123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169 |
- from pathlib import Path
- import xmltodict
- import argparse
- import javabridge
- import bioformats
- import numpy as np
- import nibabel as nib
- from PIL import Image, ImageSequence
- from scipy import ndimage
- from skimage import morphology, filters
- from nipype.interfaces.ants.segmentation import N4BiasFieldCorrection
- def get_out_paths(out_dir, stem):
- out_path_scaled = Path(out_dir, f'{stem}.nii')
- out_path_unscaled = Path(out_dir, f'{stem}_us.nii')
- return out_path_scaled, out_path_unscaled
- def bias_field_correction(image, output, dim=2):
- N4BiasFieldCorrection(
- input_image=image,
- output_image=output,
- dimension=dim
- ).run()
- def image_data_to_nii(pixdim, image_data, shrink, out_dir, file_path, save_unscaled=False):
- """
- Saves an array of image data as a nifti file, with correct pixel dimensions in
- :param save_unscaled: boolean whether to save unscaled, as well as scaled nifti file
- :param shrink: factor by which to shrink image dimensions by
- :return: location of scaled and possibly unscaled nifti files
- """
- image_dim = (image_data.shape[0], image_data.shape[1])
- scale = 1/shrink
- new_dim = (round(image_dim[1] * scale), round(image_dim[0] * scale))
- new_arr = np.ndarray(new_dim + (image_data.shape[2],))
- for i in range(0,image_data.shape[2]):
- cur_channel = image_data[:, :, i]
- resized = np.array(Image.fromarray(cur_channel).resize(new_dim)).transpose()
- new_arr[:, :, i] = resized
- path_scaled, path_unscaled = get_out_paths(out_dir, Path(file_path).stem)
- nii_scaled = nib.Nifti1Image(new_arr, np.eye(4))
- nii_scaled.header['xyzt_units'] = 3
- nii_scaled.header['pixdim'][1:3] = pixdim * shrink, pixdim * shrink
- nib.save(nii_scaled, str(path_scaled))
- if save_unscaled:
- nii_unscaled = nib.Nifti1Image(image_data, np.eye(4))
- nii_unscaled.header['xyzt_units'] = 3
- nii_unscaled.header['pixdim'][1:3] = pixdim, pixdim
- nib.save(nii_unscaled, str(path_unscaled))
- print(f'Preprocessed: {path_scaled}\n')
- return path_scaled, path_unscaled
- def nd2_to_nii(nd2_path, out_dir, series, shrink=10):
- """
- Wrapper function for image_data_to_nii, for converting nd2 files to nifti
- """
- javabridge.start_vm(bioformats.JARS)
- image = np.array(bioformats.load_image(str(nd2_path), series=series-1, rescale=False))
- meta_dict = xmltodict.parse(bioformats.get_omexml_metadata(str(nd2_path)))
- vox_size_x = float(meta_dict['OME']['Image'][series-1]['Pixels']['@PhysicalSizeX'])
- javabridge.kill_vm()
- return image_data_to_nii(vox_size_x, image, shrink, out_dir, nd2_path)
- def tiff_to_nii(tif_path, out_dir, pixdim=None, shrink=10):
- """
- Wrapper function for image_data_to_nii, for converting tiff files to nifti
- """
- tif_image = Image.open(tif_path)
- tif_header = dict(tif_image.tag)
- output = np.empty(np.array(tif_image).shape + (0,))
- if not pixdim:
- pixdim = 10e6/tif_header[282][0][0]
- for i, page in enumerate(ImageSequence.Iterator(tif_image)):
- page_data = np.expand_dims(np.array(page), 2)
- output = np.concatenate((output, page_data), 2)
- return image_data_to_nii(pixdim, output, shrink, out_dir, tif_path)
- def split_nii_channels(nii_path, out_dir=None, flip=False, mask_index=-1, bias=False):
- """
- Converts a single multi-channel nifti file to multiple single-channel nifti files, and masks foreground
- :param flip: Whether to vertically flip the image, in order to properly align nifti file with template
- :param mask_index: index of DAPI stained channel, on which to mask other channels on
- :param bias: whether to bias-field correct the image
- :return: Location of multiple single-channel nifti files
- """
- if out_dir is None:
- out_dir = nii_path.parent
- nii = nib.load(str(nii_path))
- nii_data = nii.get_data()
- nii_header = nii.header
- if mask_index == -1:
- mask_index = nii_data.shape[2] - 1
- paths = []
- for i in range(0, nii_data.shape[2]):
- out_path = out_dir / f'im_c{i+1}.nii'
- channel_data = nii_data[:, :, i]
- if flip:
- channel_data = np.flip(channel_data, 1)
- if i == mask_index:
- channel_data = mask_foreground(channel_data)
- new_header = nii_header
- new_header['dim'][0] = 2
- nii = nib.Nifti1Image(channel_data, np.eye(4), header=new_header)
- nib.save(nii, str(out_path))
- if i == mask_index and bias:
- bias_field_correction(str(out_path), str(out_path))
- corrected = nib.load(str(out_path))
- corrected_data = corrected.get_data()
- corrected_normalized = corrected_data / np.mean(corrected_data[corrected_data != 0])
- nii_corrected = nib.Nifti1Image(corrected_normalized, corrected.affine, corrected.header)
- nib.save(nii_corrected, str(out_path))
- paths.append(out_path)
- return paths
- def mask_foreground(raw_data):
- """
- Mask the foreground of an image, using otsu threshold and connected components to remove background noise
- """
- raw_max = raw_data.max()
- raw_data = raw_data / raw_max
- blurred_data = ndimage.gaussian_filter(raw_data, 4)
- threshold = filters.threshold_otsu(raw_data) / 2
- threshold_data = blurred_data > threshold
- connected_structure = ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 2) # Connects adjacent and diagonal.
- padded_comp, padded_nr = ndimage.label(threshold_data, structure=connected_structure)
- comps, comps_count = np.unique(padded_comp, return_counts=True)
- comps_count, comps = zip(*sorted(zip(comps_count, comps), reverse=True))
- two_biggest_cc = ((comps[0], np.average(comps[0])), (comps[1], np.average(comps[1])))
- biggest_cc = max(two_biggest_cc, key=lambda a: a[1])[0]
- foreground_mask = np.where(padded_comp == biggest_cc, True, False)
- closed = morphology.binary_closing(foreground_mask, selem=morphology.square(30))
- raw_data = np.where(closed, raw_data, 0)
- return raw_data * raw_max
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("file", help="Location of file to process")
- parser.add_argument("dir", help="Directory for preprocessed Files")
- parser.add_argument("-s", type=int, help="Series to extract")
- parser.add_argument('-b', type=bool, default= True, help='Bias field correct image')
- parser.add_argument('--pdim', type=float, help='Pixel dimensions (Retrieved from Tiff file if not set)')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- filetype = Path(args.file).suffix.lower()
- if filetype == '.tif' or filetype == '.tiff':
- n_path = tiff_to_nii(Path(args.file), Path(args.dir))
- elif filetype == '.nd2':
- n_path = nd2_to_nii(Path(args.file), Path(args.dir), args.series)