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  1. authors:
  2. -
  3. firstname: Andrea
  4. lastname: Pozo-Rodrigálvarez
  5. affiliation: 'Laboratory of Regenerative Neuroimmunology, Dept. of Clinical Neuroscience, Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden'
  6. id: 'ORCID:0000-0001-7005-3034'
  7. -
  8. firstname: Roosa
  9. lastname: Ollaranta
  10. -
  11. firstname: Jenny
  12. lastname: Skoog
  13. -
  14. firstname: Milos
  15. lastname: Pekny
  16. -
  17. firstname: Marcela
  18. lastname: Pekna
  19. affiliation: 'Laboratory of Regenerative Neuroimmunology, Dept. of Clinical Neuroscience, Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden'
  20. id: 'ORCID:0000-0003-2734-8237'
  21. title: 'Hyperactive behavior and altered brain morphology in adult complement C3a receptor deficient mice'
  22. description: 'This is the dataset for the manuscript: Hyperactive behavior and altered brain morphology in adult complement C3a receptor deficient mice'
  23. keywords:
  24. - C3aR
  25. - neurodevelopment
  26. - 'attention deficit hyperactivity disorder'
  27. license:
  28. name: 'Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication'
  29. url: ''
  30. funding:
  31. - 'SRC, SRC.2017-00991'
  32. references:
  33. - Hyperactive behavior and altered brain morphology in adult complement C3a receptor deficient mice.(2021). A. Pozo-Rodrigálvarez, R. Ollaranta, J. Skoog, M. Pekny, M. Pekna
  34. resourcetype: Dataset
  35. templateversion: 1.2