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# Description This repository contains the full data set for constructing the DAPI template, the full DAPI template creation pipeline and the automatic slice segmentation.

Automatic slice segmentation

Program for automatic segmentation to a DAPI-stained coronal mouse brain slices.



  • A high-resolution, DAPI modality TIFF image of a brain slice. Can have multiple channels.
  • A template file (.nii or .nii.gz)
  • A segmentation of the template file (.nii or .nii.gz)


  • Use to prepare input slice for automatic registration
  • Use with preprocessed slice which will output a folder containing segmentation registered to slice.


python3 sliceloc segloc templateloc --bregma [coord]  

Positional/Required Arguments

sliceloc Location of the slice you wish to register (.nii or.nii.gz)
segloc Location of file containing segmentation of the template (.nii or.nii.gz)
templateloc Location of template file (.nii or .nii.gz)
--bregma [coord] Bregma coordinate of input slice (if --approx argument is present, this is an optional argument)

Optional arguments

--approx [index] Provide the location of the slice as a z-index of the template. Can be used instead of --bregma argument.
--out [directory] Provide an alternative output directory (default directory is /output)
--dapi [index] Index of the DAPI channel in the slice, by default the DAPI channel is assumed to be the last channel


python3 file dir -s Series -b [True/False] --pdim [pixeldimension]  

Positional/Required Arguments

file Location of the file to be preprocessed (.tiff or .nd2)
dir Directory to output preprocessed files (will output .nii files)
-s The series to extract (If input file is single-series, use 0 for this argument)

Optional arguments

--b [True/False] Bias field correction: Whether to use bias-field correction in preprocessing (default: True)
--pdim [pixeldimensions] Dimensions of pixels, if not provided, these will be extracted from image metadata