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  1. authors:
  2. -
  3. firstname: Madeleine
  4. lastname: Mueller
  5. affiliation: 'University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf(Germany), Department of Systems Neuroscience'
  6. id: 'ORCID:0000-0002-0009-3636'
  7. -
  8. firstname: Oded
  9. lastname: Cohen
  10. affiliation: 'School of Psychological Sciences and the Integrated Brain and Behavior Research Center, University of Haifa, Israel'
  11. -
  12. firstname: Tomer
  13. lastname: Shechner
  14. affiliation: 'School of Psychological Sciences and the Integrated Brain and Behavior Research Center, University of Haifa, Israel'
  15. id: 'ORCID:0000-0001-9151-2738'
  16. -
  17. firstname: Jan
  18. lastname: Haaker
  19. affiliation: 'University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (Germany), Department of Systems Neuroscience'
  20. id: 'ORCID:0000-0001-8366-9559'
  21. title: 'Observational threat learning influences costly avoidance behaviour in healthy humans'
  22. description: "This repository consists of \nfear/discomfort/physical arousal ratings from before/after observational\n threat acquisition and generalisation. Further subjects rated their \nsafety/danger towards generalised stimuli. Also movement data from a \nsubsequent avoidance task are uploaded. These data can be found as .csv \nfiles. Analyses were performed in R. Associated scripts for the ratings,\n as well as for the avoidance task, are uploaded as .R files. 90 healthy\n human subjects participated in this online study.\n"
  23. keywords:
  24. - Neuroscience
  25. - 'Observational learning'
  26. - avoidance
  27. license:
  28. name: 'Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication'
  29. url: ''
  30. funding:
  31. - 'DFG, HA7470/3-1'
  32. references:
  33. -
  34. id: 'doi:tba'
  35. reftype: IsSupplementTo
  36. citation: 'Madeleine Mueller, Oded Cohen, Tomer Shechner & Jan Haaker: Observational threat learning influences costly avoidance behaviour in healthy humans.'
  37. resourcetype: Dataset
  38. templateversion: 1.2