release_notes.m 5.4 KB

  1. %% Version 2017-15-01: Major update
  2. % *New network models*
  3. %
  4. % * generate_fc.m: Generation of synthetic functional connectivity matrices
  5. % based on structural network measures.
  6. % * predict_fc.m: Prediction of functional connectivity matrices from
  7. % structural connectivity matrices.
  8. % * mleme_constraint_model.m: Unbiased sampling of networks with soft
  9. % module and hub constraints (maximum-likelihood estimation of maximum
  10. % entropy networks).
  11. %
  12. % *New measures and demos*
  13. %
  14. % * clique_communities.m: Overlapping community structure via the clique
  15. % percolation method.
  16. % * rentian_scaling_2d.m and rentian_scaling_3d.m: Updated rentian scaling
  17. % functions to replace rentian_scaling.m.
  18. % * diffusion_efficiency.m: Global mean and pair-wise effiency based on
  19. % a diffusion process.
  20. % * distance_wei_floyd.m: All pairs shortest paths via the Floyd-Warshall
  21. % algorithm.
  22. % * mean_first_passage_time.m: Mean first passage time.
  23. % * path_transitivity.m: Transitivity based on shortest paths.
  24. % * resource_efficiency_bin.m: Resource efficiency and shortest path
  25. % probability.
  26. % * rout_efficiency.m: Mean, pair-wise and local routing efficiency.
  27. % * retrieve_shortest_path.m: Retrieval of shortest path between source and
  28. % target nodes.
  29. % * search_information.m: Search information based on shortest paths.
  30. % * demo_efficiency_measures.m: Demonstration of efficiency measures.
  31. %
  32. % *Removed functions*
  33. %
  34. % * rentian_scaling.m: Replaced with rentian_scaling_2d.m and
  35. % rentian_scaling_3d.m.
  36. %
  37. % *Bug fixes and/or code improvements and/or documentation improvements*
  38. %
  39. % * efficiency_wei.m: Included a modified weighted variant of the local
  40. % efficiency.
  41. % * partition_distance.m: Generalized computation of distances to input
  42. % partition matrices.
  43. % * clustering_coef_wu_sign.m: Fixed computation of the denominator in the
  44. % Constantini and Perugini versions of the weighted clustering
  45. % coefficient.
  46. % * modularity_dir.m and modularity_und.m: Updated documentation and
  47. % simplified code to clarify that these are deterministic algorithms.
  48. % * weight_conversion.m: Corrected bug in weight autofix.
  49. %
  50. % *Cosmetic and MATLAB code analyzer (mlint) improvements to many other functions*
  51. %
  52. %% Version 2016-16-01: Major update
  53. % *New network models*
  54. %
  55. % * generative_model.m: Implements more than 10 generative network models.
  56. % * evaluate_generative_model.m: Implements and evaluates the accuracy of
  57. % more than 10 generative network models.
  58. % * demo_generative_models_geometric.m and
  59. % demo_generative_models_neighbors.m: Demonstrate the capabilities of the
  60. % new generative model functions.
  61. %
  62. % *New network measures*
  63. %
  64. % * clustering_coef_wu_sign.m: Multiple generalizations of the clustering
  65. % coefficient for networks with positive and negative weights.
  66. % * core_periphery_dir.m: Optimal core structure and core-ness statistic.
  67. % * gateway_coef_sign.m: Gateway coefficient (a variant of the
  68. % participation coefficient) for networks with positive and negative
  69. % weights.
  70. % * local_assortativity_sign.m: Local (nodal) assortativity for networks
  71. % with positive and negative weights.
  72. % * randmio_dir_signed.m: Random directed graph with preserved signed in-
  73. % and out- degree distribution.
  74. %
  75. % *Removed network measures*
  76. %
  77. % * modularity_louvain_und_sign.m, modularity_finetune_und_sign.m: This
  78. % functionality is now provided by community_louvain.m.
  79. % * modularity_probtune_und_sign.m: Similar functionality is provided by
  80. % consensus_und.m
  81. %
  82. % *Bug fixes and/or code improvements and/or documentation improvements*
  83. %
  84. % * charpath.m: Changed default behavior, such that infinitely long paths
  85. % (i.e. paths between disconnected nodes) are now included in computations
  86. % by default, but may be excluded manually.
  87. % * community_louvain.m: Included generalization for negative weights,
  88. % enforced binary network input for Potts-model Hamiltonian, streamlined
  89. % code.
  90. % * eigenvector_centrality_und.m: Ensured the use of leading eigenvector
  91. % for computations of eigenvector centrality.
  92. % * modularity_und.m, modularity_dir.m: Enforced single node moves during
  93. % fine-tuning step.
  94. % * null_model_und_sign.m and null_model_dir_sign.m: Fixed preservation
  95. % of negative degrees in sparse networks with negative weights.
  96. % * randmio_und_signed.m: Now allows unbiased exploration of all network
  97. % configurations.
  98. % * transitivity_bd.m, transitivity_wu.m, transitivity_wd.m: removed tests
  99. % for absence of nodewise 3-cycles. Expanded documentation.
  100. % * clustering_coef_wu.m, clustering_coef_wd.m: Expanded documentation.
  101. % * motif3-m and motif4-m functions: Expanded documentation.
  102. % * rich_club_wu.m, rich_club_wd.m. Expanded documentation.
  103. %
  104. % *Cosmetic and MATLAB code analyzer (mlint) improvements to many other functions*
  105. %
  106. %% Version 2015-25-01: Major update
  107. % Includes two new community-detection scripts and multiple improvements
  108. %
  109. % * New community detection scripts: 1. community_louvain.m (supersedes
  110. % modularity_louvain.m and modularity_finetune.m scripts); 2.
  111. % link_communities.m.
  112. % * added autofix flag to weight_conversion.m for fixing common weight
  113. % problems.
  114. % * other function improvements: participation_coef.m, charpath.m,
  115. % reorder_mod.m.
  116. % * bug fixes: modularity_finetune_und_sign.m,
  117. % modularity_probtune_und_sign.m, threshold_proportional.m
  118. % * changed help files: assortativity_wei.m, distance_wei.m
  119. %
  120. %
  121. %% Version 2014-04-05: Minor update
  122. %
  123. % * consensus_und.m is now a self-contained function
  124. % * headers in charpath.m and in threshold_proportional.m have been corrected