123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168 |
- function Spikes = findSpikes(NSx, varargin)
- % findSpikes
- %
- % Searches NSx data structure for spikes by thresholding. The output is
- % compatible with NEV.Data.Spikes data structure.
- %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Use OUTPUT = findSpikes(NSx, 'threshold', 'preThreshold', 'spikeLength', 'channels', 'duration', 'filter')
- %
- % NSx: The data structure holding the NSx structure
- %
- % NOTE: All following input arguments are optional. Input arguments may
- % be in any order.
- %
- % 'threshold': The threshold value to apply to the file.
- % DEFAULT: -65 uV
- %
- % 'preThreshold': The number of pre-threshold crossing samples to save.
- % DEFAULT: 10
- %
- % 'spikeLength': Length of each extracted spike in number of samples.
- % DEFAULT: 48
- %
- % 'channels': The channels to perform spike extraction on.
- % DEFAULT: will perform spike extraction on all channels
- %
- % 'duration': The duration of file to perform spike extraction on.
- % DEFAULT: will perform extraction on the entire file
- %
- % 'filter': The filter cut-off frequency applied before spike
- % extraction.
- % DEFAULT: no filter will be applied
- %
- % OUTPUT: Contains the NEV.Spikes structure.
- %
- %
- % Spikes = findSpikes(NSx, 'channels', 1:3, 'duration', 1:10000, 'threshold', -65);
- %
- % In the above example the NSx analog data is searched for spikes on
- % channels 1 through 3 for samples between 1 and 10000. Threshold is
- % set to -65 uV for all channels.
- %
- % Spikes = findSpikes(NSx, 'channels', 1:3, 'threshold', [-65 -100 -85]);
- % In the above example the NSx analog data is searched for spikes among
- % channels 1 to 3. Thresholds for channel 1 is set to -65 uV, for channel
- % 2 is set to -100 uV, and for channel 3 is set to -85 uV.
- %
- % Original Author: Ehsan Azar
- %
- % Contributors:
- % Kian Torab, Blackrock Microsystems, ktorab@blackrockmicro.com
- %
- % Version
- %
- Spikes = struct('TimeStamp', [],'Electrode', [], 'Unit', [],'Waveform', [], 'findSpikesVer', []);
- %% Validating the input arguments. Exit with error message if error occurs.
- spikelen = 48;
- threshold = -65;
- preThreshold = 10;
- filterCorner = 250;
- next = '';
- for i=1:length(varargin)
- inputArgument = varargin{i};
- if (strcmpi(next, 'threshold'))
- next = '';
- threshold = inputArgument;
- elseif (strcmpi(next, 'preThreshold'))
- next = '';
- preThreshold = inputArgument;
- elseif (strcmpi(next, 'channels'))
- next = '';
- channels = inputArgument;
- elseif (strcmpi(next, 'duration'))
- next = '';
- duration = inputArgument;
- elseif (strcmpi(next, 'spikeLength'))
- next = '';
- spikelen = inputArgument;
- elseif (strcmpi(next, 'filter'))
- next = '';
- filterCorner = inputArgument;
- elseif strcmpi(inputArgument, 'threshold')
- next = 'threshold';
- elseif strcmpi(inputArgument, 'preThreshold')
- next = 'preThreshold';
- elseif strcmpi(inputArgument, 'channels')
- next = 'channels';
- elseif strcmpi(inputArgument, 'duration')
- next = 'duration';
- elseif strcmpi(inputArgument, 'spikeLength')
- next = 'spikeLength';
- elseif strcmpi(inputArgument, 'filter')
- next = 'filter';
- end
- end
- clear next;
- %% Give all input arguments a default value. All input argumens are
- % optional.
- if ~exist('channels', 'var'); channels = (1:size(NSx.Data, 1))'; end
- if ~exist('duration', 'var'); duration = (1:size(NSx.Data, 2))'; end
- if ~exist('filter', 'var'); filter = []; end
- %% Apply filter
- Data = NSx.Data(channels, duration).';
- if ~isempty(filter)
- [b, a] = butter(4, filterCorner/15000, 'high');
- Data = filter(b, a, Data);
- end
- %% Threshold
- if isfield(NSx, 'ElectrodesInfo');
- if (isscalar(threshold) && all([NSx.ElectrodesInfo(channels).MaxAnalogValue] == NSx.ElectrodesInfo(1).MaxAnalogValue) && ...
- all([NSx.ElectrodesInfo(channels).MaxDigiValue] == NSx.ElectrodesInfo(1).MaxDigiValue))
- threshold = (threshold * double(NSx.ElectrodesInfo(1).MaxDigiValue) / ...
- double(NSx.ElectrodesInfo(1).MaxAnalogValue)); % scalar threshold
- else
- threshold = (threshold .* double([NSx.ElectrodesInfo(channels).MaxDigiValue]) ./ ...
- double([NSx.ElectrodesInfo(channels).MaxAnalogValue])); % vector threshold
- end
- threshold = cast(threshold, class(Data));
- end
- [row, col] = find((diff(bsxfun(@minus, Data, threshold) > 0) < 0).');
- clear threshold;
- Spikes.TimeStamp = col' - preThreshold;
- clear col;
- Spikes.Electrode = row';
- clear row;
- Spikes.Electrode(Spikes.TimeStamp < 1) = [];
- Spikes.TimeStamp(Spikes.TimeStamp < 1) = [];
- Spikes.Electrode(Spikes.TimeStamp + spikelen > size(NSx.Data, 2)) = [];
- Spikes.TimeStamp(Spikes.TimeStamp + spikelen > size(NSx.Data, 2)) = [];
- %% Lockout violation removal
- % this makes sure all spikes are at least one spike length apart
- ii = 1;
- while (ii < length(Spikes.TimeStamp))
- idx = find((Spikes.Electrode((ii+1):end) == Spikes.Electrode(ii)) & ...
- (Spikes.TimeStamp((ii+1):end) - Spikes.TimeStamp(ii) >= spikelen), 1);
- if (isempty(idx))
- idx = find(Spikes.Electrode((ii+1):end) == Spikes.Electrode(ii));
- else
- idx = find(Spikes.Electrode((ii+1):(ii+idx-1)) == Spikes.Electrode(ii));
- end
- if (~isempty(idx))
- Spikes.Electrode(ii + idx) = [];
- Spikes.TimeStamp(ii + idx) = [];
- end
- ii = ii + 1;
- end
- clear idx;
- %% Spike extraction
- Spikes.Waveform = zeros(spikelen, length(Spikes.TimeStamp));
- for ii = 1:length(Spikes.TimeStamp)
- ts = Spikes.TimeStamp(ii):(Spikes.TimeStamp(ii) + spikelen - 1);
- Spikes.Waveform(:, ii) = Data(ts, Spikes.Electrode(ii));
- end
- % convert index to actual channel number
- Spikes.Electrode = channels(Spikes.Electrode);