Raw data, preprocessing pipelines, analysis dataset and scripts for the study 'Effect of TMS current direction and pulse waveform on cortico-cortical connectivity: A registered report TMS-EEG study' by Guidali, Zazio, Lucarelli, Marcantoni, Stango, Barchiesi & Bortoletto (2023)

Giacomo Guidali e30948be8d Aggiorna 'datacite.yml' пре 1 година
Dataset and analysis eba42de4c6 Carica file su 'Dataset and analysis' пре 1 година
Raw data_MEP 03d06815e7 Carica file su 'Raw data_MEP' пре 1 година
Raw data_TEP d9eef85f73 Carica file su 'Raw data_TEP/TMSSessions_S40_20230208' пре 1 година
Script preprocessing EMG-EEG c101d09857 Carica file su 'Script preprocessing EMG-EEG' пре 1 година
Script task 220b8bb985 Carica file su '' пре 1 година
LICENSE 9b5c3244e4 Initial commit пре 1 година
Laboratory Log 906795093a Aggiorna 'Laboratory Log' пре 1 година
README.md 431f6869b0 Aggiorna 'README.md' пре 1 година
Subjects_info.txt 94019687ab Carica file su '' пре 1 година
datacite.yml e30948be8d Aggiorna 'datacite.yml' пре 1 година


Effect of TMS current direction and pulse waveform on cortico-cortical connectivity: A registered report TMS-EEG study

Raw data, dataset and script for the study 'Effect of TMS current direction and pulse waveform on cortico-cortical connectivity: A registered report TMS-EEG study' by Guidali, Zazio, Lucarelli, Marcantoni, Stango, Barchiesi & Bortoletto (2023)

The different folders contains the following materials:

'Raw data MEP and TEP' folders

Folders contains the raw .mat files from g.tech amplifier of every participants (one folder for each participant). Here, each file contains metadata about the sampling rate and the name of the subject (S01, S02, and so on) and the experimental condition, as follows:

Mo_PA = monophasic PA direction

Mo_AP = monophasic AP direction

Mo_LM = monophasic LM direction

Bi_PA = biphasic PA direction

Bi_AP = biphasic AP direction

Bi_LM = biphasic LM direction

Bi_PA_Contr = biphasic PA with ipsilateral hand contracted

MEP recording contains also the specification 'MEP' at the end of the experimental condition name

Folders in Raw data are also timestamped to notify that collection occured after Stage 1 in principle acceptance date

'Dataset and analysis' folder

Contains .omv (for software Jamovi) and .r files (for software R) of the analysis. Name of the file indicates the analysis in that file.

.omv files also contain datasets used for the analysis.

For analysis conducted using R software, .csv files containing the datasets are provided.

'Script preprocessing EMG-EEG' folder

Contains .m files of the two preprocessing pipelines (TEP and MEP) and the script used for the extraction of M1-P15 values.

For TEPs, it also contains:

  • a subfolder with datasets with ICA weight files (.set and .fdt file, named as 'subject number and condition' - e.g., S01_Mo_PA; 'step 4.1' indicated the preprocessing pipeline step at which the file had been created)
  • a subfolder with .mat files for the number of the ICA components removed - one for each condition with one row for each subject)
  • number of trials rejected (one .xls file for the first artifact rejection, i.e., before ICA, and one file for the second - and final - artifact rejection, i.e., at the end of the preprocessing pipeline).

'Script task' folder

Contains .m files of the tasks to trigger TMS pulses in the different experimental conditions. Each file has been commented to provide a step-by-step guide to the different scripts and functions.

'Laboratory log' file

Contains information about time table of the experiment (mandatory for European Journal of Neuroscience).

'Subject_info' file

Contains anonimized demographic and TMS informations (i.e., resting motor threshold for every experimental condition) about the participants of our final sample.

For additional info contact:

Giacomo Guidali, PhD - giacomo.guidali@unimib.it

Marta Bortoletto, PhD - mbortoletto@fatebenefratelli.eu

Title Effect of TMS current direction and pulse waveform on cortico-cortical connectivity: a registered report TMS-EEG study
Authors Guidali,Giacomo;Department of Psychology, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy;ORCID:0000-0002-3741-0404
Zazio,Agnese;Neurophysiology Lab, IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy;ORCID:0000-0002-1395-9005
Lucarelli,Delia;Neurophysiology Lab, IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy;ORCID:0000-0001-5847-0572
Marcantoni,Eleonora;Neurophysiology Lab, IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy;ORCID:0000-0003-1137-4983
Stango,Antonietta;Neurophysiology Lab, IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy;ORCID:0000-0003-1387-2150
Barchiesi,Guido;Department of Philosophy, University of Milano, Milano, Italy;ORCID:0000-0002-8936-4171
Bortoletto,Marta;Neurophysiology Lab, IRCCS Istituto Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy;ORCID:0000-0002-8489-8043
Description Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)-electroencephalography coregistration (TMS-EEG) is a promising technique to measure effective connectivity, i.e., the directed transmission of physiological signals along cortico-cortical tracts. Indeed, the activation induced by the TMS pulse in the target region travels to distant connected areas along white matter tracts, generating TMS-evoked potentials (TEPs). A crucial point to be addressed for developing connectivity biomarkers from TEPs is how they are affected by changes in stimulation parameters, such as pulse waveform and the direction of the induced current. Different stimulation parameters across studies may impact latency or amplitude of responses, contributing to the general variability in TMS-EEG findings. To date, the impact of TMS parameters on responses generated in cerebral cortico-cortical pathways has been poorly investigated. To deepen this investigation, we will use as an operative model the M1-P15, an early TEP component reflecting the interhemispheric inhibition of motor areas contralateral to TMS via the corpus callosum. Assuming that the M1-P15 can be recorded regardless of TMS parameters, namely, the direction of the induced current in the brain – anterior-posterior, posterior-anterior, latero-medial – and the TMS pulse waveform – monophasic, biphasic, we will investigate whether these modulations influence M1-P15 latency and amplitude. We will also test M1-P15 reproducibility across our experimental conditions using the concordance and intraclass correlation coefficients. Finally, resting motor threshold and motor-evoked potentials will be collected in every experimental condition as control variables, allowing us to deepen the possible relationship between cortico-spinal and cortico-cortical pathways that different stimulator parameters may activate within the motor system. The following dataset contains all materials (e.g., script, raw data) and analysis conducted for the study.
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
References Guidali, Zazio, Lucarelli, Marcantoni, Stango, Barchiesi & Bortoletto (In principle acceptance - 2023). Effect of TMS current direction and pulse waveform on cortico-cortical connectivity: a registered report TMS-EEG study. Submitted to European Journal of Neuroscience [doi:tba] (IsSupplementTo)
Keywords Transcranial magnetic stimulation
motor cortex
TMS-evoked potentials
cortico-cortical connectivity
corticospinal connectivity
Resource Type Dataset