SetWindowDas.html 2.4 KB

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  8. --><title>SetWindowDas</title><meta name="generator" content="MATLAB 7.11"><link rel="schema.DC" href=""><meta name="" content="2012-03-02"><meta name="DC.source" content="SetWindowDas.m"><style type="text/css">
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  54. </style></head><body><div class="content"><pre class="codeinput"><span class="keyword">function</span> SetWindowDas()
  55. <span class="keyword">global</span> Par
  56. NumWins = size(Par.WIN, 2);
  57. WIN = Par.WIN;
  58. dassetwindow( NumWins, WIN(:), Par.Bsqr, Par.SCx*Par.xdir, Par.SCy*Par.ydir )
  59. <span class="comment">%third parameter is bool; square (1) or ellips (0)</span>
  60. <span class="comment">%Mouserun; use mouse instead of das input</span>
  61. </pre><pre class="codeoutput">Attempt to reference field of non-structure array.
  62. Error in ==&gt; SetWindowDas at 3
  63. NumWins = size(Par.WIN, 2);
  64. </pre><p class="footer"><br>
  65. Published with MATLAB&reg; 7.11<br></p></div><!--
  66. ##### SOURCE BEGIN #####
  67. function SetWindowDas()
  68. global Par
  69. NumWins = size(Par.WIN, 2);
  70. WIN = Par.WIN;
  71. dassetwindow( NumWins, WIN(:), Par.Bsqr, Par.SCx*Par.xdir, Par.SCy*Par.ydir )
  72. %third parameter is bool; square (1) or ellips (0)
  73. %Mouserun; use mouse instead of das input
  74. ##### SOURCE END #####
  75. --></body></html>