Hio-Been Han 4 лет назад
1 измененных файлов с 4 добавлено и 3 удалено
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 A set of high-density EEG (electroencephalogram) recording obtained from awake, freely-moving mice (*mus musculus*) (n = 6). Details of experimental method are described in the original research article using the same dataset [Hwang et al., 2019, *Brain Structure and Function*].
-* Title: High-density EEG recording in mice for auditory steady-state response with optogenetic stimulation in the basal forebrain
+* Title: Dataset of high-density EEG recordings with auditory and optogenetic stimulation in mice
 * Authors: Eunjin Hwang, Hio-Been Han, Jeong-Yeong Kim, & Jee Hyun Choi [corresponding: jeechoi@kist.re.kr]
 * Version: 1.0.0
 * Related publication: [Hwang et al., 2019, *Brain Structure and Function*](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00429-019-01845-5).
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ As the data are saved in EEGLAB format, you need to install appropriate module t
 The dataset has been uploaded on G-Node and can be accessed by git command, by typing <code>git clone https://gin.g-node.org/hiobeen/Mouse_hdEEG_ASSR_Hwang_et_al</code>. However, it's currently not functioning because of the large size of each dataset (>100 MB). Instead, you can use *gin* command or custom function written below to copy dataset into your work environment. In *gin* repository, a python script <code>download_sample.py</code> is provided. It doesn't require *git* or *gin* command, simply using <code>request</code> module in Python 3. Try typing <code>python download_sample.py</code> on terminal/command after changing desired directory. Demo 1-1 is composed of download_sample.py script in this Jupyter-Notebook document.
-> Warning: Direct cloning using *git clone git@gin.g-node.org:/hiobeen/Mouse_hdEEG_ASSR_Hwang_et_al.git* may not work because of the large size of each dataset (>100 MB).
+> Warning: Direct cloning using *git clone git@gin.g-node.org:/hiobeen/Mouse_hdEEG_ASSR_Hwang_et_al.git* may not work because of the large size of each dataset (>100 MB). Try python script for downloading below, or try using *git-annex*.
 Also, you need to install *MNE-Python* module using *pip* command to load EEGLAB-formatted EEG data. Install command using *pip* is located at the end of script <code>download_sample.py</code>. To download dataset and install MNE-python module into your environment (local machine/COLAB), try running scripts below.
-> Note: Through this step-by-step demonstration, we will use data from one animal (#Animal 2). Unnecessary data files will not be downloaded to prevent long download time. To download whole dataset, change <code>dataset_to_download = [2]</code> into <code>dataset_to_download = [1,2,3,4,5,6]</code>.
+> Note: Through this step-by-step demonstration, we will use data from one animal (Animal #2). Unnecessary data files will not be downloaded to prevent prolonged download time. To download whole dataset, change <code>dataset_to_download = [2]</code> into <code>dataset_to_download = [1,2,3,4,5,6]</code>.
@@ -1033,6 +1033,7 @@ Enjoy!
 # Try on your own!