123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296 |
- function calculateQCmeasures(functional4D_fn, structural_fn, fwhm, spm_dir, out_dir, subject)
- % Function to calculate multiple quality control measures for an fMRI time
- % series using SPM12 and Matlab. The goal is to create a tool, for use by
- % fMRI technicians/researchers/clinicians familiar with SPM12 and Matlab,
- % that allows the calculation of measures that can assist in diagnosing
- % quality issues in fMRI data. It is not intended for use as ground truth
- % for quality diagnosis, as these measures are known to be relative and to
- % vary based on scanner site, acquisition time, data format, and more.
- % However, it can provide insight into possible data quality issues
- % originating from the scanner or single subject.
- % Function steps include preprocessing the acquired fMRI and structural data
- % (coregistering structural image to first functional image, segmenting the
- % coregistered structural image into tissue types, and reslicing the
- % segments to the functional resolution image grid), and calling functions
- % for a standard set of QC measures based on various sources (mainly
- % including the Quality Assessment Protocol (QAP) from the Preprocessed
- % Connectomes Project (PCP) and MRIQC. This function makes use of SPM12
- % functions and batch routines. If SPM12 batch parameters are not
- % explicitly set, defaults are assumed.
- %
- % CURRENT QC MEASURES (27/06/2018):
- % - Temporal signal to noise ratio (tSNR) (3D image)
- % - Mean tSNR of brain, grey matter, white matter, and CSF
- % - Z-score timeseries and mean
- % - Standard deviation (3D image)
- % - Framewise displacement (FD) timeseries, total and mean (mm)
- % - GCOR = global correlation ....
- % - Non-standardized differential variance (DVARS) timeseries (a.u.)
- % - The Plot (GM, WM and CSF voxel intensities over time)
- %
- % INPUT:
- % funcional4D_fn - filename of 4D functional timeseries (.nii only)
- % structural_fn - filename of T1-weighted structural scan (.nii only)
- % fwhm - kernel size for smoothing operations (mm)
- % spm_dir - SPM12 directory
- % out_dir - output directory (for figures and html logfile)
- % subject - subject name/code
- %
- % Matlab figures: - timeseries plots (FD, DVARS, Zscore, The Plot)
- % - montage images (tSNR, tSNR brain, stddev, mean EPI)
- % - coregistration contour plot
- % HTML logfile: - HTML logfile with measures and figures and metadata
- %
- % PCP-QAP: - http://preprocessed-connectomes-project.org/quality-assessment-protocol/index.html
- % MRIQC: - https://mriqc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- % The Plot: - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1053811916303871?via%3Dihub
- %__________________________________________________________________________
- % Copyright (C) Stephan Heunis 2018
- % User defined variables
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- intensity_scale = [-6 6]; % scaling for plot image intensity, see what works
- FD_threshold = 0.5; % mm
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ~exist(out_dir, 'dir')
- mkdir(out_dir)
- end
- cd(out_dir)
- % Get image information
- func_spm = spm_vol(functional4D_fn);
- tsize = size(func_spm);
- Nt = tsize(1);
- Ni= func_spm(1).dim(1);
- Nj= func_spm(1).dim(2);
- Nk= func_spm(1).dim(3);
- % Preprocess structural and functional data.
- [d, f, e] = fileparts(structural_fn);
- if exist([d filesep 'rc1' f e], 'file')
- % If a resliced grey matter image is present in the specified data
- % directory, assume that all preprocessing has been completed by
- % standardPreproc, and declare appropriate variables.
- disp('Preproc done!')
- preproc_data = struct;
- preproc_data.forward_transformation = [d filesep 'y_' f e];
- preproc_data.inverse_transformation = [d filesep 'iy_' f e];
- preproc_data.gm_fn = [d filesep 'c1' f e];
- preproc_data.wm_fn = [d filesep 'c2' f e];
- preproc_data.csf_fn = [d filesep 'c3' f e];
- preproc_data.bone_fn = [d filesep 'c4' f e];
- preproc_data.soft_fn = [d filesep 'c5' f e];
- preproc_data.air_fn = [d filesep 'c6' f e];
- preproc_data.rstructural_fn = [d filesep 'r' f e];
- preproc_data.rgm_fn = [d filesep 'rc1' f e];
- preproc_data.rwm_fn = [d filesep 'rc2' f e];
- preproc_data.rcsf_fn = [d filesep 'rc3' f e];
- preproc_data.rbone_fn = [d filesep 'rc4' f e];
- preproc_data.rsoft_fn = [d filesep 'rc5' f e];
- preproc_data.rair_fn = [d filesep 'rc6' f e];
- [d, f, e] = fileparts(functional4D_fn);
- preproc_data.rfunctional_fn = [d filesep 'r' f e];
- preproc_data.srfunctional_fn = [d filesep 'sr' f e];
- preproc_data.sfunctional_fn = [d filesep 's' f e];
- preproc_data.mp_fn = [d filesep 'rp_' f '.txt'];
- preproc_data.MP = load(preproc_data.mp_fn);
- else
- % If a resliced grey matter image is NOT present in the specified data
- % directory, run standardPreproc
- preproc_data = standardPreproc(functional4D_fn, structural_fn, fwhm, spm_dir);
- end
- % Calculate brain mask matrices for GM, WM, CSF, and all together
- mask_threshold = 0.5;
- [GM_img_bin, WM_img_bin, CSF_img_bin] = createBinarySegments(preproc_data.rgm_fn, preproc_data.rwm_fn, preproc_data.rcsf_fn, mask_threshold);
- I_GM = find(GM_img_bin);
- I_WM = find(WM_img_bin);
- I_CSF = find(CSF_img_bin);
- mask_reshaped = GM_img_bin | WM_img_bin | CSF_img_bin;
- I_mask = find(mask_reshaped);
- Nmaskvox = numel(I_mask);
- % Detrend 4D time series
- output = detrend4D(functional4D_fn);
- F4D_detrended = output.F4D_detrended;
- F2D_detrended = output.F_2D_detrended;
- % Statistical measures
- F2D_mean = mean(F2D_detrended, 2);
- F2D_stddev = std(F2D_detrended, 0, 2);
- F2D_zstat = (F2D_detrended - F2D_mean)./F2D_stddev;
- F2D_zstat(isnan(F2D_zstat))=0;
- F2D_zstat_mean = mean(abs(F2D_zstat),1);
- Zstat_mean = mean(F2D_zstat_mean);
- F2D_var = var(F2D_detrended,0,2);
- F2D_psc = 100*(F2D_detrended./repmat(F2D_mean, 1, Nt)) - 100;
- F2D_psc(isnan(F2D_psc))=0;
- % Framewise displacement
- r = 80; % mm
- FD_measures = calculateFD(preproc_data.MP, r, FD_threshold);
- F2D_diff = [zeros(1, Ni*Nj*Nk); diff(F2D_detrended')]';
- DVARS = var(F2D_diff);
- % GCOR
- % Steps according to https://doi.org/10.1089/brain.2013.0156:
- % (1)?De-mean each voxel's time series and scale it by its Eucledian norm
- % (2)?Average scaled time series over the whole brain mask
- % (3)?GCOR is the length (L2 norm) of this averaged series
- F2D_demeaned = F2D_detrended - F2D_mean;
- F2D_norms = sqrt(sum(F2D_demeaned.^2,2));
- F2D_scaled = F2D_demeaned./F2D_norms;
- F2D_ave_timeseries = mean(F2D_scaled(I_mask,:), 1);
- GCOR = sum(F2D_ave_timeseries.^2,2);
- % The Plot (with FD, DVARS, and mean Zscore per volume)
- GM_img = F2D_psc(I_GM, :);
- WM_img = F2D_psc(I_WM, :);
- CSF_img = F2D_psc(I_CSF, :);
- all_img = [GM_img; WM_img; CSF_img];
- line1_pos = numel(I_GM);
- line2_pos = numel(I_GM) + numel(I_WM);
- tf = figure;
- fontsizeL = 14;
- fontsizeM = 11;
- ax1 = subplot(7,1,4:7);
- imagesc(ax1, all_img); colormap(gray); caxis(intensity_scale);
- title(ax1, 'thePlotSpm','fontsize',fontsizeL)
- ylabel(ax1, 'Voxels','fontsize',fontsizeM)
- xlabel(ax1, 'fMRI volumes','fontsize',fontsizeM)
- hold on; line([1 Nt],[line1_pos line1_pos], 'Color', 'b', 'LineWidth', 2 )
- line([1 Nt],[line2_pos line2_pos], 'Color', 'r', 'LineWidth', 2 )
- hold off;
- ax2 = subplot(7,1,1);
- plot(ax2, FD_measures.FD, 'LineWidth', 2); grid;
- set(ax2,'Xticklabel',[]);
- title(ax2, 'FD','fontsize',fontsizeL)
- ylabel(ax2, 'mm','fontsize',fontsizeM)
- ax3 = subplot(7,1,2);
- plot(ax3, DVARS, 'LineWidth', 2); grid;
- set(ax3,'Xticklabel',[]);
- title(ax3, 'DVARS','fontsize',fontsizeL)
- ylabel(ax3, 'a.u.','fontsize',fontsizeM)
- ax4 = subplot(7,1,3);
- plot(ax4, F2D_zstat_mean, 'LineWidth', 2); grid;
- set(ax4,'Xticklabel',[]);
- title(ax4, 'Z-score','fontsize',fontsizeL)
- ylabel(ax4, 'a.u.','fontsize',fontsizeM)
- print(tf, 'timeseries_summary', '-dpng')
- % tSNR
- tSNR_2D = F2D_mean./F2D_stddev;
- tSNR_brain = mean(tSNR_2D(I_mask));
- tSNR_GM = mean(tSNR_2D(I_GM));
- tSNR_WM = mean(tSNR_2D(I_WM));
- tSNR_CSF = mean(tSNR_2D(I_CSF));
- % Display metrics in command window
- disp(['Number of volumes classified as outliers based on FD>=' num2str(FD_threshold) 'mm: ' num2str(numel(FD_measures.FD_outliers_ind))])
- disp(['Total FD: ' num2str(FD_measures.FD_sum)])
- disp(['Mean FD: ' num2str(FD_measures.FD_mean)])
- disp(['Mean Zscore: ' num2str(Zstat_mean)])
- disp(['GCOR: ' num2str(GCOR)])
- disp(['tSNR (brain): ' num2str(tSNR_brain)])
- disp(['tSNR (GM): ' num2str(tSNR_GM)])
- disp(['tSNR (WM): ' num2str(tSNR_WM)])
- disp(['tSNR (CSF): ' num2str(tSNR_CSF)])
- % Prepare 3D and 4D images
- mask_3D = reshape(mask_reshaped, Ni, Nj, Nk);
- tSNR_3D = reshape(tSNR_2D, Ni, Nj, Nk);
- F3D_mean = reshape(F2D_mean, Ni, Nj, Nk);
- F3D_var = reshape(F2D_var, Ni, Nj, Nk);
- F3D_stddev = reshape(F2D_stddev, Ni, Nj, Nk);
- tSNR_2D_masked = zeros(Ni*Nj*Nk, 1);
- tSNR_2D_masked(I_mask, :) = tSNR_2D(I_mask, :);
- tSNR_3D_masked = reshape(tSNR_2D_masked, Ni, Nj, Nk);
- % Create montages of 3D images
- montage2 = createMontage(F3D_mean, 5, 1, 'Mean EPI (whole image)', 'gray');
- print(montage2.f, 'mean_epi', '-dpng')
- montage3 = createMontage(F3D_stddev, 5, 1, 'Standard deviation (whole image)', 'parula');
- print(montage3.f, 'stddev_epi', '-dpng')
- montage1 = createMontage(tSNR_3D, 5, 1, 'tSNR (whole image)', 'hot');
- print(montage1.f, 'tsnr_whole', '-dpng')
- montage4 = createMontage(tSNR_3D_masked, 5, 1, 'tSNR (brain)', 'hot');
- print(montage4.f, 'tsnr_brain', '-dpng')
- figmask = displayMaskContour(F3D_mean, mask_3D, 0, 3);
- print(figmask, 'mask_contour', '-dpng')
- % Create HTML log file
- dt = datetime('now');
- [Y,MO,D,H,MI,S] = datevec(dt);
- dt_str = [num2str(Y) num2str(MO) num2str(D) num2str(H) num2str(MI) num2str(round(S))];
- t = datestr(dt);
- log_name = [subject '_' dt_str '.html'];
- fid = fopen(log_name,'a');
- fprintf(fid, '<H2>Log</H2>');
- fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR>Subject: ' subject]);
- fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR>Date/time: ' t]);
- fprintf(fid, '<H2>Imaging info</H2>');
- fprintf(fid, ['\nVolumes: ' num2str(Nt)]);
- fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR>Voxels (x,y,z): ' num2str(Ni) ', ' num2str(Nj) ', ' num2str(Nk)]);
- fprintf(fid, '<H2>Timeseries summary</H2>');
- fprintf(fid, '\n<TABLE><TR><TD><img src="timeseries_summary.png" alt="no picture" width=700 height=600></TD></TR></TABLE>' );
- fprintf(fid, '<H2>QC Metrics</H2>');
- fprintf(fid, ['\nFD threshold (mm): ' num2str(FD_threshold)]);
- fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR>FD outliers: ' num2str(numel(FD_measures.FD_outliers_ind))]);
- fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR>Total FD: ' num2str(FD_measures.FD_sum)]);
- fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR>Mean FD: ' num2str(FD_measures.FD_mean)]);
- fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR>Mean Zscore: ' num2str(Zstat_mean)]);
- fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR>GCOR: ' num2str(GCOR)]);
- fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR>tSNR (brain): ' num2str(tSNR_brain)]);
- fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR>tSNR (GM): ' num2str(tSNR_GM)]);
- fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR>tSNR (WM): ' num2str(tSNR_WM)]);
- fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR>tSNR (CSF): ' num2str(tSNR_CSF)]);
- fprintf(fid, '<H2>QC brain images</H2>');
- fprintf(fid, '\n<TABLE><TR><TD><img src="mean_epi.png" alt="no picture" width=700 height=600></TD></TR></TABLE>' );
- fprintf(fid, '\n<TABLE><TR><TD><img src="stddev_epi.png" alt="no picture" width=700 height=600></TD></TR></TABLE>' );
- fprintf(fid, '\n<TABLE><TR><TD><img src="tsnr_whole.png" alt="no picture" width=700 height=600></TD></TR></TABLE>' );
- fprintf(fid, '\n<TABLE><TR><TD><img src="tsnr_brain.png" alt="no picture" width=700 height=600></TD></TR></TABLE>' );
- fprintf(fid, '\n<TABLE><TR><TD><img src="mask_contour.png" alt="no picture" width=700 height=700></TD></TR></TABLE>' );
- fclose(fid);