소스 검색

Update 'README.md'

Jürgen Dammers 3 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일5개의 추가작업 그리고 3개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 5 3

+ 5 - 3

@@ -52,14 +52,16 @@ In the directory data you will find three subdirectories to access different typ
 ### Directory Data
 #### data_meg
-In this directory, we provide the cleaned MEG (from 4D Neuroimaging, MAGNES 3600WH) unfiltered raw data from 13 different subjects in anonymized fif format.
+In this subdirectory, we provide the cleaned MEG (from 4D Neuroimaging, MAGNES 3600WH) unfiltered raw data from 13 different subjects in anonymized fif format.
 #### data_evoked
-In this directiory we provide the averaged source time courses of 14 regions of interest (see paper) for all 13 subjects.
+In this subdirectiory we provide the averaged source time courses of 14 regions of interest (see paper) for all 13 subjects.
 #### data_causality
-In this directory the unfiltered dynamics of the ROI source time courses are provided on which Granger causality was applied to investigate the interconnections between the active brain regions, as well as their directionality.
+In this subdirectory, the unfiltered dynamics of the ROI source time courses are provided on which Granger causality was applied to investigate the interconnections between the active brain regions, as well as their directionality.
+#### Behavioural
+In this subdirectory, the response time for each subject and condition is provided in the file 'Behavioural_data.xlsx'
 ## Licensing