Scheduled service maintenance on November 22

On Friday, November 22, 2024, between 06:00 CET and 18:00 CET, GIN services will undergo planned maintenance. Extended service interruptions should be expected. We will try to keep downtimes to a minimum, but recommend that users avoid critical tasks, large data uploads, or DOI requests during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Mean values per participant and condition within a given time window, e.g. 200-400 ms.

Natalia Bekemeier 78efcd1703 'datacite.yml' hinzufügen 6 سال پیش
Exp1_AN_200-400ms.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp1_AN_300-500ms.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp1_AN_400-600ms.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp1_AN_600-700ms.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp1_CT_0-200ms.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp1_CT_200-400ms.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp1_CT_400-600ms.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp1_DET_0-300.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp1_DET_600-1000.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp2_AN_200-400ms.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp2_AN_300-500ms.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp2_AN_400-600ms.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp2_AN_600-700ms.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp2_CT_0-300ms.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp2_CT_200-400ms.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp2_CT_400-600ms.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp2_CT_600-800ms.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp2_DET_0-300.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
Exp2_DET_400-700.xlsx f71f49cb5c Dateien hochladen nach '' 6 سال پیش
LICENSE 7a5af82f59 Initial commit 6 سال پیش 17cacff81f '' ändern 6 سال پیش
datacite.yml 78efcd1703 'datacite.yml' hinzufügen 6 سال پیش


Mean values per participant and condition within a given time window, e.g. 200-400 ms.

The names of the files contain the number of the study (Exp1/Exp2), the type of analysis (AN: adjective+noun phrases; CT: concept type conditions; DET: determiner analysis), and the latency, e.g. 0-300 ms.

The columns are encoded according to the factors. Thus, the first two letter encode the topographic factors Anteriority ((A)nterior (C)entral (P)osterior) and Laterality ((L)eft (C)entral (R)ight), the others encode AN, CT, and DET conditions (see Methods and Results Sections of the manuscript for a detailed description of the condition).

Title Example Title
Authors Bekemeier,Natalia;Heinrich-Heine-University;
Description Example description that can contain linebreaks but has to maintain indentation.
License Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication (
References PublicationName [] (IsSupplementTo)
PublicationName [] (IsPartOf)
Funding DFG, DFG.12345
EU, EU.12345
Keywords Neuroscience
Resource Type Dataset