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  19. <h1>spence15
  20. </h1>
  21. <h2><a name="_name"></a>PURPOSE <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../../../up.png"></a></h2>
  22. <div class="box"><strong>function for Spencer's 15-point graduation rule.</strong></div>
  23. <h2><a name="_synopsis"></a>SYNOPSIS <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../../../up.png"></a></h2>
  24. <div class="box"><strong>function yhat=spence15(y) </strong></div>
  25. <h2><a name="_description"></a>DESCRIPTION <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../../../up.png"></a></h2>
  26. <div class="fragment"><pre class="comment"> function for Spencer's 15-point graduation rule.
  27. set out following Spencer's hand-calculation method,
  28. which isn't the shortest computer program!</pre></div>
  29. <!-- crossreference -->
  30. <h2><a name="_cross"></a>CROSS-REFERENCE INFORMATION <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../../../up.png"></a></h2>
  31. This function calls:
  32. <ul style="list-style-image:url(../../../matlabicon.gif)">
  33. </ul>
  34. This function is called by:
  35. <ul style="list-style-image:url(../../../matlabicon.gif)">
  36. <li><a href="../../../chronux_2_10/locfit/Book/fig1_2.html" class="code" title="">fig1_2</a> Local Regression and Likelihood, Figure 1.2.</li></ul>
  37. <!-- crossreference -->
  38. <h2><a name="_source"></a>SOURCE CODE <a href="#_top"><img alt="^" border="0" src="../../../up.png"></a></h2>
  39. <div class="fragment"><pre>0001 <a name="_sub0" href="#_subfunctions" class="code">function yhat=spence15(y)</a>
  40. 0002 <span class="comment">% function for Spencer's 15-point graduation rule.</span>
  41. 0003 <span class="comment">% set out following Spencer's hand-calculation method,</span>
  42. 0004 <span class="comment">% which isn't the shortest computer program!</span>
  43. 0005
  44. 0006 osev = ones(7,1);
  45. 0007 n = length(y);
  46. 0008 y = [ osev*y(1); y; osev*y(n) ];
  47. 0009
  48. 0010 n = length(y);
  49. 0011 k = 3:(n-2);
  50. 0012 a3 = y(k-1) + y(k) + y(k+1);
  51. 0013 a2 = y(k-2) + y(k+2);
  52. 0014 y1 = y(k)+3*(a3-a2);
  53. 0015
  54. 0016 n = length(y1);
  55. 0017 k = 1:(n-3);
  56. 0018 y2 = y1(k)+y1(k+1)+y1(k+2)+y1(k+3);
  57. 0019
  58. 0020 n = length(y2);
  59. 0021 k = 1:(n-3);
  60. 0022 y3 = y2(k)+y2(k+1)+y2(k+2)+y2(k+3);
  61. 0023
  62. 0024 n = length(y3);
  63. 0025 k = 1:(n-4);
  64. 0026 y4 = y3(k)+y3(k+1)+y3(k+2)+y3(k+3)+y3(k+4);
  65. 0027
  66. 0028 yhat = y4/320;
  67. 0029 <span class="keyword">return</span>;</pre></div>
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