
Update 'README.md'

Izquierdo lab 5 ヶ月 前
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 # Izquierdo_Lab_UCLA5
-Dissociable contributions of basolateral amygdala and ventrolateral orbitofrontal cortex to flexible learning under uncertainty
+These files provide the source data for Aguirre CG, Woo JH, Romero-Sosa JL, Rivera ZM, Tejada AN, Munier JJ, Perez J, Goldfarb M, Das K, Gomez M, Ye T, Pannu J, Evans K, O'Neill PR, Spigelman I, Soltani A, Izquierdo A. Dissociable contributions of basolateral amygdala and ventrolateral orbitofrontal cortex to flexible learning under uncertainty. J Neurosci. 2023 Nov 15:JN-RM-0622-23. For questions about variables and/or access to scripts used for analysis contact aizquie@psych.ucla.edu.