Data for "Neuronal population representation of human emotional memory"

Dustin Fetterhoff 1655728335 Update '' пре 7 месеци
enc 7460f6228e gin commit from DESKTOP-6C0BJ0C пре 7 месеци
images 23112b5162 gin commit from DESKTOP-6C0BJ0C пре 7 месеци
rec dcf14dbb28 gin commit from DESKTOP-6C0BJ0C пре 7 месеци
LICENSE 321e195216 Initial commit пре 7 месеци 1655728335 Update '' пре 7 месеци
Table_S1_number_of_response_types.csv f190e4565f gin commit from DESKTOP-6C0BJ0C пре 7 месеци
Table_S2_behavioral_performance.csv f190e4565f gin commit from DESKTOP-6C0BJ0C пре 7 месеци
datacite.yml 1986bc691a Update 'datacite.yml' пре 7 месеци


Data for "Neuronal population representation of human emotional memory"

Neuronal spike trains were obtained using Combinato and the outputs of this algorithm are provided for the 5 subjects in the publication. After downloading the dataset, all results and figures can be reproduced using the code located in the GitHub repository. Basic details about the files are given below and further described by comments in the code.

Description of dataset and its organization

The folders enc=encoding and rec=recognition contain data for the respective memory tasks that were performed 24 hours apart.


For each subject, there are folders called uXXX# where u stands for microwire, XXX signifies the brain region and # ranges from 1-8 for the microwire identity. The brain regions are defined as follows:

  • (Anterior) Hippocampus = "u" + ("HR"|"HL"|"AHR"|"AHL");
  • (Posterior) Hippocampus = "u" + ("PHR"|"PHL");
  • Amygdala = "u" + ("AR"|"AL");
  • Entorhinal Cortex = "u" + ("ECR"|"ECL");
  • Pararhinal cortex = "uPCL" (Only located in Patient1, not used)

Inside each folder, there are spike sorting results for both negative and positive spikes saved in Combinato format (for more details see their GitHub). Additionally, spike waveforms and spike times were saved in a mat file called py_spikes_posneg_uXXX#.mat for each microwire with detected waveforms. These files are required for the corresponding code.


The file 'all_images.txt' contains the image identities used in all sessions. The 229 images from the IAPS dataset are owned by the Center for the Study of Emotion and Attention and can only be obtained from them directly, and therefore, we only share the image identies. The additional 11 (neutral) images used in our study are provided in the 'images' folder. Additional files to understand the trial types are located inside the behavioral folder Enc for encoding and Rec for recogntion e.g., emotional_memory_neuronal_data\rec\Patient1\Rec and described below:

  • _ft_trialPatientID.mat contains the trial times in MATLAB (FieldTrip) format.
  • log.res contains 3 columns corresponding to response (Remember, Know, Forgot or No Response), Reaction time (in milliseconds), and Sample number.
  • _IAPSrec.mat file contains indicies (to index all_images.txt) for the image identity of each trial.
  • onsets.mat files contain the trial number for each trial types (e.g., eR: emotional remembered, nMiss: neutral missed, etc.).
Title Emotional Memory Neuronal Data
Authors Fetterhoff,Dustin;Universidad Politécnica de Madrid;ORCID:0000-0003-3462-7832
Costa,Manuela;Universidad Politécnica de Madrid;ORCID:0000-0001-6251-7900
Hellerstedt,Robin;Universidad Politécnica de Madrid;ORCID:0000-0002-6433-4734
Johannessen,Rebecca;Swiss Epilepsy Center
Imbach,Lukas;Swiss Epilepsy Center;ORCID:0000-0002-6135-8642
Sarnthein,Johannes;University Hospital Zurich;ORCID:0000-0001-9141-381X
Strange,Bryan;Universidad Politécnica de Madrid;ORCID:0000-0001-6476-4091
Description Neuronal and behavioral data used in the publication Neuronal population representation of human emotional memory.
License Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication (
References Citation1 [] (IsSupplementTo)
Citation2 [arxiv:mmmm.nnnn] (IsSupplementTo)
Citation3 [pmid:nnnnnnnn] (IsReferencedBy)
Funding ERC, ERC-2018-COG 819814
SNSF, 204651
Swiss Epilepsy Foundation
Keywords Neuroscience
Entorhinal Cortex
Resource Type Dataset