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Georg Ammer hace 1 año
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 21 adiciones y 5 borrados
  1. 21 5

+ 21 - 5

@@ -62,11 +62,27 @@ funding:
   - "Max Planck Society"
-# Related publications. reftype might be: IsSupplementTo, IsDescribedBy, IsReferencedBy.
-# Please provide digital identifier (e.g., DOI) if possible.
-# Add a prefix to the ID, separated by a colon, to indicate the source.
-# Supported sources are: DOI, arXiv, PMID
-# In the citation field, please provide the full reference, including title, authors, journal etc.
+# references: Digital resources related to this publication, such as research articles, data, or code
+# If this publication is supplement to a research paper, a reference to the paper is mandatory.
+#  id: Please provide digital identifier (e.g., DOI, arXiv, PMID, URL) if possible.
+#   Add a prefix to the ID, separated by a colon, to indicate the type of identifier.
+#   If assignment of an identifier is pending, enter "doi:tba" as placeholder.
+#  reftype: The relationship of this publication to the referenced resource.
+#   IsSupplementTo: to reference a research paper that is supplemented by this publication
+#   IsDescribedBy: to reference a data descriptor of a dataset publication
+#   IsReferencedBy: to reference code or other resources that use this publication.
+#   (for further reftypes see the Datacite schema description https://doi.org/10.5438/0014) 
+#  citation: Please provide the full reference, including title, authors, journal etc., like in the reference section of a paper.
+#   If an unpublished manuscript is referenced, enter as much citation information as available, and update when the paper is published.
+  -
+    id: "doi:tba"
+    reftype: "IsSupplementTo"
+    citation: "Ammer G, Serbe-Kamp E, Mauss AS, Richter FG, Fendl S, Borst A (2023) Multi-level visual motion opponency in Drosophila. Nature Neuroscience, in press"
 # Resource type. Default is Dataset, other possible values are Software, DataPaper, Image, Text.