The repository contains all the raw data, digital material, functions/scripts and analyses pipelines used to run and analyse data collected for the study titled

Sharing motor plans while acting jointly: a TMS study
(OSF address:

Guido Barchiesi 79e8825275 Aggiorna 'datacite.yml' 2 éve
Pilot_Psychotoolbox functions for Stimuli Presentation dea46b18de gin commit from psy497.lan 2 éve
Pilot_analysis dea46b18de gin commit from psy497.lan 2 éve
Pilot_raw_data dea46b18de gin commit from psy497.lan 2 éve
Stage2_Psychotoolbox functions for Stimuli Presentation dea46b18de gin commit from psy497.lan 2 éve
Stage2_Raw_Data 688cc6a5b9 gin commit from psy497.lan 2 éve
Stage2_analysis dea46b18de gin commit from psy497.lan 2 éve
.DS_Store dea46b18de gin commit from psy497.lan 2 éve
LICENSE ba4b28a13c Initial commit 2 éve
Participants Log.xlsx ffdc657c0b gin commit from psy497.lan 2 éve bc3a1903d2 Aggiorna '' 2 éve
datacite.yml 79e8825275 Aggiorna 'datacite.yml' 2 éve


The repository contains all the raw data, digital material, functions/scripts and analyses pipelines used to run and analyse data collected for the Registered Report study titled

Sharing motor plans while acting jointly: a TMS study (OSF address:

Pilot_raw_data: the folder contains raw EMG data from each participant collected in the Pilot study

Pilot_Psychotoolbox functions for Stimuli Presentation: the folder contains functions and script to run the pilot experiment

Pilot_analyses: the folder contains scripts and functions to run pilot analyses

Stage2_Raw data: the folder contains EMG collected after Stage 1 IPA. Each subfolder contains:

                Log files from Psychtoolbox (S0X_(condition)_(data of recording)_(hour).mat)
                EMG recordings (files starting with 'TMSSession_(data of recording)_(hour)')
                MEP_range (time range where MEP peaks have been searched)

Stage2_Psychotoolbox functions for Stimuli Presentation: the folder contains functions and script to run the experiment

Stage2_analyses: the folder contains scripts and functions to run Stage2 analyses

Participants log: laboratory log of each experimental session (as reported also on name of the raw data files)

Title Sharing motor plans while acting jointly: a TMS study
Authors Barchiesi,Guido;Neurophysiology Lab, IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy; Cognition in Action (CIA) Unit - PHILAB, Department of Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy;ORCID: 0000-0002-8936-4171
Zazio,Agnese;Neurophysiology Lab, IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy;ORCID: 0000-0002-1395-9005
Marcantoni,Eleonora;Neurophysiology Lab, IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy
Bulgari,Martina;Neurophysiology Lab, IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy
Barattieri di San Pietro,Chiara;Department of Psychology, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy;ORCID: 0000-0003-4407-7037
Sinigaglia,Corrado;Cognition in Action (CIA) Unit - PHILAB, Department of Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy.;ORICD: 0000-0002-3365-7522
Bortoletto,Marta;Neurophysiology Lab, IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy;ORICD: 0000-0002-8489-8043
Description "When acting together, we may represent not only our own individual goals but also a collective goal. Although behavioural evidence suggests that agents’ motor plans might be related to collective goals, direct neurophysiological evidence of whether collective goals are motorically represented is still scarce. The aim of the present transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) study is to begin to fill this gap. A participant and a confederate were asked to sequentially perform a two-choice reaction time task by acting on pressure sensors. In their own turn, they saw a cue indicating whether to lift their fingers from (or to press them on) a pressure sensor to shoot a ball across the screen as fast as possible. The confederate responded with the right hand, the participant with the left hand. While the confederate acted on the sensor, the participant's motor evoked potentials (MEPs) were collected from the right Extensor Carpi Ulnaris. If participants represent their own and the confederate's actions as being directed to a collective goal, MEPs amplitude should be modulated according to the action the confederate should perform. To test this conjecture, we contrasted three conditions: a Joint condition, in which both players worked together with their collective goal being to shoot the ball to get it to a common target, a Parallel condition, in which the players performed exactly the same task but received independent outcomes for their performance, and a Competitive condition, in which the outcome of the game still depended on the other player performance, but without the collective goal feature. Results showed no MEPs modulation according to confederate’s action in the Joint condition. Post-hoc exploratory analyses both provide some hints about this negative finding and also suggest possible improvements (i.e. adopting a different dependent variable, avoiding task-switching between conditions) for testing our hypothesis that collective goal can be represented motorically."
License Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication (
References Bortoletto M (2021) Sharing motor plans while acting jointly: a TMS study. OSF. [doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/HJVCM] (IsSupplementTo)
Funding the Bial Foundation, grant number 144/2018
the Italian Ministry of Health, “Ricerca corrente
the Department of Philosophy ‘Piero Martinetti’ of the University of Milan with the Project “Departments of Excellence 2018-2022”, awarded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) (to GB and CS)
the PRIN 2017 project “The cognitive neuroscience of interpersonal coordination and cooperation: a motor approach in humans and non-human primates”, Cod. Prog. 201794KEER; (to CS)
Keywords Joint action
Motor representation
Motor Evoked Potentials
Registered report
Social Neuroscience
Resource Type Dataset