123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235 |
- '''
- Convert to NWB
- Run this script to convert derived data generated by the Brain-wide
- infra-slow dynamics study at UoL to the Neurodata Without Borders (NWB)
- file format.
- The script works by loading general, animal, and recording session
- metadata from nwbParams, nwbAnimalParams, nwbSessionParams, respectively.
- It then locates the derived data MAT files for each animal and converts
- them into derived data NWB files dividing the data per recording session.
- The derived data include spiking, waveform, pupil area size fluctuation,
- and total facial movement data.
- The conversion pipeline depends on the specific structure of derived data
- MAT files used in this study. The way the pipeline is organised is
- dictated by the fact that the conversion procedure was adopted late in
- the study. Ideally NWB file format should be adopted early in the study.
- You can use this pipeline to get an idea of how to convert your own
- ecephys data to the NWB file format to store spiking and behavioural
- data combined with some metadata.
- '''
- from datetime import datetime
- from dateutil.tz import tzlocal
- import numpy as np
- from pynwb import NWBFile, NWBHDF5IO, TimeSeries
- from pynwb.behavior import PupilTracking, BehavioralTimeSeries
- from pynwb.core import DynamicTable
- from pynwb.ecephys import ElectricalSeries, LFP
- from pynwb.file import Subject
- from localFunctions import createElectrodeTable, array2list, getSpikes, reshapeWaveforms, concatenateMat, parsePeriod, markQualitySamples
- # Load general NWB parameters
- exec(open("nwbParams.py").read())
- # Load animal-specific parameters
- exec(open("nwbAnimalParams.py").read())
- # Load session-specific parameters
- exec(open("nwbSessionParams.py").read())
- # Generate NWB files for every recording session
- if not os.path.isdir(animalDerivedDataFolderNWB):
- os.makedirs(animalDerivedDataFolderNWB, exist_ok=True) # Folder to store animal's converted NWB data
- derivedData = animalDerivedDataFile
- for iSess in range(len(sessionID)):
- # Assign NWB file fields
- nwb = NWBFile(
- session_description = sessionDescription[iSess],
- identifier = animalID + '_' + sessionID[iSess],
- session_start_time = sessionStartTime[iSess],
- experimenter = experimenter, # optional
- session_id = sessionID[iSess], # optional
- institution = institution, # optional
- related_publications = publications, # optional
- notes = sessionNotes[iSess], # optional
- lab = lab) # optional
- # Create subject object
- nwb.subject = Subject(
- subject_id = animalID,
- age = age,
- description = description,
- species = species,
- sex = sex)
- # Create electrode tables: Info about each recording channel
- input = {
- "iElectrode": 0,
- "electrodeDescription": electrodeDescription[iSess],
- "electrodeManufacturer": electrodeManufacturer[iSess],
- "nShanks": nShanks[iSess],
- "nChannelsPerShank": nChannelsPerShank[iSess],
- "electrodeLocation": electrodeLocation[iSess],
- "electrodeCoordinates": electrodeCoordinates[iSess],
- "sessionID": sessionID[iSess],
- "electrodeLabel": electrodeLabel[iSess]}
- if probeInserted[iSess][input["iElectrode"]] and endCh[iSess][input["iElectrode"]].any():
- (tbl1, columnLabels, columnDescription) = createElectrodeTable(nwb, input)
- else:
- tbl1 = []; columnLabels = []; columnDescription = []
- input["iElectrode"] = 1
- if probeInserted[iSess][input["iElectrode"]] and endCh[iSess][input["iElectrode"]].any():
- (tbl2, columnLabels, columnDescription) = createElectrodeTable(nwb, input)
- else:
- tbl2 = []
- if not len(columnLabels):
- columnLabels = []; columnDescription = []
- if len(tbl1) and len(tbl2):
- tbl = array2list(np.append(tbl1, tbl2, axis=0), columnLabels, columnDescription)
- elif len(tbl1) and not len(tbl2):
- tbl = array2list(tbl1, columnLabels, columnDescription)
- elif not len(tbl1) and len(tbl2):
- tbl = array2list(tbl2, columnLabels, columnDescription)
- else:
- tbl = []
- if len(tbl):
- for iColumn in range(len(columnLabels)):
- if columnLabels[iColumn] is not 'location' and columnLabels[iColumn] is not 'group':
- nwb.add_electrode_column(name=columnLabels[iColumn], description=columnDescription[iColumn])
- for iElec in range(len(tbl[0].data)):
- nwb.add_electrode(
- channel_id=tbl[0].data[iElec],
- channel_local_index=tbl[1].data[iElec],
- x=tbl[2].data[iElec],
- y=tbl[3].data[iElec],
- z=float(tbl[4].data[iElec]),
- imp=tbl[5].data[iElec],
- location=tbl[6].data[iElec],
- filtering=tbl[7].data[iElec],
- group=tbl[8].data[iElec],
- channel_label=tbl[9].data[iElec],
- probe_label=tbl[10].data[iElec]
- )
- nwb.electrodes.to_dataframe()
- # Load spike times from the MAT file
- (spikes, metadata, derivedData, columnLabels, columnDescription) = getSpikes(derivedData, animalID, sessionID[iSess], tbl)
- # Load and reshape unit waveforms
- if probeInserted[iSess][0] and len(spikes) and endCh[iSess][0].any():
- waveformsFile1 = os.path.join(electrodeFolder[iSess][0], 'waveforms.mat')
- if os.path.isfile(waveformsFile1):
- waveformsProbe1 = h5py.File(waveformsFile1,'r')
- else:
- waveformsProbe1 = []
- waveformMeans1 = reshapeWaveforms(waveformsProbe1, 1, metadata)
- else:
- waveformMeans1 = []
- if probeInserted[iSess][1] and len(spikes) and endCh[iSess][1].any():
- waveformsFile2 = os.path.join(electrodeFolder[iSess][1], 'waveforms.mat')
- if os.path.isfile(waveformsFile2):
- waveformsProbe2 = h5py.File(waveformsFile2,'r')
- else:
- waveformsProbe2 = []
- waveformMeans2 = reshapeWaveforms(waveformsProbe2, 2, metadata)
- else:
- waveformMeans2 = []
- waveformMeans = np.squeeze(np.array(waveformMeans1 + waveformMeans2))
- # Store spiking and waveform data inside the nwb object
- if len(spikes):
- for iColumn in range(len(columnLabels)-1):
- nwb.add_unit_column(name=columnLabels[iColumn], description=columnDescription[iColumn])
- for iUnit in range(len(spikes)):
- nwb.add_unit(
- cluster_id=metadata[iUnit,0],
- local_cluster_id=metadata[iUnit,1],
- type=metadata[iUnit,2],
- peak_channel_index=metadata[iUnit,3],
- peak_channel_id=metadata[iUnit,4],
- local_peak_channel_id=metadata[iUnit,5],
- rel_horz_pos=metadata[iUnit,6],
- rel_vert_pos=metadata[iUnit,7],
- isi_violations=metadata[iUnit,8],
- isolation_distance=metadata[iUnit,9],
- area=metadata[iUnit,10],
- probe_id=metadata[iUnit,11],
- electrode_group=metadata[iUnit,12],
- spike_times=spikes[iUnit],
- waveform_mean=waveformMeans[iUnit]
- )
- # Add behavioural data: Pupil area size
- acceptablePeriod = np.array(derivedData.get('dataStruct/eyeData/' + animalID + '_s' + sessionID[iSess] + '/period')).transpose() # Acceptable quality range in seconds
- acceptablePeriod = parsePeriod(acceptablePeriod, derivedData)
- videoFrameTimes = np.array(derivedData.get('dataStruct/eyeData/' + animalID + '_s' + sessionID[iSess] + '/frameTimes')).transpose() # seconds
- pupilAreaSize = np.array(derivedData.get('dataStruct/eyeData/' + animalID + '_s' + sessionID[iSess] + '/pupilArea')).transpose() # pixels^2
- if len(pupilAreaSize.shape) and not (len(pupilAreaSize) == 2 and not pupilAreaSize[0] and not pupilAreaSize[1]):
- acceptableSamples = markQualitySamples(acceptablePeriod, videoFrameTimes)
- pupilAreaSize = TimeSeries(
- name='TimeSeries',
- data=pupilAreaSize.squeeze(),
- timestamps=videoFrameTimes.squeeze(),
- unit='pixels^2',
- control=acceptableSamples.squeeze(),
- control_description='low quality samples that should be excluded from analyses; acceptable quality samples',
- description='Pupil area size over the recording session measured in pixels^2. ' +
- 'Acceptable quality period starting and ending times are given by data_continuity parameter. ' +
- 'The full data range can be divided into multiple acceptable periods.'
- )
- behaviour_module = nwb.create_processing_module(name="behavior", description="contains behavioral data")
- pupilTracking = PupilTracking(pupilAreaSize)
- behaviour_module.add(pupilTracking)
- # Add behavioural data: Total movement of the facial area
- acceptablePeriod = np.array(derivedData.get('dataStruct/motionData/' + animalID + '_s' + sessionID[iSess] + '/period')).transpose() # Acceptable quality range in seconds
- acceptablePeriod = parsePeriod(acceptablePeriod, derivedData)
- videoFrameTimes = np.array(derivedData.get('dataStruct/motionData/' + animalID + '_s' + sessionID[iSess] + '/frameTimes')).transpose() # seconds
- totalFaceMovement = np.array(derivedData.get('dataStruct/motionData/' + animalID + '_s' + sessionID[iSess] + '/sa')).transpose() # z-scored change in the frame pixels' content with respect to the previous frame
- if len(totalFaceMovement.shape) and not (len(totalFaceMovement) == 2 and not totalFaceMovement[0] and not totalFaceMovement[1]):
- acceptableSamples = markQualitySamples(acceptablePeriod, videoFrameTimes)
- totalFaceMovement = TimeSeries(
- name='TimeSeries',
- data=totalFaceMovement.squeeze(),
- timestamps=videoFrameTimes.squeeze(),
- unit='a.u.',
- control=acceptableSamples.squeeze(),
- control_description='low quality samples that should be excluded from analyses; acceptable quality samples',
- description='Z-scored change in the frame pixels'' content with respect to the previous frame. ' +
- 'It measures the total movement of objects inside the video.'
- )
- if not ('behaviour_module' in locals() or 'behaviour_module' in globals()):
- behaviour_module = nwb.create_processing_module(name="behavior", description="contains behavioral data")
- behavioralTimeSeries = BehavioralTimeSeries(totalFaceMovement)
- behaviour_module.add(behavioralTimeSeries)
- else:
- acceptablePeriod = []; videoFrameTimes = []; pupilAreaSize = []; totalFaceMovement = [];
- # Save the NWB file for the session
- if iSess < 9:
- nwbFilename = os.path.join(animalDerivedDataFolderNWB, 'ecephys_session_0' + str(iSess+1) + '.nwb')
- else:
- nwbFilename = os.path.join(animalDerivedDataFolderNWB, 'ecephys_session_' + str(iSess+1) + '.nwb')
- with NWBHDF5IO(nwbFilename, "w") as io:
- io.write(nwb)
- # Delete variables as a precaution
- try:
- del behaviour_module, acceptableSamples
- except:
- print('behaviour_module does not exist')
- del nwb, input, tbl, spikes, metadata, columnLabels, columnDescription, waveformMeans
- del acceptablePeriod, videoFrameTimes, pupilAreaSize, totalFaceMovement