Centralized data used for the bioRxiv article "Neural instructive signals for associative cerebellar learning" (Silva et al., 2022).
Each folder in this repository contains a Pickled Python dictionary (version 3.6) containing all the data used for the experimental analysis involving Purkinje cell spiking activity (cell-attached recordings, optostimulation) with simultaneous eye-blink conditioning treatments (eyelid tracking, exposure to stimuli).
To load the files, just import the pickle module in python and open the filepath like this:
import pickle
filepath = "C:\Users\User\Desktop\..."
with open(filepath, "rb") as f:
Data_dict = pickle.load(f)
Inside each data dictionary, the first level contains all the data organized by files of recordings, which correspond to the experimental sessions (e.g. "File 1", "File 2", etc.). There is also an entry to keep track of which files correspond to the same cell and the filename (with important metadata), inside of the entry "Lookups and Constants". Finally, there is an entry called "Spike Rate Org. Data", which contains a simplified analysis of the rates of simple and complex spikes averaged at three epochs: baseline, treatment (laser, airpuff, or LED light) and return.
Each file entry possesses 3 dictionary keys with the different treatments/stimulations ("Laser", "LED", "Airpuff"), plus some information about how it was collected (like sampling rates) inside the key "Constants". Inside of each treatment there are sub-dictionaries with the following content:
Filenames contain information about the experimental sessions such as laser powers, depth of recording electrode, position of laser stimulation (default is cortex, unless "IO" is written), among others.