nwbAnimalParams.m 1.4 KB

  1. % NWB parameters for an animal
  2. % Parameters that are likely to change:
  3. % animalID
  4. % dob
  5. % firstProcedureDate
  6. % sex
  7. % weight
  8. % description
  9. animalID = 'M200324_MD';
  10. dob = '20200206'; % yyyymmdd
  11. dob = datetime(str2double(dob(1:4)), str2double(dob(5:6)), str2double(dob(7:8))); % Convert to datetime format
  12. firstProcedureDate = '20200324'; % yyyymmdd
  13. firstProcedureDate = datetime(str2double(firstProcedureDate(1:4)), str2double(firstProcedureDate(5:6)), str2double(firstProcedureDate(7:8)));
  14. ageInDays = floor(etime(datevec(firstProcedureDate),datevec(dob))/(3600*24));
  15. age = ['P' num2str(ageInDays) 'D']; % Convert to ISO8601 format: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations
  16. strain = 'C57BL/6J';
  17. sex = 'M';
  18. species = 'Mus musculus';
  19. weight = [];
  20. description = '025'; % Animal testing order.
  21. animalRawDataFolder = [rawDataFolder filesep animalID]; % Raw and certain derived data for the animal. Probe map and unit waveforms files are stored here.
  22. animalDerivedDataFile = [derivedDataFolder filesep animalID filesep animalID '.mat']; % Spiking, behavioural, and certain analysis data produced after running analyses routines on the Neuroscience Gateway Portal are stored here in a single mat file.
  23. animalDerivedDataFolderNWB = [derivedDataFolderNWB filesep animalID]; % The output folder: The location where derived data after converting to the NWB format is stored.