spm_add.m 1.1 KB

  1. function varargout = spm_add(varargin)
  2. % add a series of images - a compiled routine
  3. % FORMAT s = spm_add(VI,VO)
  4. % VI - Vector of mapped volumes (from spm_map or spm_vol).
  5. % VO - Description of output volume that gets passed to
  6. % spm_write_plane.m
  7. % flags - Flags can be:
  8. % 'm' - masks the mean to zero or NaN wherever
  9. % a zero occurs in the input images.
  10. % s - Scalefactor for output image.
  11. %_______________________________________________________________________
  12. %
  13. % spm_add computes a sum of a set of image volumes to produce an
  14. % integral image that is written to a named file (VI.fname).
  15. %
  16. % A mean can be effected by modifying the scalefactors (and offsets) of
  17. % VI (see spm_mean_ui for an example). A weighted sum can be effected by
  18. % using different weightings for image scalefactors.
  19. %_______________________________________________________________________
  20. % Copyright (C) 1999-2011 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
  21. % John Ashburner
  22. % $Id: spm_add.m 4417 2011-08-02 13:38:19Z guillaume $
  23. %-This is merely the help file for the compiled routine
  24. error('spm_add.c not compiled - see Makefile')