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The processedLevels dataset

These files contain processed_data from the Levels dataset.


We have performed a couple of processing steps (e.g., removing duplicates, etc.) to give you the option to easily work with the data without having to process the sourcedata first. This resulted in 2 processed versions of the dataset:

  • pruned_processed_dataset.pkl: This file is processed and pruned, which means it only includes the experiment trials per participant and we already pruned to remove triplet responses of triplets that either have < 4 or > 5 responses.
  • processed_dataset.pkl: This dataset is processed (but not pruned). It includes only the necessary variables for analysis, but you would still need to filter for the experiment trials (see codebook) and please note, that here also duplicate triplet information is still included.

Loading data

If you use python, you can consider loading the data like this:

with open("../your path to data /pruned_processed_dataset.pkl", "rb") as f:
    pruned_processed_dataset = pickle.load(f)