Scheduled service maintenance on November 22

On Friday, November 22, 2024, between 06:00 CET and 18:00 CET, GIN services will undergo planned maintenance. Extended service interruptions should be expected. We will try to keep downtimes to a minimum, but recommend that users avoid critical tasks, large data uploads, or DOI requests during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

P15 latency rmANOVA_robust.R 573 B

  1. setwd("/Users/giacomoguidali/Library/CloudStorage/ mio Drive/Post-Doc BS/MoBi P15/4 - Analisi/TEP/P15/Robust ANOVA") #set directory
  2. rm(list = ls()) # pulisco il workspace, male non fa
  3. library(WRS2)
  4. M1P15latency_raw <- read.csv("P15latency_robustANOVA.csv",header=T,sep=";", dec=",") #importo database
  5. #rmANOVA + post-hoc
  6. rmanova(M1P15latency_raw$Latency, M1P15latency_raw$Condition, M1P15latency_raw$Subject , tr = 0.2)
  7. rmmcp(M1P15latency_raw$Latency, M1P15latency_raw$Condition, M1P15latency_raw$Subject, tr = 0.2, alpha = 0.05)