Scheduled service maintenance on November 22

On Friday, November 22, 2024, between 06:00 CET and 18:00 CET, GIN services will undergo planned maintenance. Extended service interruptions should be expected. We will try to keep downtimes to a minimum, but recommend that users avoid critical tasks, large data uploads, or DOI requests during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience. 5.6 KB

  1. import multiprocessing as mp
  2. from multiprocessing import Pipe, Value, current_process, Array
  3. import matplotlib
  4. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  5. # import matplotlib.animation as animation
  6. from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
  7. import logging
  8. from colorlog import ColoredFormatter
  9. import numpy as np
  10. import time
  11. LOGFORMAT = "%(log_color)s %(asctime)s [%(filename)-12.12s] [%(lineno)4d] [%(processName)-12.12s] [%(threadName)-12.12s] [%(levelname)-7.7s] %(message)s"
  12. logging.root.setLevel(logging.INFO)
  13. formatter = ColoredFormatter(LOGFORMAT)
  14. stream = logging.StreamHandler()
  15. stream.setLevel(logging.INFO)
  16. stream.setFormatter(formatter)
  17. log = logging.getLogger('pythonConfig')
  18. log.setLevel(logging.INFO)
  19. log.addHandler(stream)
  20. def static_vars(**kwargs):
  21. def decorate(func):
  22. for k in kwargs:
  23. setattr(func, k, kwargs[k])
  24. return func
  25. return decorate
  26. def plot_feedback(audio_feedback_run, freq, audio_fb_target):
  27. """Plot feedback in real time. Uses normalized frequency and audio_fb_target to plot target."""
  28."Starting visual feedback")
  29. # config_file = 'paradigm.yaml'
  30. # config = self._read_config(config_file)
  31. # config =
  32. fig = plt.figure(10, figsize=(4, 4), facecolor='black')
  33. ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
  34. ax.set_facecolor((0.02, 0.02, 0.02))
  35. target_x = 0.1
  36. target_w = 0.8
  37. cursor_x = 0.2
  38. cursor_y = 0.5 # variable
  39. cursor_w = 0.6
  40. cursor_h = 0.05
  41. target_ra = ax.add_patch(plt.Rectangle((target_x, 0), target_w, 0.1, fill=True, edgecolor=None, facecolor=(.7, .2, .4), linewidth=0, zorder=1))
  42. cursor_ra = ax.add_patch(plt.Rectangle((cursor_x, 0.5), cursor_w, cursor_h, fill=True, facecolor=(.4, .5, 1.0), linewidth=0, zorder=10))
  44. plt.draw()
  45. def init_plot():
  46. ax.set_clip_on(False)
  47. ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([])
  48. ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([])
  49. ax.set_xlim(0, 1)
  50. ax.set_ylim(0, 1)
  51. for n,s in ax.spines.items():
  52. s.set_color((.2,.2,.2))
  53. return (cursor_ra, target_ra)
  54. @static_vars(is_plotting=False)
  55. def update_plot(i):
  56. if (not update_plot.is_plotting) and audio_feedback_run.value == 1:
  57. update_plot.is_plotting = True
  58. cursor_ra.set_visible(True)
  59. target_ra.set_visible(True)
  60. init_plot()
  61. elif update_plot.is_plotting and (audio_feedback_run.value == 0):
  62. update_plot.is_plotting = False
  63. cursor_ra.set_visible(False)
  64. target_ra.set_visible(False)
  65. if update_plot.is_plotting:
  66. cursor_y = freq.value - cursor_h/2.0
  67. target_y = audio_fb_target[1]
  68. target_h = audio_fb_target[2] - audio_fb_target[1]
  69. if (audio_fb_target[1] <= freq.value) and (freq.value <= audio_fb_target[2]):
  70. target_ra.set_fc((.3,1.0,.6))
  71. else:
  72. target_ra.set_fc((.7, .2, .4))
  73. cursor_ra.set_y(cursor_y)
  74. target_ra.set_y(target_y)
  75. target_ra.set_height(target_h)
  76.'cursor_y: {cursor_y}, target_y: {target_y}, target_h: {target_h}')
  77. return (cursor_ra, target_ra)
  78. ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update_plot, frames=None,
  79. init_func=init_plot, blit=True, interval=250)
  81. # background1 = fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(ax.bbox)
  82. # fig.canvas.draw()
  83. # ax.draw_artist(cursor_ra)
  84. # ax.draw_artist(target_ra)
  85. #
  86. # plt.pause(0.01)
  87. #
  88. # while True:
  89. # target_counter = 0
  90. #
  91. # while audio_feedback_run.value == 1:
  92. # # fig.canvas.restore_region(background1)
  93. #
  94. #
  95. #
  96. # update_plot(cursor_y, target_y, target_h)
  97. #"fr: {freq.value}, pos: {cursor_y}")
  98. # # ax.draw_artist(cursor_ra)
  99. # # ax.draw_artist(target_ra)
  100. # # fig.canvas.blit(ax.bbox)
  101. #
  102. # # fig.canvas.update()
  103. # # fig.canvas.flush_events()
  104. # fig.canvas.draw()
  105. #
  106. # time.sleep(0.1)
  107. #
  108. # # time.sleep(1./params.plot.fps)
  109. # pass
  110. # time.sleep(0.1)
  111. def setup():
  112. audio_fb_freq = Value('d', 0.0) # Normalized audio feedback activity [0, 1]
  113. audio_fb_target = Array('d', 3) # Target for normalized audio feedback activity [0, 1]. Give upper and lower bound
  114. audio_feedback_run = Value('i',1) # 0: baseline, 1: stimulus, 2:response
  115. vfeedback_p = mp.Process(name='vfeedback', target=plot_feedback, args=(audio_feedback_run, audio_fb_freq, audio_fb_target))
  116. vfeedback_p.daemon = True # kill visualization if main app terminates
  117. vfeedback_p.start()
  118. return (audio_fb_freq, audio_fb_target, audio_feedback_run)
  119. if __name__ == '__main__':
  120. audio_fb_freq, audio_fb_target, audio_feedback_run = setup()
  121. audio_fb_target[0] = .5
  122. audio_fb_target[1] = .4
  123. audio_fb_target[2] = .6
  124. while True:
  125. norm_rate = audio_fb_freq.value
  126. norm_rate += (np.random.random() - 0.5) * 0.2
  127. norm_rate = np.maximum(np.minimum(norm_rate, 1), 0)
  128. audio_fb_freq.value = norm_rate
  129. td = (np.random.random() - 0.5) * 0.2
  130. audio_fb_target[1] += td
  131. audio_fb_target[2] += td
  132. if np.random.random() < 0.1:
  133. audio_feedback_run.value = 1-audio_feedback_run.value
  134. #'fr: {audio_fb_freq.value}')
  135. time.sleep(0.25)