opt.model{p}{4})
- if p==1
- opt.model{p}{4} = @identity;
- else
- opt.model{p}{4} = @(ss) @identity;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- % deal with seed
- if ~isfield(opt,'seed') || isempty(opt.seed)
- opt.seed = [];
- end
- % deal with optimization options
- if ~isfield(opt,'optimoptions') || isempty(opt.optimoptions)
- opt.optimoptions = {};
- end
- if iscell(opt.optimoptions)
- temp = optimset('Display','iter','FunValCheck','on', ...
- 'MaxFunEvals',Inf,'MaxIter',Inf, ...
- 'TolFun',1e-6,'TolX',1e-6, ...
- 'OutputFcn',@(a,b,c) outputfcnsanitycheck(a,b,c,1e-6,10));
- for p=1:length(opt.optimoptions)/2
- temp.(opt.optimoptions{(p-1)*2+1}) = opt.optimoptions{(p-1)*2+2};
- end
- opt.optimoptions = temp;
- clear temp;
- end
- if ~isfield(opt,'outputfcn') || isempty(opt.outputfcn)
- opt.outputfcn = [];
- end
- % deal with resampling schemes
- if ~isfield(opt,'wantresampleruns') || isempty(opt.wantresampleruns)
- if length(data) == 1
- opt.wantresampleruns = 0;
- else
- opt.wantresampleruns = 1;
- end
- end
- if opt.wantresampleruns
- numdataunits = length(data);
- else
- numdataunits = sum(cellfun(@(x) size(x,1),data));
- end
- if ~isfield(opt,'resampling') || isempty(opt.resampling)
- opt.resampling = 0;
- end
- if isequal(opt.resampling,0)
- resamplingmode = 'full';
- elseif ~iscell(opt.resampling) && numel(opt.resampling) > 1
- resamplingmode = 'xval';
- else
- resamplingmode = 'boot';
- end
- if isequal(resamplingmode,'boot')
- if ~iscell(opt.resampling)
- opt.resampling = {opt.resampling};
- end
- if length(opt.resampling) < 2 || isempty(opt.resampling{2})
- opt.resampling{2} = sum(100*clock);
- end
- if length(opt.resampling) < 3 || isempty(opt.resampling{3})
- opt.resampling{3} = ones(1,numdataunits);
- end
- end
- % deal with metric
- if ~isfield(opt,'metric') || isempty(opt.metric)
- opt.metric = @calccorrelation;
- end
- % deal with additional regressors
- if ~isfield(opt,'maxpolydeg') || isempty(opt.maxpolydeg)
- opt.maxpolydeg = NaN;
- end
- if length(opt.maxpolydeg) == 1
- opt.maxpolydeg = repmat(opt.maxpolydeg,[1 length(data)]);
- end
- if ~isfield(opt,'wantremovepoly') || isempty(opt.wantremovepoly)
- opt.wantremovepoly = 1;
- end
- if ~isfield(opt,'extraregressors') || isempty(opt.extraregressors)
- opt.extraregressors = [];
- end
- if ~isfield(opt,'wantremoveextra') || isempty(opt.wantremoveextra)
- opt.wantremoveextra = 1;
- end
- if ~isfield(opt,'dontsave') || (isempty(opt.dontsave) && ~iscell(opt.dontsave))
- opt.dontsave = {'modelfit' 'numiters' 'resnorms'};
- end
- if ~iscell(opt.dontsave)
- opt.dontsave = {opt.dontsave};
- end
- if ~isfield(opt,'dosave') || isempty(opt.dosave)
- opt.dosave = {};
- end
- if ~iscell(opt.dosave)
- opt.dosave = {opt.dosave};
- end
- % make outputdir if necessary
- if wantsave
- mkdirquiet(opt.outputdir);
- opt.outputdir = subscript(matchfiles(opt.outputdir),1,1);
- outputfile = sprintf([opt.outputdir '/%06d.mat'],chunknum);
- end
- % set random number seed
- if isequal(resamplingmode,'boot')
- setrandstate({opt.resampling{2}});
- end
- % calc
- numtime = cellfun(@(x) size(x,1),data);
- % save initial time
- if wantsave
- saveexcept(outputfile,[{'data'} setdiff(opt.dontsave,opt.dosave)]);
- end
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LOAD SOME ITEMS
- % deal with stimulus
- if isa(opt.stimulus,'function_handle')
- fprintf('*** fitnonlinearmodel: loading stimulus. ***\n');
- stimulus = feval(opt.stimulus);
- else
- stimulus = opt.stimulus;
- end
- if ~iscell(stimulus)
- stimulus = {stimulus};
- end
- stimulus = cellfun(@full,stimulus,'UniformOutput',0);
- % deal with extraregressors
- if isa(opt.extraregressors,'function_handle')
- fprintf('*** fitnonlinearmodel: loading extra regressors. ***\n');
- extraregressors = feval(opt.extraregressors);
- else
- extraregressors = opt.extraregressors;
- end
- if isempty(extraregressors)
- extraregressors = repmat({[]},[1 length(data)]);
- end
- if ~iscell(extraregressors)
- extraregressors = {extraregressors};
- end
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PRECOMPUTE SOME STUFF
- % construct polynomial regressors matrix
- polyregressors = {};
- for p=1:length(data)
- if isnan(opt.maxpolydeg(p))
- polyregressors{p} = zeros(numtime(p),0);
- else
- polyregressors{p} = constructpolynomialmatrix(numtime(p),0:opt.maxpolydeg(p));
- end
- end
- % construct total regressors matrix for fitting purposes
- % (i.e. both polynomials and extra regressors)
- % first, construct the run-wise regressors
- tmatrix = {};
- for p=1:length(data)
- tmatrix{p} = cat(2,polyregressors{p},extraregressors{p});
- end
- % then, separate them using blkdiag
- temp = blkdiag(tmatrix{:});
- cnt = 0;
- for p=1:length(data)
- tmatrix{p} = temp(cnt+(1:size(tmatrix{p},1)),:);
- cnt = cnt + size(tmatrix{p},1);
- end
- clear temp;
- % construct special regressors matrix for the purposes of the <metric>
- % first, construct the run-wise regressors
- smatrix = {};
- for p=1:length(data)
- temp = [];
- if opt.wantremovepoly
- temp = cat(2,temp,polyregressors{p});
- end
- if opt.wantremoveextra
- temp = cat(2,temp,extraregressors{p});
- end
- smatrix{p} = temp;
- end
- % then, separate them using blkdiag
- temp = blkdiag(smatrix{:});
- cnt = 0;
- for p=1:length(data)
- smatrix{p} = temp(cnt+(1:size(smatrix{p},1)),:);
- cnt = cnt + size(smatrix{p},1);
- end
- clear temp;
- % figure out trainfun and testfun for resampling
- switch resamplingmode
- case 'full'
- trainfun = {@(x) catcell(1,x)};
- testfun = {@(x) []};
- case 'xval'
- trainfun = {};
- testfun = {};
- for p=1:size(opt.resampling,1)
- trainix = find(opt.resampling(p,:) == 1);
- testix = find(opt.resampling(p,:) == -1);
- if opt.wantresampleruns
- trainfun{p} = @(x) catcell(1,x(trainix));
- testfun{p} = @(x) catcell(1,x(testix));
- else
- trainfun{p} = @(x) subscript(catcell(1,x),{trainix ':' ':' ':' ':' ':'}); % HACKY
- testfun{p} = @(x) subscript(catcell(1,x),{testix ':' ':' ':' ':' ':'});
- end
- end
- case 'boot'
- trainfun = {};
- testfun = {};
- for p=1:opt.resampling{1}
- trainix = [];
- for b=1:max(opt.resampling{3})
- temp = opt.resampling{3}==b;
- trainix = [trainix subscript(find(temp),ceil(rand(1,sum(temp))*sum(temp)))];
- end
- testix = [];
- if opt.wantresampleruns
- trainfun{p} = @(x) catcell(1,x(trainix));
- testfun{p} = @(x) catcell(1,x(testix));
- else
- trainfun{p} = @(x) subscript(catcell(1,x),{trainix ':' ':' ':' ':' ':'}); % HACKY
- testfun{p} = @(x) subscript(catcell(1,x),{testix ':' ':' ':' ':' ':'});
- end
- end
- end
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PERFORM THE FITTING
- % loop over voxels
- clear results0;
- parfor p=1:vnum
- % report
- fprintf('*** fitnonlinearmodel: processing voxel %d (%d of %d). ***\n',vxs(p),p,vnum);
- vtime = clock; % start time for current voxel
- % get data and hack it in
- opt2 = opt;
- opt2.data = cellfun(@(x) x(:,p),data,'UniformOutput',0);
- % get seed and hack it in
- if ~isempty(opt2.seed)
- assert(~isa(opt2.model,'function_handle')); % sanity check
- if isa(opt2.seed,'function_handle')
- seed0 = feval(opt2.seed,vxs(p));
- else
- seed0 = opt2.seed;
- end
- opt2.model{1}{1} = seed0;
- end
- % call helper function to do the actual work
- results0(p) = fitnonlinearmodel_helper(opt2,stimulus,tmatrix,smatrix,trainfun,testfun);
- % report
- fprintf('*** fitnonlinearmodel: voxel %d (%d of %d) took %.1f seconds. ***\n', ...
- vxs(p),p,vnum,etime(clock,vtime));
- end
- % consolidate results
- results = struct;
- results.params = cat(3,results0.params);
- results.testdata = cat(2,results0.testdata);
- results.modelpred = cat(2,results0.modelpred);
- results.modelfit = cat(3,results0.modelfit);
- results.trainperformance = cat(1,results0.trainperformance).';
- results.testperformance = cat(1,results0.testperformance).';
- results.aggregatedtestperformance = cat(2,results0.aggregatedtestperformance);
- results.numiters = cat(2,{results0.numiters});
- results.resnorms = cat(2,{results0.resnorms});
- % kill unwanted outputs
- for p=1:length(opt.dontsave)
- % if member of dosave, keep it!
- if ismember(opt.dontsave{p},opt.dosave)
- % if not, then kill it (if it exists)!
- else
- if isfield(results,opt.dontsave{p})
- results = rmfield(results,opt.dontsave{p});
- end
- end
- end
- % save results
- if wantsave
- save(outputfile,'-struct','results','-append');
- end
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REPORT
- fprintf('*** fitnonlinearmodel: ended at %s (%.1f minutes). ***\n', ...
- datestr(now),etime(clock,stime)/60);