Ephys data development P5-40

Sebastian Bitzenhofer 7a47a3c377 Update 'datacite.yml' před 4 roky
LFPdata 1d31c69fdb Upload files to 'LFPdata/RampStimulation' před 4 roky
StimulationPropertiesBaselinePeriods 50fb4b1644 Upload files to 'StimulationPropertiesBaselinePeriods' před 4 roky
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Ephys data development P5-40

Elecrophysiological data used for manuscript 'Gamma activity accelerates during prefrontal development' Sebastian H. Bitzenhofer, Jastyn A. Pöpplau, Ileana L. Hanganu-Opatz

------------- INFORMATION ABOUT FILES -------------

--- ExperimentsOverview.xlsx

Summary of animals, recording configurations, optogenetic stimulations, and analysis

--- StimulationPropertiesBaselinePeriods

folder structure containing .mat files for each recording (subfolders named by animalID from ExperimentsOverview.xlsx)

  • BaselinePeriods.mat cell contains information about period where spontaneous activity without stimulation was recorded (about 15 min) Information is strucutred as follows (columns) (times and samples refer to start of recording as 0 ms / sample 1) {1} BaslineStart (in ms) {2} BaselineEnd (in ms) {3} BaselinDuration (in minutes) {4} BaselinStart (in samples) {5} BaselinEnd (in samples) {6} BaselinDuration (in samples) {7} SamplingRate (in samples per s)

  • StimulationProperties.mat cell contains information about optogenetic stimulations Further information (Laser power, wavelength, ...) about type of stimulation can be found in ExperimentsOverview.xlsx Each row represents one stimulation Information is strucutred as follows (columns) (times and samples refer to start of recording as 0 ms / sample 1) {1} StimulationStart (in ms) {2} StimulationEnd (in ms) {3} StimulationDuration (in s) {4} Number of pulses (1 for ramp stimulation) {5} Duration per pulse (in ms) {6} Pulse frequency (in Hz) {7} Laser power (set manually on device for ramp stimulations, see inforamtion in ExperimentsOverview.xlsx) {8} Type of stimulation {9} Start of individual pulses (in ms) {10} StimulationStart (in samples) {11} StimulationEnd (in samples) {12} tart of individual pulses (in samples)

--- LFPdata

folder structure containing local field potential data segments in subfolders RampStimulation and Baseline with .mat files for each recording (subsubfolders named by animalID from ExperimentsOverview.xlsx)

-- Baseline_LFP.mat contains LFP data from baseline period of spontaneous activity (without stimulation) for all recording sites (see ExperimentsOverview.xlsx for area)

  • LFP, int16, contains LFP data for baseline period in microvolts (-10 to 0 min from BaselinEnd). Data is filtered 1 to 100 Hz and downsampled to fs=200 Hz
  • fs, double, contains downsampled sampling frequency (200 Hz)

-- AcuteStim1_LFP.mat contains LFP data from 30 repetitions of ramp light stimulations (AcuteStim1, 473 nm) for all recording sites (see ExperimentsOverview.xlsx for area and stimulation info)

  • LFP, int16, contains LFP data for stimulation periods in microvolts (-6 to 3 s from StimulationEnd). Data is filtered 1 to 100 Hz and downsampled to fs=200 Hz
  • fs, double, contains downsampled sampling frequency (200 Hz)

  • AcuteStim2_LFP.mat contains LFP data from 30 repetitions of control ramp light stimulations (AcuteStim2, 594 nm) for all recording sites (see ExperimentsOverview.xlsx for area and stimulation info) LFP contains LFP data for stimulation periods (-6 to 3 s from StimulationEnd). Data is filtered 1 to 100 Hz and downsampled to fs=200 Hz fs contains downsampled sampling frequency (200 Hz)

--- sp.mat

structure single unit data for 3554 single units

  • sp.st cell spike times per single unit in samples (sampling rate 32000 Hz) (times and samples refer to start of recording as sample 1)

  • sp.Nexp double experiment number per single unit (see column B in file ExperimentsOverview.xlsx)

  • sp.area double area per single unit 1, for sp.peakchannel 17:20, ipsilateral mPFC hemisphere to stimulation, shank 1 (most medial) 2, for sp.peakchannel 21:24, ipsilateral mPFC hemisphere to stimulation, shank 2 3, for sp.peakchannel 25:28, ipsilateral mPFC hemisphere to stimulation, shank 3 4, for sp.peakchannel 29:32, ipsilateral mPFC hemisphere to stimulation, shank 4 (most lateral) 5, for sp.peakchannel 1:4, contralateral mPFC hemisphere to stimulation, shank 1 (most medial) 6, for sp.peakchannel 5:8, contralateral mPFC hemisphere to stimulation, shank 2 7, for sp.peakchannel 9:12, contralateral mPFC hemisphere to stimulation, shank 3 8, for sp.peakchannel 13:16, contralateral mPFC hemisphere to stimulation, shank 4 (most lateral)

  • sp.peakchannel double peak channel (recording site) per single unit

  • sp.wf double average waveform per single unit (97 samples per single unit centered around negative peak, sampling rate 32000 Hz)

  • sp.age double age of recorded mouse per single unit

-sp.FS logical 0 if regular spiking 1 if fast spiking per single unit

Title Ephys data associated with the paper *Gamma activity accelerates during prefrontal development*
Authors Bitzenhofer,Sebastian H.;Developmental Neurophysiology, Institute of Neuroanatomy, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany Center for Neural Circuits and Behavior, Department of Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA;http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0736-6251
Pöpplau,Jastyn A.;Developmental Neurophysiology, Institute of Neuroanatomy, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
Hanganu-Opatz,Ileana L.;Developmental Neurophysiology, Institute of Neuroanatomy, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
Description Electrophysiological recordings from prefrontal cortex of postnatal day 5-40 mice. Spontaneous and optogenetically stimulated activity.
License Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)
References Gamma activity accelerates during prefrontal development [] (IsSupplementTo)
Funding EU, ERC-2015-CoG 681577
DFG, Ha 4466/10-1
DFG, Ha 4466/11-1
DFG, SFB 936 B5
DFG, SPP 1665
Keywords Neuroscience
Cognitive impairment
Neonatal Mice
Prefrontal cortex
Gamma oscillations
Resource Type Dataset