ReadmeNex.txt 760 B

  1. This package allows you to read data from .nex files.
  2. The following functions are provided:
  3. nex_info(filename) - displays information about a nex file
  4. nex_ts(filename, varname) - gets the timestamps for the specified variable
  5. nex_int(filename, varname) - gets the intervals for the specified interval variable
  6. nex_cont(filename, varname) - gets the A/D data for the specified continuous variable
  7. nex_wf(filename, varname) - gets the waveform values for the specified continuous variable
  8. nex_marker(filename, varname) - gets marker data for the specified marker variable
  9. See comments in the corresponding *.m files for more info.
  10. The file test_nex.m contains a sample script that calls all the functions
  11. against the provided Nex file text.nex.