1. **Temporal Bisection Task**
  2. 20 participants with no hearing impairment took part in Experiment 2 in return for a monetary incentive or course credit at Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) of Munich.
  3. Participant 7, 13 and 18 were excluded from the analyses due to excessive head movements.
  4. There were two sessions (DF and AF) with each session of 336 trials (six blocks of 56 trials each). The target intervals used in the DF and AF sessions were [400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1400, 1600] ms. Their presentation frequencies in a session was manipulated. The intervals in the DF session were presented 84, 72, 60, 48, 36, 24 and 12 times, respectively, whereas in the AF session they were presented 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84 times, respectively.