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Ece Boran 4 سال پیش
1فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه3 افزوده شده و 3 حذف شده
  1. 3 3

+ 3 - 3

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 # Dataset of human medial temporal lobe neurons, scalp and intracranial EEG during a verbal working memory task
 ## Summary
-We present an electrophysiological dataset recorded from nine subjects during a verbal working memory task. Subjects were epilepsy patients undergoing intracranial monitoring for localization of epileptic seizures. Subjects performed a modified Sternberg task in which the encoding of memory items, maintenance, and recall were temporally separated. The dataset includes simultaneously recorded scalp EEG with the 10-20 system, intracranial EEG (iEEG) recorded with depth electrodes, waveforms and spike times of 1526 units recorded in the medial temporal lobe, anonymized MRI and CT scans, and the MNI coordinates of all intracranial electrodes. Patient characteristics and information on sessions (set size, match/mismatch, correct/incorrect, response, response time for each trial) are also provided. This dataset enables the investigation of working memory by providing simultaneous scalp EEG and iEEG recordings, which can be used for connectivity analysis, alongside hard to obtain unit recordings from humans. Moreover, the MRI and CT scans can be used to build subject-specific head models that include intracranial electrodes. Simultaneous EEG and iEEG recordings, along with the head model, can be used to validate source localization methods.
+We present an electrophysiological dataset recorded from nine subjects during a verbal working memory task. Subjects were epilepsy patients undergoing intracranial monitoring for localization of epileptic seizures. Subjects performed a modified Sternberg task in which the encoding of memory items, maintenance, and recall were temporally separated. The dataset includes simultaneously recorded scalp EEG with the 10-20 system, intracranial EEG (iEEG) recorded with depth electrodes, waveforms and spike times of 1526 units recorded in the medial temporal lobe, and the MNI coordinates and anatomical labels of all intracranial electrodes. Subject characteristics and information on sessions (set size, match/mismatch, correct/incorrect, response, response time for each trial) are also provided. This dataset enables the investigation of working memory by providing simultaneous scalp EEG and iEEG recordings, which can be used for connectivity analysis, alongside hard to obtain unit recordings from humans.  
 ## Downloading the data
@@ -69,14 +69,14 @@ Download the latest release as a zip file by clicking on *Releases* on the main
 ## Repository structure
 ### Directory code_MATLAB
-Contains a MATLAB script that contains code snippets to read data and task related information.
+Contains a MATLAB script with code snippets to read data and task related information.
 ### Directory data_nix
 Contains nix files for each session of the task. Each file is named with the format:  
 Data\_Subject\_\<subject number>\_Session\_\<session number>.h5
 ## Updates
-Updated versions of the codes will be provided at:
+Updated versions of the data and codes will be provided at:
 ## Related Publications