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Irina Pochinok 7 months ago
1 changed files with 0 additions and 291 deletions
  1. 0 291

+ 0 - 291

@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-function  imshow3D( Img, disprange )
-%IMSHOW3D displays 3D grayscale images in slice by slice fashion with mouse
-%based slice browsing and window and level adjustment control.
-% Usage:
-% imshow3D ( Image )
-% imshow3D ( Image , [] )
-% imshow3D ( Image , [LOW HIGH] )
-%    Image:      3D image MxNxK (K slices of MxN images) 
-%    [LOW HIGH]: display range that controls the display intensity range of
-%                a grayscale image (default: the widest available range)
-% Use the scroll bar or mouse scroll wheel to switch between slices. To
-% adjust window and level values keep the mouse right button pressed and
-% drag the mouse up and down (for level adjustment) or right and left (for
-% window adjustment). 
-% "Auto W/L" button adjust the window and level automatically 
-% While "Fine Tune" check box is checked the window/level adjustment gets
-% 16 times less sensitive to mouse movement, to make it easier to control
-% display intensity rang.
-% Note: The sensitivity of mouse based window and level adjustment is set
-% based on the user defined display intensity range; the wider the range
-% the more sensitivity to mouse drag.
-%   Example
-%   --------
-%       % Display an image (MRI example)
-%       load mri 
-%       Image = squeeze(D); 
-%       figure, 
-%       imshow3D(Image) 
-%       % Display the image, adjust the display range
-%       figure,
-%       imshow3D(Image,[20 100]);
-%   See also IMSHOW.
-% - Maysam Shahedi (
-% - Released: 1.0.0   Date: 2013/04/15
-% - Revision: 1.1.0   Date: 2013/04/19
-sno = size(Img,3);  % number of slices
-S = round(sno/2);
-global InitialCoord;
-MinV = 0;
-MaxV = max(Img(:));
-LevV = (double( MaxV) + double(MinV)) / 2;
-Win = double(MaxV) - double(MinV);
-WLAdjCoe = (Win + 1)/1024;
-FineTuneC = [1 1/16];    % Regular/Fine-tune mode coefficients
-if isa(Img,'uint8')
-    MaxV = uint8(Inf);
-    MinV = uint8(-Inf);
-    LevV = (double( MaxV) + double(MinV)) / 2;
-    Win = double(MaxV) - double(MinV);
-    WLAdjCoe = (Win + 1)/1024;
-elseif isa(Img,'uint16')
-    MaxV = uint16(Inf);
-    MinV = uint16(-Inf);
-    LevV = (double( MaxV) + double(MinV)) / 2;
-    Win = double(MaxV) - double(MinV);
-    WLAdjCoe = (Win + 1)/1024;
-elseif isa(Img,'uint32')
-    MaxV = uint32(Inf);
-    MinV = uint32(-Inf);
-    LevV = (double( MaxV) + double(MinV)) / 2;
-    Win = double(MaxV) - double(MinV);
-    WLAdjCoe = (Win + 1)/1024;
-elseif isa(Img,'uint64')
-    MaxV = uint64(Inf);
-    MinV = uint64(-Inf);
-    LevV = (double( MaxV) + double(MinV)) / 2;
-    Win = double(MaxV) - double(MinV);
-    WLAdjCoe = (Win + 1)/1024;
-elseif isa(Img,'int8')
-    MaxV = int8(Inf);
-    MinV = int8(-Inf);
-    LevV = (double( MaxV) + double(MinV)) / 2;
-    Win = double(MaxV) - double(MinV);
-    WLAdjCoe = (Win + 1)/1024;
-elseif isa(Img,'int16')
-    MaxV = int16(Inf);
-    MinV = int16(-Inf);
-    LevV = (double( MaxV) + double(MinV)) / 2;
-    Win = double(MaxV) - double(MinV);
-    WLAdjCoe = (Win + 1)/1024;
-elseif isa(Img,'int32')
-    MaxV = int32(Inf);
-    MinV = int32(-Inf);
-    LevV = (double( MaxV) + double(MinV)) / 2;
-    Win = double(MaxV) - double(MinV);
-    WLAdjCoe = (Win + 1)/1024;
-elseif isa(Img,'int64')
-    MaxV = int64(Inf);
-    MinV = int64(-Inf);
-    LevV = (double( MaxV) + double(MinV)) / 2;
-    Win = double(MaxV) - double(MinV);
-    WLAdjCoe = (Win + 1)/1024;
-elseif isa(Img,'logical')
-    MaxV = 0;
-    MinV = 1;
-    LevV =0.5;
-    Win = 1;
-    WLAdjCoe = 0.1;
-SFntSz = 9;
-LFntSz = 10;
-WFntSz = 10;
-LVFntSz = 9;
-WVFntSz = 9;
-BtnSz = 10;
-ChBxSz = 10;
-if (nargin < 2)
-    [Rmin Rmax] = WL2R(Win, LevV);
-elseif numel(disprange) == 0
-    [Rmin Rmax] = WL2R(Win, LevV);
-    LevV = (double(disprange(2)) + double(disprange(1))) / 2;
-    Win = double(disprange(2)) - double(disprange(1));
-    WLAdjCoe = (Win + 1)/1024;
-    [Rmin Rmax] = WL2R(Win, LevV);
-axes('position',[0,0.2,1,0.8]), imshow(Img(:,:,S), [Rmin Rmax])
-FigPos = get(gcf,'Position');
-S_Pos = [50 45 uint16(FigPos(3)-100)+1 20];
-Stxt_Pos = [50 65 uint16(FigPos(3)-100)+1 15];
-Wtxt_Pos = [50 20 60 20];
-Wval_Pos = [110 20 60 20];
-Ltxt_Pos = [175 20 45 20];
-Lval_Pos = [220 20 60 20];
-BtnStPnt = uint16(FigPos(3)-250)+1;
-if BtnStPnt < 300
-    BtnStPnt = 300;
-Btn_Pos = [BtnStPnt 20 100 20];
-ChBx_Pos = [BtnStPnt+110 20 100 20];
-if sno > 1
-    shand = uicontrol('Style', 'slider','Min',1,'Max',sno,'Value',S,'SliderStep',[1/(sno-1) 10/(sno-1)],'Position', S_Pos,'Callback', {@SliceSlider, Img});
-    stxthand = uicontrol('Style', 'text','Position', Stxt_Pos,'String',sprintf('Slice# %d / %d',S, sno), 'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'FontSize', SFntSz);
-    stxthand = uicontrol('Style', 'text','Position', Stxt_Pos,'String','2D image', 'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'FontSize', SFntSz);
-ltxthand = uicontrol('Style', 'text','Position', Ltxt_Pos,'String','Level: ', 'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'FontSize', LFntSz);
-wtxthand = uicontrol('Style', 'text','Position', Wtxt_Pos,'String','Window: ', 'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'FontSize', WFntSz);
-lvalhand = uicontrol('Style', 'edit','Position', Lval_Pos,'String',sprintf('%6.0f',LevV), 'BackgroundColor', [1 1 1], 'FontSize', LVFntSz,'Callback', @WinLevChanged);
-wvalhand = uicontrol('Style', 'edit','Position', Wval_Pos,'String',sprintf('%6.0f',Win), 'BackgroundColor', [1 1 1], 'FontSize', WVFntSz,'Callback', @WinLevChanged);
-Btnhand = uicontrol('Style', 'pushbutton','Position', Btn_Pos,'String','Auto W/L', 'FontSize', BtnSz, 'Callback' , @AutoAdjust);
-ChBxhand = uicontrol('Style', 'checkbox','Position', ChBx_Pos,'String','Fine Tune', 'BackgroundColor', [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'FontSize', ChBxSz);
-set (gcf, 'WindowScrollWheelFcn', @mouseScroll);
-set (gcf, 'ButtonDownFcn', @mouseClick);
-set(get(gca,'Children'),'ButtonDownFcn', @mouseClick);
-set(gcf,'WindowButtonUpFcn', @mouseRelease)
-set(gcf,'ResizeFcn', @figureResized)
-% -=< Figure resize callback function >=-
-    function figureResized(object, eventdata)
-        FigPos = get(gcf,'Position');
-        S_Pos = [50 45 uint16(FigPos(3)-100)+1 20];
-        Stxt_Pos = [50 65 uint16(FigPos(3)-100)+1 15];
-        BtnStPnt = uint16(FigPos(3)-250)+1;
-        if BtnStPnt < 300
-            BtnStPnt = 300;
-        end
-        Btn_Pos = [BtnStPnt 20 100 20];
-        ChBx_Pos = [BtnStPnt+110 20 100 20];
-        if sno > 1
-            set(shand,'Position', S_Pos);
-        end
-        set(stxthand,'Position', Stxt_Pos);
-        set(ltxthand,'Position', Ltxt_Pos);
-        set(wtxthand,'Position', Wtxt_Pos);
-        set(lvalhand,'Position', Lval_Pos);
-        set(wvalhand,'Position', Wval_Pos);
-        set(Btnhand,'Position', Btn_Pos);
-        set(ChBxhand,'Position', ChBx_Pos);
-    end
-% -=< Slice slider callback function >=-
-    function SliceSlider (hObj,event, Img)
-        S = round(get(hObj,'Value'));
-        set(get(gca,'children'),'cdata',Img(:,:,S))
-        caxis([Rmin Rmax])
-        if sno > 1
-            set(stxthand, 'String', sprintf('Slice# %d / %d',S, sno));
-        else
-            set(stxthand, 'String', '2D image');
-        end
-    end
-% -=< Mouse scroll wheel callback function >=-
-    function mouseScroll (object, eventdata)
-        UPDN = eventdata.VerticalScrollCount;
-        S = S - UPDN;
-        if (S < 1)
-            S = 1;
-        elseif (S > sno)
-            S = sno;
-        end
-        if sno > 1
-            set(shand,'Value',S);
-            set(stxthand, 'String', sprintf('Slice# %d / %d',S, sno));
-        else
-            set(stxthand, 'String', '2D image');
-        end
-        set(get(gca,'children'),'cdata',Img(:,:,S))
-    end
-% -=< Mouse button released callback function >=-
-    function mouseRelease (object,eventdata)
-        set(gcf, 'WindowButtonMotionFcn', '')
-    end
-% -=< Mouse click callback function >=-
-    function mouseClick (object, eventdata)
-        MouseStat = get(gcbf, 'SelectionType');
-        if (MouseStat(1) == 'a')        %   RIGHT CLICK
-            InitialCoord = get(0,'PointerLocation');
-            set(gcf, 'WindowButtonMotionFcn', @WinLevAdj);
-        end
-    end
-% -=< Window and level mouse adjustment >=-
-    function WinLevAdj(varargin)
-        PosDiff = get(0,'PointerLocation') - InitialCoord;
-        Win = Win + PosDiff(1) * WLAdjCoe * FineTuneC(get(ChBxhand,'Value')+1);
-        LevV = LevV - PosDiff(2) * WLAdjCoe * FineTuneC(get(ChBxhand,'Value')+1);
-        if (Win < 1)
-            Win = 1;
-        end
-        [Rmin, Rmax] = WL2R(Win,LevV);
-        caxis([Rmin, Rmax])
-        set(lvalhand, 'String', sprintf('%6.0f',LevV));
-        set(wvalhand, 'String', sprintf('%6.0f',Win));
-        InitialCoord = get(0,'PointerLocation');
-    end
-% -=< Window and level text adjustment >=-
-    function WinLevChanged(varargin)
-        LevV = str2double(get(lvalhand, 'string'));
-        Win = str2double(get(wvalhand, 'string'));
-        if (Win < 1)
-            Win = 1;
-        end
-        [Rmin, Rmax] = WL2R(Win,LevV);
-        caxis([Rmin, Rmax])
-    end
-% -=< Window and level to range conversion >=-
-    function [Rmn Rmx] = WL2R(W,L)
-        Rmn = L - (W/2);
-        Rmx = L + (W/2);
-        if (Rmn >= Rmx)
-            Rmx = Rmn + 1;
-        end
-    end
-% -=< Window and level auto adjustment callback function >=-
-    function AutoAdjust(object,eventdata)
-        Win = double(max(Img(:))-min(Img(:)));
-        Win (Win < 1) = 1;
-        LevV = double(min(Img(:)) + (Win/2));
-        [Rmin, Rmax] = WL2R(Win,LevV);
-        caxis([Rmin, Rmax])
-        set(lvalhand, 'String', sprintf('%6.0f',LevV));
-        set(wvalhand, 'String', sprintf('%6.0f',Win));
-    end
-% -=< Maysam Shahedi (, April 19, 2013>=-