12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637 |
- function f = consolidatematdir(dir0,varsexclude)
- % function f = consolidatematdir(dir0,varsexclude)
- %
- % <dir0> is a path to a directory
- % <varsexclude> (optional) is a variable name or a cell vector of
- % variable names to NOT load. if [] or not supplied, load everything.
- %
- % use consolidatemat.m to load all *.mat files
- % in <dir0> and write the results to <dir0>.mat.
- % return a string that refers to the location of the written file.
- %
- % example:
- % mkdir('test');
- % a = 1; b = 2; save('test/001.mat','a','b');
- % a = 3; b = 4; save('test/002.mat','a','b');
- % consolidatematdir('test');
- % results = loadmulti('test.mat','results');
- % results(1)
- % results(2)
- % input
- if ~exist('varsexclude','var') || isempty(varsexclude)
- varsexclude = [];
- end
- % do it
- dir0 = matchfiles(dir0);
- dir0 = dir0{1};
- [f,file0] = stripfile(dir0);
- if isempty(f) % VOODOO. BE CAREFUL.
- pre0 = '';
- else
- pre0 = [f filesep];
- end
- consolidatemat([pre0 file0 filesep '*.mat'],[pre0 file0 '.mat'],varsexclude);
- f = [pre0 file0 '.mat'];