datacite.yml 940 B

  1. authors:
  2. -
  3. firstname: "Dustin"
  4. lastname: "Fetterhoff"
  5. -
  6. firstname: "Andrey"
  7. lastname: "Sobolev"
  8. -
  9. firstname: "Christian"
  10. lastname: "Leibold"
  11. title: "Data for Graded Remapping of Hippocampal Ensembles under Sensory Conflicts"
  12. description: |
  13. Data used in the manuscript "Graded Remapping of Hippocampal Ensembles under Sensory Conflicts."
  14. gXXXX is the gerbil number and dX is the day of recording. ssX stands for simulated swap sessions.
  15. Edit the path to the data before running each script.
  16. The code to analyze the data is located at
  17. keywords:
  18. - Neuroscience
  19. - Electrophysiology
  20. - Hippocampus
  21. - Tetrodes
  22. - CA1
  23. license:
  24. name: "CC0"
  25. url: ""
  26. references:
  27. -
  28. id: ""
  29. reftype: "IsSupplementTo"
  30. citation: "Citation1"
  31. funding:
  32. - "DFG, DFG.LE2250/13-1"