Chris Klink 4c6918ae5b gin commit from chris-mh16 3 роки тому
ReadmePLXandDDT.txt 4c6918ae5b gin commit from chris-mh16 3 роки тому
ddt.m 4c6918ae5b gin commit from chris-mh16 3 роки тому
plx_ad.m 4c6918ae5b gin commit from chris-mh16 3 роки тому
plx_event_ts.m 4c6918ae5b gin commit from chris-mh16 3 роки тому
plx_info.m 4c6918ae5b gin commit from chris-mh16 3 роки тому
plx_ts.m 4c6918ae5b gin commit from chris-mh16 3 роки тому
plx_waves.m 4c6918ae5b gin commit from chris-mh16 3 роки тому


This package allows you to read data from .plx and .ddt files.

The following functions are provided:

plx_info(filename, all) - displays information about a plx file

plx_ts(filename, channel, unit) - gets the timestamps for the specified
DSP channel and unit

plx_event_ts(filename, channel) - gets the timestamps for the specified
external channel

plx_wave(filename, channel, unit) - gets the waveforms for the specified
DSP channel and unit

plx_ad(filename, channel, unit) - gets the A/D data for the specified
A/D channel

ddt(filename) - reads A/D data from a .ddt file

Title Population receptive fields in non-human primates from whole-brain fMRI and large-scale neurophysiology in visual cortex.
Authors Klink,Chris;Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience;ORCID:0000-0002-6784-7842
Chen,Xing;Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience
Vanduffel,Wim;KU Leuven;ORCID:0000-0002-9399-343X
Roelfsema,Pieter;Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience;ORCID:0000-0002-1625-0034
Description This data-set contains all data and code for the paper 'Population receptive fields in non-human primates from whole-brain fMRI and large-scale neurophysiology in visual cortex.'
License Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication (
References Direct comparison of population receptive fields from fMRI and large-scale neurophysiological recordings in awake non-human primates. (2020) P. Christiaan Klink, Xing Chen, Wim Vanduffel, Pieter R. Roelfsema; bioRxiv 2020.09.05.284133; doi: [doi:10.1101/2020.09.05.284133] (IsSupplementTo)
Funding NWO, Crossover Program 17619 'INTENSE'
NWO, STW-Perspectief P15-42 'NESTOR'
NWO, VENI 451.13.023
EU FP7, ERC-339490 'Cortic_al_gorithms'
EU, Human Brain Project (agreements 720270 and 748 785907, SGA1 and SGA2)
Friends Foundation of the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience
Keywords Neuroscience
Non-human primate
Population receptive field
Resource Type Dataset